Saturday, February 07, 2004

Well I finally got around to watchin the resta the movie stuff...from last week :P And I should be watchin the ones on right now but I'd rather tape them and watch them later so I can fast forward like a demon whenever there's no dialogue goin on, heh. I'll be addin my discussion crap on the website anyway since I'm 2 goin on 3 weeks behind. God, this 4 hrs of movies to watch plus stuff to post takes forever.

I can now burn my own CDs, what! Yeah I know ppl have been doin this in their homes for a while now but this is me. I first didn't have a burner but then I didn't have Kazaa anymore but now the 2nd computer has both so booyah. No more waitin around to go to G's to do it :P That shit takes long too tho...I was downloadin for like 2 hrs. I had to listen to each song cuz you know how you dl a track and it's shitty or not even the right one you wanted, so I went thru a lotta crappyass files. And that friggin thing that pops up in the middle of a song and scares me to death. I'm thinkin, sweet, this one's good...then SHHHHHHHHHHWEEEEESHHHHHHH!!! That LOUD noise that sounds like internet dial-up connection. You fucker. Ah well, guess that's what ya get when it's free. Mwahahaha, no more buyin music for me! Just kiddin. That would be wrong and bad for the recording industry, haha.

Chris is Wyatt's BROTHER!!! OMG! Haha, that's a lil Charmed there. I love me my shows.

Heard from P, she always calls me wantin to go play pool, haha.

I think I'll go call L to go do somethin tonight. Hw is all relative :P

Friday, February 06, 2004

I friggin missed a chunk of the beginning of AMC today, crap! That's it, I'm tapin everythin.

Damn L and her antsy-ness. She texted me last night and I texted her back sayin that I had somethin good and long to tell her (the CG thing) but I'd call her and tell her about it later. She goes and calls me anyway and demands to know what it is I hafta tell her. Made me miss my Gilmore Girls and Angel :P So I was talkin to her about that whole biz...along with general men stuff and good old hs times and whatever happened to those jerks who don't keep in contact anymore...for about 3 hrs.

And the Tony thing...I didn't go early to class but I called him on break and said I'd swing by or whatnot cuz we were supposedly gonna get out earlier tonight but we went right til 10 and he had a meeting to get to so that didn't fly either. So we're probably gonna meet up on Wed. Or maybe Mon or whatever day I don't have class but G does so I'll have someone to come with me...cuz I'm not goin into his place by myself! Haha.

I realized there's a buncha the same ppl from my other classes that're in my SF film class too. They were in it the whole time and I never saw them. It's a big class :P

Ooh and I just hafta share this thing my sister said last night that was THE funniest words ever to come outta her mouth. We were watchin somethin on TV and there was this woman who just had this messed up face, I'm sorry. Kinda like that 'celebrity' woman who got hardcore plastic surgery so that she looks like a cat. And my sister's like, that woman got punched in the face HARD. LMAO!!!

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

My god, I don't think I have the words to say what I wanna say. I just spent an hr on the phone with Club Guy. I got around to callin him back today and we chatted for a few mins but then he said he'd call me back at midnight. He did, and I was in the shower so I missed him again, haha. I didn't know he was gonna call exactly at 12! :P So he leaves me another msg and I'm about to call him back 10 mins later when he calls again. Wowww LOL Anyway...the convo we had...I'm kinda speechless. The dude's pretty much an open book and yeah, the stuff he said almost blew me away. This kid is so not your average 18 yr old. He is so friggin mature. He just about sold me on the idea of goin with a younger guy LOL Almost! But damn, before I was all yeah never never, I just couldn't do that...and after, I was like you know what? You're right, that's true.

