Thursday, March 27, 2003

It looks wicked outside, like crazy sunny. I just got the feelin like it was summer already. Damn, I miss it. Last summer was the fuckin best! The rents were gone, went out or had peeps over and partied it up every day, Wonderland, trip to the cottage, got my tattoo, etc etc...ah memories. Less than 3 weeks to go til classes are done and exams are over. That's nuts, this yr's goin by fast.
Speakin of things bein nuts, since the moms gotten psycho lately (more specifically 2 days ago)...yes I'm still pissed at her but she's weirdly bein civil to me today...I'm not over that spat and thus, I will be fulla the tude to her til I say I'm done. She wants to go shoppin in like half an hr. I know, I just KNOW she's gonna do the same shit she always does and I can just hear the noise that's gonna be runnin out her mouth. But I'm probably gonna end up goin anyway. Cuz apparently I'm into self-torture.

Wednesdays are sooooo long! Today was just messed up tho. Had to make it downtown for a gallery trip for class, by myself by PUBLIC TRANSIT to god knows where. I planned out how I was gonna get there and it looked alright, gave myself about 2 hrs time. I had to take the bus, the RT, the subway, then another bus, holy crap. Middle of frickin nowhere...road signs, ppl! I had to bust out my map every 2 mins. It looked like I was gonna be half an hr early but I ended up walkin totally the wrong way and got there barely in time. LOTS of walkin today, good times! But go me, went on routes I've never been before and came back in 1 piece. Hadn't seen that area in my life, looked kinda like San Francisco the way the streets and houses were. I still had night class to go to so I had to trek straight from the gallery to school...took a bus, the subway, and again another bus. Wasn't sure where the fuck I was goin. I was about to walk all the way back to the subway station, I'm like walkin's good for you, fresh air, gettin exercise. But I ended up takin it along the way anyway and I realized how much further it was if I had walked. Thank goodness I didn't! It was stupid windy too, I had freezin hands all day...gloves dammit gloves! And of course I had mad wind hair :P Niiice. So after all that damn public transportation and walkin outside, I still had 3 more hrs of class to get thru. I DO get stress, I do!

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Well I've got shit to do for another hr...I hate it when they show films in class that I've seen 4 times yes I'm skippin. Hey I just realized I'm wearin an all Polo outfit. Aren't I the brand name bitch today :)
Lemme just talk about my day yesterday then. Oh my lord, I got about 4 hrs sleep cuz I woke up around 7 or 8 I don't even remember I was in such a daze, and I worked a bit more on my essay due that day. Then I was like, meh I'll do it after class. How about that, I went to class instead of doin my paper that it was due for! Course half the class wasn't there and the prof decides to bust out an attendance sheet just to stick it to the skippers. I figured she'd do that so that's why I went. I had to PEE so bad on the bus ride to school. Bein early morning and all, I was CHUGGIN the coffee. Before I left I was thinkin if I should take a bathroom trip and I'm like nah, I'll be fine. Wrong! My bladder was burstin before I even got on the 2nd bus. I was like shit, drive faster! Cuz if I got off and went into a bathroom, I'd hafta pay again. I was seriously thinkin about gettin a transfer and makin a quick stop and they wouldn't know the diff (you're not supposed to make stopovers usin transfers) but how would they prove it since it was the same day and I woulda been not even 5 mins. Drivers should be sympathetic about that kinda thing, like honestly would you want someone who needed to pee have an accident cuz they couldn't pay again so they had to stay on the bus? :P But I still made it to OK, even after all those damn bumps in the road. I had to brace myself each time, friggin hell. Anywaaays, I signed into class then left after the break to finish my paper in the library :P I was at school til like 7 pm doin the thing. But as always, I pulled that shit off, booyah. Pushed it under the office door but it was still technically handed in the day it was due...she didn't say what tiiiiiime! LOL She can't get on me, esp since I was in class ;) I had to get some more books too and the ones I needed were the biggest fuckers I've ever seen. For real, they could hardly fit in my backpack so I had to carry them in my arms. I got red marks from them, stupid things. The girl at the library checkout took a look at them, picked one up to scan it and was like OMG! After I handed in my essay, I'm like I don't need these anymore and I'm sure as hell not takin them home just so I can haul them again to return them so I went back to the library and my shoulders were very grateful.
You know when you've gotten no sleep and you KNOW you should be tired but you're not, but you know it's gonna catch up to you sooner or later? That was me. Brain tired, that's what I think it was. I hadn't looked in the mirror all day til I was done with the essay at school and I looked like I been smokin up all day, holy crap. Kinda scary. Probably cuz of the 3:30-7 am sleep I got and that I had my contacts in for like 12 hrs. I hadn't eaten anythin since breakfast either. Oh well, I'll just take this as punishment to myself since I wasted $500 of the rents' money by droppin that film class last yr LOL That's my reasoning for my sufferin, I'm justifyin myself.
Damn, I think I lost my disk...or left it behind at the library.