Saturday, February 15, 2003

My mom is a psycho banshee thinks I be havin a drink tonight. I'ma take a serious nap before I gotta get ready and bounce. Chocolate martini shots, baby! That is all.

Oh yeah, I was gonna rant about yesterday LOL I'm usually totally oblivious to it bein Valentine's Day, it's just another day for me. Except I'm seein a lot more red and pink around :P So not much of a dealy for me, with class and all. I was so close to sayin screw it, I'm not goin to school cuz I was really late and all that crap in findin bus fare. So I was really thinkin of skippin altogether and get a start on Reading Week but I felt like I should go if they gave back our papers or somethin and I was gonna be late anyway. Turns out I got there right on time :P Got there in a hr...that never happens when I actually care if I'm on time, sheesh. But not much happened in class...left at the break in lecture again and was goin to the bus stop, I saw the bus there with ppl still gettin on but about to leave and I hurried (I never run to catch a bus, it's SO dry if you're rushin and it just takes off LOL) and I was just about to get there when it left. I was like damn crap! And just then G calls me and says she gotta come by school to drop off her library books that she thought she gave back but were actually in her car the 2 weeks they were missin LOL so she could gimme a ride home, sweet fate! If it was 5 secs earlier and I got on that bus, I woulda bitched like a ho LOL
Well I was so tired from the day, sleepin all messed up again this week, I woulda been cool with just stayin home. I don't even care about that whole V-day, no bf, gotta have somebody thing :P Don't get me started on the commercialism, day-of-love-cuz-whoever-invented-it-says-you-should-show-it-on-that-one-special-day biz LOL I have no probs bein single, I think I like it this way. I mean, I'm not against goin with anybody but I'm not gonna go lookin for it like I need to. So me and the girls went out to dinner...we realized that it happened to be V-day and we're like ah damn, it's gonna be couples everywhere. But it was actually not a rose! That was nice :) I wouldn't have thought I'd give a crap about gettin flowers or whatever but it does make a girl feel special LOL

OMG!! I've been up since 8 this morning and I dunno what to do with the resta my day cuz I don't remember the last time I've been up this early on a Sat. Soooo tired! Not sure wtf I'm still doin up and not takin a nap but hey. So fuckin hell, we didn't get the Coldplay tix. Woke up early so we could get to Sunrise by 9 and do the random same-day wristband thing. So we get our line-up tix and we have like half an hr before they call out the numbers so we walked around the mall. We get back at 10 and apparently there's already a line at the Ticketmaster...we friggin missed them drawin the number. So there's a buncha ppl ahead of us and we wait anyway to see what we can get and the guy calls out that there's only lawns left. We're like what? No fuckin way. It hadn't even been 10 mins, that's crazy. So we're like awww!! Screw it then! Cuz we weren't gonna go for the most expensive seats, esp since they'd be gone already anyway, but lawns are shit and it ain't worth it. We leave a msg for L at work that we didn't get any, but leave out the part about us leavin and gettin back kinda late then missin the call-out LOL But that's OK cuz she don't need to know. We rationalized that it wouldn't have made a diff anyway cuz the first guy in line when we were linin up for the numbers was about the first person at the counter and we were a buncha ppl behind him. So by the line, we wouldn't have gotten good seats anyway and by the time it'd be our turn, it'd still be lawns left. Man, the other places musta been packed too...or most ppl did it online like we shoulda (except none of us had a not maxed-out credit card! :P) Everybody seems to be hittin the T.O. show if I couldn't score nuthin. Agh, G and Heather those punks! All their fault! And get me up so damn early for nuthin too. Well I've never done same-day ticket draws before least I know now. We'll see if we can hook up somethin when June comes around. Oh well, at least we can go snowboardin this week at Blue Mountain now :) They're such dorks, L and G were sayin that if we were gettin tix, they couldn't go skiin cuz they'd have no money LOL Bullshit. But we've all got the money now since we took out cash that we didn't even end up usin. So that'll be my consolation, I'm hyped now. I GOTTA watch G try to snowboard! LOL That alone is worth the money.