But this guy is SO intense. He'd pretty much be the perfect bf. I told him I wasn't really lookin for anyone right now and I threw in how I was cool with bein friends or hangin out or whatever...but he's all about bein with somebody and devotion and this whole thing with rather goin with someone than bein just their friend. I was like OMG. Most ppl would DIE to be with a person like that! Haha. But I can't be so hardcore like that, it's just not how I am. I'm the chick, I'm 5 yrs older than he is and I'm the one sayin that I just wanna have fun and not be tied down (to use a bad phrase) :P But he left it up to me and said if I wanted to do anythin about it, think about it and give him a call. He even said he doubted I'd call cuz of what I told him.........and he's right, I won't...but I feel kinda bad for some reason. Like damn, we can't even chill if he's ever in town or somethin? There's no middle ground? I dunno.

AGH!!! This is why I don't get into relationship shit!! Haha. Now I remember why I was stayin away from all that, cuz it's just too much...I won't say trouble but, stress. Haha, this is gettin reminiscent. I don't like to create drama when there doesn't need to be and gettin myself into this stuff always brings these extra issues. I hate it. I hate hurtin other ppl's feelings. I hate rejectin these decent and sweet ppl...cuz I care about them. It really sucks tellin them I'm not into them cuz there's absolutely nuthin wrong with them but it's just that I don't feel that way.

And why do I keep havin this problem? I seem to be dealin with havin the wrong ppl bein into me a lot. Wrong as in 'friends only'. Bein friends is not a horrible thing. Should I be insulted that they don't wanna be friends or should I just be flattered that they wanna be more? The only guys who are my friends are already taken or I've known them for YEARS. Again, argh.

Oh and I called Tony :P Left a msg and he called me back. We're seein if I'll get to school after he's done and before my class starts on Thurs. I'm just askin for it, aren't I? It's gonna happen alllll over again and I saw it comin :P

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

G didn't know that Biggie was dead LOL! Oh my lord. Cuz she's soooo into hip hop *rolls eyes* Hahaha. That chick makes me LAUGH. I don't think I'll ever say that enough. It's not like she means to either so that kinda makes it sad too but that's G. Love ya! :)

Got around to buy Jay-Z's Black Album and some blank CDs. Yo my bday is 1 of the tracks! :D "Isn't that special?" Haha.

We went to BP (Tues, yeah!) for dinner and went for Starbucks after. Good times. Got caught up with G's Charles and Chris news haha, and I told her about Club Guy and the phone drama :P

Leafs Chicago! Blah.

Holy damn! Binx and Mags KISSED!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! That was AMAZING!!!! Hahaha, that was my All My Children rave. Best episode EVER. EVERRRRRRR! :D Yes, I'm gettin that excited about 2 girls kissin on daytime TV...but it's BAM, it's a big deal! Ah it's so beautiful. Now why can't we all be understanding and accepting like AMC? I'm not all that into my soaps, no LOL

Monday, February 02, 2004

Dammit, I didn't know Justin was gonna do the Superbowl halftime show...probably missed it while we were watchin Queer Eye :P And I dunno what the big freakin dealy is with JJ showin her boob. Accident or intentional? Not sure but really ppl, who cares? Is it that much of an issue that we hafta talk about it so much and have it in the headlines of every newspaper and news broadcast? It's a woman's breast! Get over it! If you wanna get offended by somethin, get offended by those beer commercials I heard about (Canadian TV doesn't get the American Superbowl ads).

Angie's comin back from Japan this week! :D We gotta show her the Angie berry LOL

Sunday, February 01, 2004

OK I didn't end up goin to the AGO or EC this weekend cuz I kinda slept in til 2 on Sat :P and Fish's cousin was over so they were doin family stuff anyway and me and L didn't go either.

BUT...last night was...interesting, haha. It was me, L, G, Sarah and all her lil friends so there was 5 of us crammed in the back. My ass was half on the seat, half on the door. Some body part or another went numb at one point. Good times hidin a couple heads down whenever a cop car rolled up too. We didn't even realize one til it pulled up right beside us. We're like ah fuck, don't look, please don't look over here, drive away, drive faster, slow down G, let them go ahead, slower dammit LOL

It's really weird bein at an all ages jam when you're over 19. I've never seen so many trucker hats and ball caps in 1 spot. We even saw a Shawn Desman twin LOL, ball jacket and cap and all. It was lame enough that they were spinnin his song but this dude was doin the moves from the video and shit LOL

