Saturday, October 11, 2003

I like weekends :) This one's a long weekend but then again, every weekend is a long weekend for me LOL It's funny how I can have class only 2 days a week but still not have time to do the readings. Meh! Mama's got better things to do :D

Went for drinks and nachos at BP last night. L's gettin pretty obsessed with that place. We went there for her bday last yr and goin this yr too.

Speakin of bdays, I hafta start goin present shoppin. I just so happen to be one rich bitch these days heehee!, so it's not a stress this time. Yup, spendin all my money on my friends...awww, aren't I the best? LOL

Goin out to dinner for Pris' bday tomorrow too cuz it's Turkey Day on Mon. She didn't really wanna do anythin but I made her. Not only do ya turn 23 once, that chick needs to get out more LOL Teacher's college and her mom-like behaviour are doin her in so I figured a lil time off from work and stayin in would do her good, plus I haven't seen her in a while.

I think we're gonna watch the hockey game tonight. Aw yeah, you know what the start of hockey season means...goin out for wings! LOL Father's, baby.

Friday, October 10, 2003

I got outta class early last night and L left me a msg on my phone. Whenever she calls me while I'm at school, I know she wants to do somethin when I'm off. Yeaaah! :) So she says yeah I'll pick you up in my new car. I'm like, whaaaat? Of course it's another one that her bro rented. That dude likes his variety. I get off at Centrepoint and I'm expectin some lil sporty deal. She rolls up in some freakin monster car Expedition. But that, I gotta admit, is a sweetass ride. We were all, damn we gotta get one of these for a roadtrip! Tho the sound system was kinda'd think for such a bling car, you'd have the crazy thumpin bombass speakers.

And with ridin around and a couple hrs at Timmy's, it was still right about the time I'd normally get home from school :P Stupid bus.

I just couldn't get to sleep last night, it was like 5 before I finally drifted off. It was even hotter today tho. I'm not complainin, I'm not complainin!

L made me go with her to school today so she has to take me out tonight for it :) She flipped off a GO bus driver cuz he cut her off LOL I'll give her credit, he could've waited and let her go or at least signalled properly but she's a speedy demon. Her and her rager issues. I keep tellin her to chill on ppl's drivin habits but she just likes to go outta her way to swear and gesture at them. Ya shoulda seen it, the both of them goin back and forth. The ppl on the bus probably gave us some looks...or thought their driver was kinda nuts.

Thursday, October 09, 2003

I think I gave myself a headache from yellin at the moms just now. No, SHE is the source of my headache. Grrrr! It's just so coincidental that whenever I'm very not in the mood to take shit and I show it by actin short with everybody, that's when she likes to test just how far I can go before I go INSANE and knock myself out just so I don't hafta hear it.

On a cheerier's friggin wicked outside. Summer weather, hi! Where've ya been? :)

I think it's about time we finally went to a pub night at school. I'd be already there tonight cuz of class but I'm done at 10 and the nerds I call friends won't be down for trekkin all the way there so 'late' :P

The government has made the possession of weed totally illegal again. Nooooooo. I was ALL for decriminalization. No more tokin up in public anymore I guess. But they better make it OK to have like, less than a gram on ya still. It's not like I go around with a pound of weed on me. I'm not a pothead, not even close. It's just sweet not to worry if you have just a j on you.

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

7:30 am's a drab, kinda chilly morning...I've had about 5 hrs sleep (took 3 naps in between classes, must be a personal record)...I'm not all that sharp in the mind. They tell you to always clean and put in your right contact lens first so you don't get the left and the right mixed up if they're different degrees. I swear that's what I did last night. Then I probably went and put the wrong case cover on (L went on the right, R went on the left, you get it)...then again, it doesn't really help when your contact case is completely symmetrical so you'd never tell you had just put your contacts in the wrong side if you flipped the case 180, no matter WHAT damn letter the cover says :P I was wonderin why somethin was just slightly off with my vision today. Figured it was just cuz they weren't perfectly centered on my eyeballs or they were kinda dirty. Hmmm...maybe it's cuz my right eye's worse than my left. Yeaaaah...I had the WRONG contacts on the WRONG eyes! I'm such an ass. And I was wearin them like that the WHOLE DAY, derr derr derr! Didn't realize til near the end of my last class. Geez.

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Got Outkast CD for $10.99, aw yeah. L said she got her tax cheque home and saw mine. Booyah, gots me some more money. Decent weather, actual sunshine. This day's been allllllriiiiight.

Monday, October 06, 2003

I just updated my MSN profile. I was writin somethin like: "Just kiddin..." and the stupid thing said I couldn't use 'KIDDI'. What the hell is that?? Is it cuz it thinks I'm usin it as a dirty porn word, added to the fact that it makes me look like I can't spell? Pure retardedness.

I love Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Ah, can learn so much. The slobby non-fashionable boys who live in pigstys I mean. Too bad about Kyan. He is one fine man. And he's got some pipes on him. But he could be one of those best friend/shoppin buddies and I can get him to at least do my hair :)

Which I re-dyed yesterday. It smells amazing.

Which is weird since I can't smell much, let alone breathe thru my nose.