Saturday, May 21, 2005

Welcome to the May 24 weekend :) Just got home from L's.

Figures that this yr the weather was nice instead of when we went to Wasaga and it was 'Wetsaga'. Ah well. Yesterday was the jump-off and it started with me checkin my final marks. I was nervous, I didn't want to see them in case they'd ruin my mood for the weekend, haha. Didn't matter tho cuz I ended up with 2 A's and a B!! Bladow!! Surprising...this was my best semester yet. So not only am I clear to graduate, I've got a cumulative GPA of about a B.

Then off to the liquor store! Haha. We swung by Pris' to pick up some movies before she left for Montreal the next day. Everybody's goin to Montreal this weekend...Pris, my cousin, L's brother, the guy I met at Inside who's on my MSN. L ended up buyin a couple DVDs from Rogers too. Al stopped by, left to meet up with other friends, then came back in the middle of the night, then left again later. G came after too but she slept over. We drank, ate, watched ALL the movies - Dodgeball, Walking Tall, Garden State, and The Bourne Identity. I'd already seen the last two but they're good enough to watch again. Somethin never to be repeated? Straight vodka shots :P

Angie called from Japan! It was like noon where she was and we just so happened to be all together when she rang up G's cell. I miss her...Angie berry!

Me and L crashed out on the couches and G was on the floor. It's OK, she likes it there. The couch I was on was a loveseat and too short for my 5'4 body so my legs were hangin over the side :P That was an interesting sleep. The hrs from about 2-11 this morning were jokes. We ate breakfast and headed out wearin our PJs, haha. That's hot.

I'll probably take a nap sometime later cuz I never get enough sleep whenever I'm away and not in my own bed. We should be goin out clubbin tonight with Kim and the crew. Look out.

I just realized I haven't eaten lunch yet. Time for foooood.

Friday, May 20, 2005

I like how ppl choose to call me when I'm tryin to sleep and not all those hrs when I'm awake. You poops! I was drowsy so I was plannin to take a nap at 7 but Al, G, Pris, and L business on the phone interrupted me so I just said eff it cuz I had to get up to go out anyway.

We, along with Darien, went to Timothy's (not Timmy's haha, what a change). They had THE slowest service ever. And there were bikers burly older guys with loudass Harleys. Interesting. But we did have fun conversations. It was jokes. Darien probably thinks we're one weird Canadian bunch :P

I got my convocation invitation in the mail. This is goin on the assumption that I will indeed graduate as planned. They're slow with the final marks. I think they'll be up tomorrow. I don't even wanna go to convocation, it's just a boring ceremony of tradition and order that does nothing for me except make me get up at 8:00 on a Sat morning. Blah. But anyway, here's hopin I kept up that C+ average!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Me, G, and L went for a walk yesterday cuz it was finally some good weather. I don't like the heat very much at all but it's nice to go outside and not be shivering. We were supposed to meet up with Pris and Darien for dessert before Al had to go to work, that was the plan. So after we came back from the park, we went to my house to chill before they called. Pris and Darien were just goin to dinner and by the time dessert was gonna happen, it was gonna be late so we met up with Al at Demetre's.

Al was talkin about overnight shifts at her cool job at Rogers lets her set up her stuff, leave and do shit, then come back whenever. So she's like, wanna come with me to work? We're like OK! It's so lax over there. It's overnight so not a lot of ppl are there and she's not bein supervised or whatever and we just walked in cuz it's not tight security and really, nobody cares. She showed us around the building so we were pretty much like a tour group. A couple guys let us see the tv show sets and control boards and all that good production stuff.

So her job, she basically watches movies that they show on satellite cable and does censor-type stuff, like givin them PG or R ratings, etc. This means she also gets porn. You would not believe the titles of these movies. They were hilarious. I've heard some interesting porno titles like ones that play on popular movies but damn. Example..."Whoriental Sex Academy 6" (oh yes, there was a 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5!), "Horny Cougars 2", and I can't remember what the others were. You'd hafta name them word for word to do them justice, haha. There was one called "Ass Juice somethin" and another with somethin about big boobs (surprising). Some were genius, some were straight up nasty, some didn't quite make any sense. Unique job environment, I'll give her that!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Agh, these girl pains are killin me!! I hate this shit! Seems I bitch about this just about every month.

Friggin P calls me the other morning around 8:30-ish but that was the one day that I didn't hafta get up that early so I was like, wtf. Damn that girl sometimes. If I was out drivin that day, I would've still been out at that time anyway so I dunno why she was callin. So no sleepin in for me. I guess it was a good thing tho, cuz I just got the rag right then. Fuck. OMG the cramps this time. They get so bad that I can't even function. I went for an ultrasound a while ago cuz I figured this kinda pain just couldn't be normal but they didn't find anythin and so I suffer on. Meds help but I still hafta wait til they kick in and that can feel like an eternity.

THAT was a rant!

May 24 weekend's comin up. Tho I don't think we're goin anywhere this yr but that's OK as long as we party up home-styles, haha. I guess it's a good thing there was already vodka at Kimmy's party so I didn't have to break open my bottle ;)

I don't think I'll be goin to the Keane concert either. I would've liked to but again, it's a money thing...this month was...eesh :P And it's the weekend of Vick's bday so I'm not sure what's goin on for that but it's probably smarter to keep it open. On another note, COLDPLAY!! They're comin back for a tour in the summer and we're the first stop :D I will be dead before I miss this show. All other fans takin up tickets can move the fuck over cuz I've been into them since the first time I heard "Yellow" and I still haven't even been to one of their concerts.

"If you could see it, then you'd understaaaaaand!"

Hmmm...I don't really remember the weekend all that much either. Chilled with L and P at Timmy's, went to bubble tea, leftover Marca Bavaria (actually decent, best beer I've tasted so far and that's sayin a lot cuz I hate beer), watched Blade 2 on TV so I can finally rent Blade Trinity, went to Milestone's, to the mall (some guy who worked at Walmart was named Jeronimo...awesome), rolled by Meen's house to drop off some pix and talked for a couple hrs. That was good cuz she's always busy with somethin or another. Mo dropped by for a bit too. I offered to get her bedroom organized and finish the painting cuz she doesn't have the time to and I do, haha.

I can't believe I've known her for so long. We go way back, from the 2nd grade. I even remember the first time we met. Well, not even met cuz it wasn't like, hi wanna be my friend? Props to my memory cuz I have no idea how I can think back that far! We sat at desks pushed together in groups of 6 or more and my friend Hannah was sittin across from me. Meen was next to her. Hannah was playin with her chair, like leanin back on 2 legs or somethin cuz she tipped over. I laughed and even Hannah was laughin so she wasn't hurt or anythin. Meen pipes up and is like, don't laugh, that's mean, or somethin like that. And she said this to me in such a scolding tone, haha. She was pretty serious and I'm like, even Hannah's laughin! Yeah, so me and her didn't immediately love eachother. Wow, in a few yrs, we would've been friends for about 20 yrs. Crazy. Oh the pictures we've taken thru the decades, haha.