Friday, February 14, 2003

It's been interesting so far today...I think my brain is still back home sleepin while I'm killin time here til lecture starts (which I also will be skippin out on, no way in hell I'm stayin all the way on the Fri before break starts!) I forgot to get more bus tix and there was NO loose change anywhere in the damn house and I only had a 5 bill on me. So I had to go the store and buy whatever so I could have 2 bucks to get to school...was gonna get Pop Rocks but I saw 49 cents on some sour candy shit so I grabbed that LOL Don't even know what I bought. My right earbud totally crapped out, like no sound comin outta it at all just the left one. I'm like noooo! My $50 earbuds! I think I blew it out with the volume :P So I had to wear just one, retarded. What am I gonna do?? Not gonna buy another, don't have that kinda money! Sucks.

OK now I've found some time to chill from today. Went to bed at 4:30, got up at 9 somethin and did some of my realism midterm take-home exam in the morning, got a ride to school from G, had a couple hrs to finish it before 2 when we're supposed to hand it in, typed like a maniac til 2:30 LOL Was supposed to go with G for lunch before she had her test and she was comin to meet me at the library and I was just finishin up and I was gonna call her back and say, turn back the hell around cuz I gotta hand this bitch in at the fine arts office NOW! But she caught up with me and we were practically runnin across campus, hopefully it wasn't too late. For such a skinny ass girl, G is so outta shape, laggin behind me and dyin for breath LOL I gave my paper in (ended up 10+ pgs, so much $$ for stinkin printouts lately, had to refill my card geez) to the old lady in the office and she took it and looked at some checklist or somethin so I think it's all good. Whatever, she took it, I don't have it now, it's done! I was lookin so forward to when this day is over cuz I have just tomorrow to get thru before the break, but it's not as sweet as I thought LOL I had to wait HOURS for G and Kare to get outta class so I could get a ride home with them too. I had nuthin to do, not even hw :P Wanted to take a nap cuz I knew I'd crash sometime but I was weirdly not tired and I can't force myself to sleep. I have no idea what I did LOL Fucked around on the comp I guess.
Got my art paper back, a B not bad. Got my Women and Film paper back too, not so good LOL Oh well, it's decent. Tony got his back and got a C too and he bugged, sayin he was gonna drop the course. I'm like tellin him that it's just one paper and the 25% isn't too bad, just do OK on the other stuff. He's all it's gonna mess up my grade in this course, I dunno what the prof talks about (she really isn't that great...nice person but no one really knows wtf's up with the material), and then it's gonna screw my gpa. And he was askin ppl about the drop dates and refunds and stuff. I'm like, are you serious? You're gonna drop the class cuz of this one paper? Apparently. So I say, you're gonna leave me by myself you bastard? LOL He's like, I know, I feel your pain but...:P I'm like, whatever, you'll be back LOL So he went at the break to go sort out that shit...but it's too late to get any money back and the last drop date's in March so might as well keep it til then at least. That ass better stay in that class!
G almost ran over another person today at the gas station LOL That girl just does not look. Thought she saw him as she came out but guess not! Gina! Watch the guy!! :P He totally looked at us too, rightfully, and I was gonna put my hands up and say sorry, G styles LOL It was fucked up, a couple ppl were goin into where you pay for your gas and sayin somethin to the guys in there and we figured out they were complainin that the pumps weren't workin and it ended up that ALL the pumps were messed and everybody was bitchin and goin what the hell, what the hell, while the guy had to come out and shout at everybody that somethin was wrong with all of them. So that was funny.
I decided I could swing the Coldplay tix, so me and G gotta do the dirty work of gettin wristbands (screw!) and linin up on Sat for everybody. We better get good seats, I swear. But I'm not doin the priciest ones, I've done this shit nuff times to know how to pull this the smart way AND where the better seats are :) Ain't nobody gonna beat me to gettin my tix!

