Saturday, April 17, 2004

BELFOUR!! Haha...woooo Leafs! Shutout again, 2-0. Good game...and me and L actually watched it beginning to end while at the same place. That's right, we spent over 3 hrs at BP. Since we're not beer drinkers and I was drivin, we couldn't exactly order a pitcher and keep 'em comin so we had to eat the entire time, haha. Nah, we actually were hungry so it was all good. OMG I was such the piggo today! Had nachos, a Rolo ice cream Colossal thing (that's ice cream 3 days in a row! :P), soup, and wings...and about 4 glasses of water, haha. We got 3 diff kinds of wings: mild, honey garlic, and smoky bbq...all the ones that were not spicy in any way. That was a big lie cuz they were all friggin HOT!! I'm like, no we'll soldier on, we can do this! So we were troopers and finished them. After gettin teary-eyed and breathin fire, I actually felt a bit better cuz it cleared up my nose, haha. Anyway, we kept that waitress busy :P

Rented Kill Bill cuz L hadn't seen it, then we went to Q's...where I proceeded to lose twice in a row for sinkin the 8 ball. L was esp proud of this even tho her winnin had absolutely nuthin to do with her own skills. Mmmmm...smellin like smoke AND...that burnt coffee shop smell, cuz we hit Timmy's after that. Another Ice Cap to add to today's healthy diet.

L spotted...I'd say the name she calls her but ya never know who might read this...let's just say 3S...and she's like, crap! Cuz she always seems to run into her at 1 Timmy's or another and they hadn't in a while til tonight, haha. So 3S and her fiance or whoever didn't see L or recognize me and they ended up sittin right behind L. Her fiance's a big boy to put it mildly and he totally eclipsed her so she couldn't see L but if she just leaned to the left in my direction, she would've. So the whole time, L's tryin to make herself inconspicuous and I'm pretendin to attract attention and she's callin me a bitch and a whore, haha. L somehow managed to slip past her cuz she had to walk right past to the door and dashed while her head was turned. Laaaaaame.

I'm doin the Leafs win dance :) Oh yeah, I was drivin L home and some dude on a motorcycle was makin a U-ie or somethin and almost wrecked out. It was kinda freaky for a sec but then it was funny cuz I'm sure he was thinkin he was some cool shit on a bike that he couldn't control :P I really don't wanna pour gas in the car...even tho I've been takin it out all this week, haha. I'll get my dad to fill it up ;) He loves gas stations!


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