Friday, April 23, 2004

Holy fuck, so lemme tell you what happened last night after I posted that stuff! So I thought my pukin was over with but I was so so wrong. I threw up some more after that and then I saw it was red. I'm like, um wait...that's not right...yeah that can't be good. I'm not usually a worrier but this was blood that was comin out and that was pretty much cause for freakin. But no one was home. I called my mom at work to ask what I should do but she was on break or somethin. I left a msg with the guy to call home asap but I said it was fine when he asked if everythin was alright cuz I didn't wanna be spazzin about nuthin. I couldn't call my dad cuz he was out with my bro...and my mom took my cell but it's never on and she doesn't know how to work the voice mail :P

Since me and G were supposed to go watch the game, I told her I didn't think I could come out cuz I wasn't feel good. This was before the blood. I was gonna call her back and cry for her to drive me to the doc's, haha. So I didn't know what to do. I didn't think it was THAT serious but I just wanted to be sure, you know? It felt like someone punched me in the throat. I couldn't swallow and it was hard to talk. I had to wait like an hr and a half til my dad got home so I was there watchin the game on TV (got my plans to go out ruined AGAIN! Grrrr, fate!). Friggin Leafs had to LOSE on top of it all :P But I didn't even care, I was like fuuuuuck...paaaaaain...where's dad?? And I couldn't eat anythin cuz I wasn't sure if it was a good idea and I had to miss a dose of my antiobiotics cuz no way I could get a pill down. I was like, why isn't my mommy callin me baaaack?? Haha. Turns out the ass on the phone didn't even get the msg to her.

By the time my dad got home, it was too late to see a doc so we went to the hospital. OMG we were waitin for like an hr and a half before I got in. That night just so happened to be busy as hell. Then more waitin when I got a bed. The nurse was like, at least you're pinker in the face now. I'm like, oh really. He's like, yeah cuz you looked pale when you came in. Haha, I probably looked like shit.

Damn, I had to do the whole gown thing and everythin. I wished I had shaved my legs, hahaha. I thought it was gonna be a quick once-over. The nurse did her biz and then I waited forever for the doc to get to me. I was this close to sayin screw it...I guess it's not that bad, I'll just go home now. But they were all really nice so it's not like I'd bitch about it. I heard a lot of stuff from the beds next to me and across the room but I won't get into that, haha.

So it wasn't anythin serious cuz I didn't have any symptoms still and no stomach pains, etc. I asked if there was anythin for the pain in my throat and he said he'd give me Tylenol-Codeine and some other stuff. I'm like, sweeeet. This all took 4 HRS! Til 3 am! I hadn't eaten anythin since 6 and even then all I had all day was soup, OJ, tea, and a bit of rice. I saw it all come up, haha...ewwww! Stupid lil bits of rice that got stuck in my throat...fuckers.

We got home and figured we woulda been back before my mom got off work at like 2 but we weren't so.. She thought since the car was gone, I was out fuckin around still but she realized my dad was gone too, haha. Then whoever was still up told her we were at the hospital but didn't know what for...and this was hrs ago. See what happens when she takes the cell, haha. Ahhh...too much drama.

SO...I'm feelin better now. Figures my cold shit cleared up yesterday and this happened! Someone out there does NOT like me, yo. Maybe tonight I'll get to go out? I think everytime I say it, it gets jinxed.


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