108 was alright, from what I heard it was supposed to be a hype club but there was nuthin to impress me. Didn't help that they played 50% euro, ugh. I woulda been in the smaller room where the hip hop was but as always, it was the hottest room in the place. As in sauna hot. And it was mad packed so we weren't about to subject ourselves to bein smashed up against sweaty ppl if we could help it. And I know for a fact that some peeps in this club were not wearin deodorant, woooweee! Plus some crazy chick came outta nowhere and slammed herself spread-eagle, face against the wall that me and L were chillin around so we were all what the hell...fuck this shit, and peaced outta there.

So we just hung around while the kids did their thing. We went to the licensed VIP area to get a drink and we got carded and tagged with a yellow band and everythin. There was all of like 6 ppl there, haha. The bouncer guy was checkin my ID nice and thorough and even quizzed me on my postal code, geez. I know I look kinda young but come on...I've been legal for 4 yrs now, thought I'd left this cardin thing behind :P

Which reminds me to say how anal this place was. Not only did we wait in a longass line that went around the building but more lines inside. And this was the guest list line...and Sarah's friend's sister's friend's bf or some biz like that got us hook-ups so the girl had to name-drop and say some secret password shit so we could get in for less cover. I cannot believe it was $15 regular for an all ages club. There was all this stuff when Sarah found out how much it was cuz we were like hell no, we don't even pay that much for the real clubs WE go to. So she was tryin to cut it down, haha. Anyway, we get passes at the door to give to the peeps inside, line up to pay the cover and get a ticket, line up to get frisked, then give the ticket and the pass to the counter ppl, then line up AGAIN for coat check, my lord. Shittiest system.

OK, so, the anal-ness...I dunno if 108 had a bad rep for bein trouble or just that they had somethin happen with an all ages thing but the security shit was tight in there. It was probably some punk 16 yr old packin a gat or somethin, I wouldn't be surprised. Not to sound like an oldie but, really kids these days :P We were expectin the pat-down but damn, not like that. Of all the clubs we've been to, 19+ places, the shady ones that've had shootings and stabbings before, we've never had to deal with a frisk like we did here. Maybe the whole cuz we're girls thing or whatever. But there was 2 girls and a guy doin the frisks so we just went to a girl cuz you know, if I wanted a dude to be feelin on my goods, I'd do that inside the club :P Plus we weren't sure if they were allowed cuz of the thing where in some places male security can't frisk girls cuz they might accuse them of sexual touchin and stuff so might as well go to the chicks.

I was like, haha wow that guy just patted down his HAT. K they're checkin for weed or whatever, I understand but you can still hide stuff in your shoe or whatnot. Makin us take stuff outta our pockets, that's fine...holdin out our arms, no prob...pattin us down the legs, OK...but holy shit, I think me and the girl went to 1st base LOL We were patted down in our coats, the arms, legs, EVERYWHERE...under our boobs, around the waist, belts, and backs...seriously, they were all up in there. It was pretty much, yo that's my BRA, nuthin in there but my actual boobs. You don't even understand...never been that felt up in my LIFE, haha. Then they checked my lil bag. Had my cell and my disposable camera that I was plannin to finish. Couldn't take the camera in...even tho I saw all these peeps with digital ones inside. So I had to leave that at the front. They wrote my name on it and said I could get it back when I left. Holy fuck. They even took ppl's cigs! I don't get it. I'm like, that's shit...what IS this? This is pure minors biz, that's for sure :P At least we wouldn't reek of smoke comin home for once.

Anyways, the main room was too friggin crowded (I got ew guys on me too but we're not gettin into that) so us older ppl chilled at the bar area lookin over the floor. Where these kids learned to dance (or more like, sex it), I dunno. Saw like 16 yr olds grindin! I don't need to see this shit, haha. We even saw some small small white boy in his wannabe thug gear. "That kid is 10!!" *Point* What was his mama even doin lettin him out that late?? Man, when they say all ages, they mean all ages.

