Saturday, September 18, 2004

Hahaha...this is a blog from 1 of the peeps at Muchmusic.

KELLY [team digital] Fri. Sep. 10 @ 5:02:20 pm

Dear person who found my wallet at the movie theatre on Monday and didn't turn it in so I could get it back: I hope you are enjoying looking at my really bad Health Card photo, which was taken after an all-night bus trip to Ottawa. It was the lighting - I don't really look like Bea Arthur in person, I swear. Howsabout that old Ryerson student ID card, where the pic shows how I couldn't possibly be happier to have finally moved away from home? And did those photo booth pics of my friend Lana and I flipping the bird make you chuckle? Probably not as hard as my recent bank machine receipts - yeah, pretty crazy how far into the negatives those bank people will let you go! Ahhh ha ha ha! Well good, you deserve a good laugh. You've had a hard day of picking up things that don't belong to you and carrying that shit around - you must be all worn out. Why don't you sit back, relax and get yourself a free sub? It took me a couple of months to save up those stamps - I recommend adding honey mustard to whatever you get. Don't worry, they've got you covered if you're on that Atkins diet junk. When you're done, why dontcha wash it all down with a big ole coffee courtesy of the pre-paid coffee card my friend Jenn gave me? Actually I think I had ten bucks left on that thing - go for the frappucino with extra whipped cream. Oh, but please don't call the phone number written on the piece of paper in the change pocked. I know it says "Call me - Jay" but I really wasn't sure that I was going to go through with it - I hear that dude's a player. As for the VISA card - nice try sucka, but I cancelled that about 10 seconds after the wallet went missing...not that you could've charged anything on a maxed out card anyway. Maybe you could put the 40 bux I had in there towards something nice for yourself. When you have a moment, maybe try and think of what kind of person I am, based on the contents of my wallet. Make up little stories of how I spend my weekends or try to guess what my favourite band might be. I know I'll be thinking of what kind of person you are when I'm standing in line at the drivers license office next week for 7 hours, trying replacing my card.

I'm sittin here eatin a bowl of cereal so I thought I'd post. Yes I'm eatin cereal at 1 am...after eatin nachos at the bar, haha. Tonight was interesting conversation once again. I think the phrase we use the most is "Gina, you make me laugh!" Not so much in the 'she's got a great sense of humour' way but more like 'that was so appalling and retarded that it's hilarious', haha.

Me and L also talked about how our friendship with Kare and Tash fell off. No idea what happened. And with no closure. Weird. But like I said, ppl change and shit happens. Kinda makes me sad tho. Well not SAD sad like I'm all down about it but...yeah, like I wish things were different. Meh! Moving on with life.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

I'm seein that Yellowcard is supposed to be doin a show here but it's not on Ticketmaster. Hmmmm. Like to screw me, do ya? Haha.

I can't believe Canadian Idol's almost done. I want Theresa to win and I wanted to vote after the show but we went out, haha.

So last night was interesting. Very Sex in the City :P Tho I won't pretend like other females who are like, oh I'm so Carrie of the group. I don't even watch the show. I'd like to tho, I keep missin the episodes.

I cleaned my shoes, haha. Now I don't think I have any other errands to do. I wanna go out tonight cuz it's a rare Thurs off but there's too many things on TV! I'm lame, haha.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Well I passed out at 1 am last night and yet still woke up at like noon...that's 12 hrs of sleep, wtf. See, why try? Might as well keep goin to bed at 3 :P

I'm sweatin like crazy cuz it's hottttt in hurrrr and I just vacuumed the entire friggin house. Since I'm already gross, I think I'm gonna lay out in the backyard.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Baaaaaaam! Canada won, baby! Me and L went to BP to eat and I thought I saw Travis go out the door. And then L spotted some other guys who went to hs with us. Holy crap, they were ALL there in the bar area. Turns out they were the freaks yellin their lungs out at the game. I'm like, I'm gonna go over and tell them to SHUT UP, BITCHES!...Oh it's OK, we know them LOL

We went to G's to watch the rest of the game and shit. Played with Sarah's camera phone...took pictures of Heather's sexy ass. Sarah felt like playin hair stylist and put curly waves in my hair. They said I'd look prom-y if it wasn't for my 'Bluenotes outfit', haha.

I'm tired but goin to bed before 12 seems wrong. I got up before I wanted to cuz I had to go with my grandma to the doctor's today. I went to bed at 1:30 a couple days ago and what's bad is that I consider that early :P

It looks like I'll be doin the last min check for tix when the concert rolls around, cuz I'm not findin any I like! We actually got a hold of floors but Meen pointed out that since it was general admission, it'd basically be a mosh pit of kids and that doesn't sound too enticing. I'd like to be close but not stomped on and elbowed in the 6 foot tall 14 yr olds, haha!

There's Yorkfest today but I don't think I've ever gone to one in all these yrs, cuz I had class...or I just didn't want to :P Not too into whatever bands they have. Matt Good's there this time but meh. Besides, the World Cup final is tonight. Gooooo Canada! I think we'll hit a bar to watch it.

There's no class for this week so I have Thurs off :) Free days already, I like.

Monday, September 13, 2004

So I'm sittin here eatin KD after takin a shower before headin to G's to help Sarah with her hw and possibly goin to the movies with Shy of all ppl.

I know you're dyin to hear about my weekend, I know you are. So Sat I got up at 10 am after 4 hrs sleep, woke up a comatose Meen, etc etc, let's not get into long and boring ticket wrangling details...played basketball with L (I'm so rusty, it's not funny), chilled in the park, had McD's and gained all those calories back. Sat night Meen had a bbq get-together thing at her house. That was so much fun. Her bro and cousins and The Man's parents (coolest ppl ever) and Reema were there. I love her, she's awesome. You just hang around her and like, your soul feels healthier, know? She's quite possibly the funniest person on earth. We watched the hockey game (booyah, baby), ate, chilled on the deck, played cards, learned to belly-dance haha. That was some crazy shit. Got home 3ish. Good times.

Yesterday me, L, and G just went to dinner where I eat backwards by havin dessert first :P

And today I tanned in the backyard, got a classic random phone call from Shy. More about that later.

Now I gotta find my telephone-sized art book for Sarah and go over...and find some effin Av tix!