Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Oh blog, I still love you. I won't neglect you anymore! If I can help it :P

Startin off from last, Vick, and Al went to Mink. Good times. Guys who had a bit too much to drink. Sandwiches were made, pictures were taken, comments were expressed, haha. They were filmin some TV special or movie or web thing, I dunno, that night so everybody in the club had to sign waivers if they were on camera. The camera guy came by or was on us a few times but I don't even know what the show or whatever is called or how/when to catch it :P

I had work at 3 the next day which is wicked for me cuz I don't hafta wake up early after bein out clubbin. But that also means I get off work around 9ish. S'okay, work with what ya got. Me, Vick, and L went to BP for some drinks.

Sun was work again, then the first game of work soccer! The stores of the district play against eachother for I dunno what, pride or money or a trophy, somethin. We had uniforms and everythin. We had money from Viewpoint committee for store-spirit type things like bbqs and Christmas parties so they bought generic sleeveless shirts and Cheryl silkscreened them :) They even made a logo. Apparently we're Dragons!

I was pretty much recruited. I said I hadn't played since grade 9 but they needed bodies so I was playin! I said as long as we took cycles cuz if I'm on the field for the whole game or even a half, I was gonna die, haha. I don't remember the last time I ran :P

It was fun tho, in its on way. We lost but it can't say that was shocking since we got together that day and hadn't practiced at all. Some ppl were even like, meh...don't really play or know the rules but OK! We pretty much show up for the games and wing it, haha. No preparation, no strategy, no solid roster...we're in it with a winning attitude for sure!

Let's see...anythin besides work...

Well my family left for Europe on Fri. It's actuallly a quiet, empty house!! Beautiful. I'm mostly workin tho so it's not a lot of time to revel in it.

Fri night was adventures in Pickering. Me, Vick, and L went to the Fox & Fiddle mansion, then to Lone Star, then brought McD's back to mine to watch half of Wedding Crashers. Interesting night that was.

I think this weekend was the Weekend of Tryin the New. Fox & Fiddle was an experience, soooo packed. Felt like a frat party with the big house and everythin. After work Sat, me and Al went to Hotel. It was nice and the music was good but it was kinda small and got WAY too hot in there. We bounced and tried out Boulevard Room next door. It's exactly the same as when it used to be My Apartment so I really don't know what they changed about it. Still fun tho.

We met yet another Aussie and his friends. He was mostly tipsy-chattin with Al cuz it was really loud so I didn't know what the conversation was about til she filled me in later. I had saw him roll up his sleeve and we both thought he was flexin the guns that he didn't have, haha...but he was tryin to show his tattoo of a kangaroo! So awesome! It was cute as hell. It's a silhouette of one in mid-jump, like the one from the Aussie hair care line :)

Lots of dancin and rounds of pseudo-Krispy Krunch shots cuz nobody carries Frangelico in their bars, geez.

Sun was work 12-6, then soccer at 7. It was brutal. Not only do my legs kill twice as much as last week (guess I was actually tryin and ran harder :P), but I got 3 mosquito bites too!

I don't remember takin so long to play last time but this game we seemed to go on longer and it was gettin really dark by the end. We didn't even have a ref in the 2nd half and I don't think anybody was really keepin score but I know we were losin enough that we couldn't tie it up in 15 mins :P So I was like, why are we still playin? I can't even see the effin ball!

We got together for a post-game chat and whatever and that's pretty much when the bugs came out. I was standin for maybe 5 mins. I felt like I was startin to get one bite and I'm like, OK I'm goin to my car! Then I got home and found some more cuz they itched like crazy. Dammit, if we had stopped before it got almost pitch black out, I would've been fine.

The past couple days, the bites have been drivin me insane. They swelled up cuz I scratched and I guess I had an allergic reaction cuz I basically had another knee on top of a left knee and a new half thigh on my right thigh. They got that big. Gross.

Ugh, goin for soccer was such a mistake. But our DSM had said we were down a lot of ppl cuz a lot of them couldn't make it so he needed me to play. I hope they appreciate me! Haha

It was a good effort in the game tho. The other store was just a little too into it, not like the team last time but a lot more organized and skilled than we were. Actually we could've taken them if Fahad hadn't hurt himself. This team was nice tho, gave us water and helped Fahad off the field and shook hands after.

Long shifts Mon and Tues. I've realized that I prefer busy chaos to havin nothing to do. I bitch about how I have so much shit to do and too many ppl to deal with at a time but I guess I unconsciously liked it cuz it passed the time and it gives me variety. Sometimes I do like it when it's dead cuz I just have to work really, but I can't stand bein bored. And hrs of it makes me nuts. Stimulation is good :) I like mixin it up, I hate routine and stagnancy.

G came by to say hey the other day. She finally dropped off S's wedding invitations like 3 weeks later :P Loser. Not that I'm goin anyway. Too many weddings this yr! I'm probably workin that day anyway, figures. And it's a bit close to Chrissy's bachelorette.

Have the day off today. And I'm spendin it doin laundry, cleanin, and gettin my nails down to a more acceptable length :P I gotta call P. I haven't read the newspaper in a month.

Glad I have a short shift tomorrow. Then I have Fri-Sun off :) Party up in herrrrre!