Yeah so we're alright behind the bar space dancin on our own now and then and G's chillin on the counter thing when some tall guy comes over and asks if she wants to dance. Naturally she's all no, actin like boys have cooties or somethin and I'm nudgin her to go, haha. He sees me and I just know he's gonna try. Persistent guy, this one was...and touchy-feely, haha. This bein an all ages thing, right off I ask how old he was. He wasn't tellin great, not tellin me his age, no dance for you then :P Then he broke and said he was 18. I'm like, yeah fuckin right. K he looks like he'd be 18 but he could sure pass for 22 or somethin. I tell him to show me ID, haha. He busts out his driver's licence...1985! Oh yes, picked up by a minor! LOL Apparently he doesn't care cuz he keeps at it, hahaha. I'm like, OMG you're EIGHTEEN, and I did the whole doesn't it bother you that I'm FIVE yrs older than you? thing. But of course not, I'd be the older woman and he's into that LOL Good lord, he's not even legal...but he has his G licence, haha. But he's cute and I danced with him for the hell of it anyway. And we were in the west side and me bein from T.O., we weren't even from around the same place. Not EVEN gonna happen, bro haha. And he works with the son of the owner so I was thinkin if Sarah wanted better hook-ups if she wanted to come back to the club, now I know somebody ;) I told L and G and they were all, EIGHTEEN??? too and G pretty much bugged like I was gonna DO him later :P

He asked for my # and me bein me, I give out my real cell all the time for some reason. Good times. I thought he was totally playin. Doesn't matter much to me if he calls or not, so. We had to jet and get the kids home at a somewhat decent hr so he said he'd call me tomorrow. I'm like yeah OK LOL Hey, nuthin wrong with chattin and bein friends. For a sec there, I was thinkin...hmmmm, no, that's so wrong! LOL I couldn't, I'd never. 75% of the guys that game on me turn out to be 21...never my age. Now I've had a 30 yr old and an 18 yr old, hahaha. WHY??

So I have like a mad family reunion thing goin on today. A buncha relatives are over for a big dinner. Us kids (at least my cousins are me and my sister's age so that's decent) are watchin the Super Bowl and Queer Eye and playin Life and Monopoly, haha. My cell's always in my room cuz I just don't go carryin it around while I'm in the house so I don't hear when someone calls me on my new phone cuz the ringtone's not a real ring-type sound so it's real quiet. I randomly go in my room and check my cell cuz sometimes L or somebody calls and I miss it. The dude from the club called, I missed it by like 5 mins. But no # and no msg. After dinner he calls again but I miss it like 5 mins :P I'm like, just leave a msg, bro! Haha. So I put the phone in my pocket and carry it around. I had it on me, had it on call. I went to sit on the couch and watch TV but the phone was jabbin me so I took it out my pocket and put it on the coffee table. My relatives are leavin so I go to say bye. I come back and I see a missed call LOL At least this time he left a msg. But holy crap, the boy called me 3 times today, don't I feel special, haha. I don't really care one way or another if I talked to him or not cuz it's not like I was gonna do somethin about it but I figure I'd call him tomorrow, cuz it's mean to leave him hangin like that, haha. We can be friends, it's cool.

Oh and I hafta add the funny ass drama at the McD's drive thru, haha. There's ALWAYS problems when we do drive thru. This time there was some weird sound comin from I dunno where and the McD person couldn't hear G at all so that took a good 5 mins and tried everyone's patience. G was YELLIN too LOL I thought she was gonna hurt herself. Pretty sad for yellin tho, they still couldn't hear shit. And L got all upset that they weren't servin breakfast yet even tho they had the menus up already so she was shoutin at them too, actually demandin an answer LOL We're like, calm yourself, it's not breakfast time, let it go. Even Sarah was like, just get somethin else and L just shot her hand up and rudely "shhhh!"ed her, listenin for an explanation from the drive thru speaker, haha. Pure jokes.

And that was really long, haha. Well that was my weekend. Leafs won on Sat, Patriots won the Super Bowl, lalalalala!