Tuesday, February 11, 2003

My lord, some guy tried to pick me up while I was walkin to the bus stop today. The bus stop! Like who do you think you are, buddy? All I hear is somebody hollarin at me from a car while I'm crossin the intersection and I pretend like I don't hear cuz I've got my earphones in. Honestly dude, whatever. Then the guy friggin creeps up in his car at the light as I'm walkin across and I just had to look up. LOL I'm not sure what my face looked like but I know I gave him some dirty ass look, cuz I was just WTF! Cuz as soon as I saw him, I'm like no...don't even THINK you can say hey to me, nasty loser LOL Did you think I was gonna be all on that if you yell at me outta your car like some scrub? Ugh, these guys...totally waste my frickin time just makin me even pay attention to you for those 3 secs :P Gets me buggin...I just don't get how they even have the damn balls to even try that with me, I'm sorry.
Onto a better lookin guy, my boy Justin is gonna have a summer tour and I be there yo! OK, he's doin the show with Christina who I don't really care about but she beats any other crappy opener they throw out. I just better not be fightin double the ppl who wanna go cuz that just cuts my chances...bitchin. And they best do a show in Toronto, I swear to god. Oh and they just said that Coldplay put out some new dates so they're comin here now :) L wants to go too and we're gonna see if G will, tho I gotta sort out my funds for all these damn concerts I wanna see! Dunno if I can afford them all, or at least the most expensive seats. And I just as I got their CD, freaky huh? I'm ESPN-y like that LOL Tix go on sale Sat so it should be an interesting start to Reading Week...haven't done a good ol rush for concert tix in a while.

School is really gettin in the way of things dammit, I don't like this :P I just need to get thru the resta the week and then I'm freeeeee....for a week. No biggie, I'll take what I can get. I finally opened up my grades...I was rethinkin it and I was holdin the envelope and I'm like, maybe I'll just open it but I won't look at it til the next day. Then I was like oooh I dunno, maybe I'll just look at the damn thing to make sure it's my grades in the first place but I won't look at the marks. I was scanning, skimming, I actually covered up half of the paper with my hand, I'm such a dork, but I said aw screw it and peeped at the whole thing. B's, baby! I was gonna flip if I got a C in my film classes, that'd just be shame. B and a B+, I'm cool with that :) And I totally half-assed thru those classes too LOL Just makes me smile! Speakin of marks, got my realism assignment back the other day (the one that I finished up at school the day of and shoved under the office door) and mama got an A!! THAT I had to almost laugh at! I'm just lookin at it like, yeah fuckin right...damn I'm good! LOL Apparently, my shit was "thoughtful" and "interesting" :)
I gotta watch my cell mins this month. I went SO over my limit last time cuz I saw the bill LOL Yikes. Lucky for me this month included the free 10 mins and that promotional plan thing for another 25, those precious added mins saved my ass from more money.
ALL your fault Em, allllll yours LOL

Sunday, February 09, 2003

OK I had to come back and edit this cuz I remembered what I did yesterday LOL Saw How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days...good movie, funny stuff. Heather or somebody poked Sarah's contact out during the movie, not sure how...dunno WHAT those 3 were doin over there LOL The mofos tell me to be ready at 6:30 and come at 7 somethin. And they tell me I take long and make them late, my ass! So we ended up sittin in the friggin 3rd row it was so packed. Oh memories of What Women Want, sittin so low we had to lean all the way back and pratically look straight up to watch the movie. Hurt my frickin neck that time. This time, I think I got my eyes messed up cuz we were so close. Went to Timmy's after, met up with G, went to Shopper's (I won't say what for, for G's sake LOL), then to a convenience store cuz she had a weird craving for ice cream while it was cold out (freak!), then to McD's cuz I didn't eat dinner yet, then back to L's. I want satellite TV tooooooo! Good times, we had nuff jokes makin fun of G LOL We love you!