Friday, February 20, 2004

I posted last night after we had a drink night at my place so I edited it today :P Anyway, I'm never free on Thurs nights cuz I always always have some class or another but since it's Reading Week, this one was a good one :)

We had to pick L up from class to go to the auto show. Nice rides, took lotsa pix. I think I have a shot of just about every hot blue car they had, haha. Went to Casey's for dinner after. I called Al about that Yuk Yuk's fundraiser thing her group was doin that night but we weren't feelin for comedy at $15 each :P We were gonna go see 50 First Dates but decided on rentin somethin instead. So we hit up the LCBO for some booze, went to Shopper's to get L's digital pix printed, I bought some hair dye (Ruby Rush...we'll see how red this makes me), got stuff to eat (Heavenly Hash, Mini Pops, and Doritos...haha mmmm, healthy). Vick called and met up with us. Andrew called while we were in the frozen foods section, haha. About that, he was maybe goin to a house party today but he got called into work so he'll call tomorrow.

Came back to my house, got nice and liquored up while watchin SWAT. I heard a crinkling noise in my jacket pocket and it was my lollipop from dinner that I forgot about. I was all, ooooh surprise, haha...esp since it was the same blue colour as my drinks. Fuckin L went and opened it and licked it. I'm like *gasp* You ho bag! It's mine! Then I got the wrapper and put it back in there LOL Yeah, I don't know what I was doin. Played some PS2...L particularly enjoyed the violence and twistedness of Vice City.

Leafs won last night too, yay!

Oh and my TA emailed me back about the midterm biz. She was havin comp probs too so she finally got stuff sorted. She's got my real essay and everythin's straight so it's all good now.

Let's go see what Fish's up to tonight.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Holy fuck, can you say STRESSIN?? My nerves are shot. K so I thought I'd be good and do the midterm today instead (esp cuz the makeup date's Wed next week when there's classes again [who makes midterms on Reading Week??] and by the time I get home at 7, the midterm woulda started already). So I was all ready, not havin done any of the readings but anyway...the question was easy enough. I think I did alright (workin under pressure, you know how we do). I went and sent it in a panic cuz I was cuttin way close to said it was late cuz it was like 2 mins over but it took it anyway so meh. Then I realized I sent the WRONG FUCKIN FILE cuz I got confused with the Desktop save and Rich Text File crap. When I started writin the essay, I just typed out a word and saved it and I thought I did my good copy under the same name but I sent the file that had just the 1 word on it! Motherfucker! So I FREAKED and emailed my TA and explained what happened and how much I hated computers, haha. She said I could email it to her so I think it should be OK. Otherwise, I worked 2 hrs on that one for nuthin and I'll hafta do the makeup anyway :P Always count on havin drama bein created outta somethin supposedly low key. I am DEF gonna earn my fun for the resta the break dammit. DRINK this weekend, haha.

Oh, got to ride in L's new Corolla today, haha. *Topic switch*

I was semi-conscious at noon cuz I wanted to catch Meen's call if she was goin to school today. The phone rang and I got up and picked up but it was L wantin to go to the mall. She's like, wow you're awake?? I'm like, ugh wrong person...I am now, jerk haha. So we went a-shoppin. Dropped off my film, got some coffee, bought this n' that, finally found me a belt. It's 1 of those Avril-like ones with 3 rows of metal stud thingys. L has the same 1 but I wanted it from before, I just couldn't find it in medium! Haha. I was wearin my AE jeans that got really loose in the ass somehow even tho they're petite and fit fine everywhere else so I just put the belt on right after I paid for it. Hurt my tooth rippin off the plastic taggy thing :P And L that whore bought the Triple 5 shirt I was lookin at. But I didn't wanna pay $35 for a T, plus it had a pink 5 on the back :P so I'm like fine, buy it biatch, haha.

Saw Melody from hs. She works at the place where we were lookin at rings and stuff. Talked a while. Apparently her lil sis that I sorta remember goes to my school..and is basically in the same program, haha...diff college tho.

I still have my contacts in from this afternoon. I'ma go wash my bad hat hair, haha. We're goin to the auto show tomorrow...gonna take pix of sweet rides and pretend like we own them, haha!

Well Leafs lost 5-2. Suckasssss.

I started takin down my posters. The boys are comin down! Haha. It's gonna look really really bare. It's just so odd lookin at white wall. Gonna take some gettin used to.

Speakin of whiteness, haha...I also tried Crest Whitening Strips. It's kinda ick and it's hard to not swallow your spit but then I can't spit it out cuz it'll just go everywhere's just ick :P

Some guy doin promo for the Hype site took our pic at Havana and it's up! Haha, we look good :D

Tomorrow's supposed to be my online film course midterm but I'm gonna be like I had plans and not do it :P There's a makeup date so I'm gonna do it then. Meen's doin the same cuz we both didn't do the readings so we're gonna see what the 1st midterm's question is. Maybe I'll do it, dependin on if I can pound out a good essay. I think we'll be goin to school to get caught up tomorrow before the question is posted. Let it be easy!

Monday, February 16, 2004

My horoscope said I'd have a good weekend and damn did I, haha. Fri we just went to Promenade but found nuthin to buy. I also happened to have my Aunt Rose *wink wink* visit and I forgot to take meds cuz I wasn't hurtin til we were at the mall so I was all crampy and in pain. Had to go to the drug store and buy some Tylenol. We bought some food and went back to G's. But me and P wanted to play pool after so we dropped off L and went to Q's (even tho there was a stabbing there Tues :P)

2 guys came in and asked if they could play a game, like make teams and they'd pay for it (we were on the loonie tables, oooh! Haha) so we said OK. Oh geez, lemme try to remember their names......oh OK, Lee, Simon, Reggie, and I still forget the other guy. It was Reggie who asked to play but after a turn, he took off and we had no idea what he went to do. Then Simon came outta nowhere and played for him. So we made a coupla new friends, haha. We talked with them when it wasn't whoever's turn so I pretty much know Lee's life story, haha. Chatty one. He made us feel his fuckin guitar callous on his finger LOL And they're hardcore pool players...they were talkin angles and shots and takin their sweetass time and we're just like, just GO already! We don't even play by the rules properly, haha. He's even tight with the owner (who was 1 of the ppl who got stabbed). Reggie came back sporadically and he told us he was in the military and we're like, yeah right. He busts out his military ID and we're just, holy crap. He had P from jump cuz she likes a guy in uniform. All he had to say was 'army' and she was all over that LOL

What's really weird tho...ya know how I always say creepy ESP-like things happen to me? At the mall, we went into some custom T-shirt store and I picked up and showed G a shirt with the Thundercats logo on it. I'm like, hey Thundercats...hooooo! Haha, remember that show? And Lee was wearin the exact same shirt. Weird.

So Valentine's Day! Haha, we did the girls night out thing cuz L had dropped boy-o (haha, single gals gotta run tings!) and Nat was newly single too even tho she didn't even end up comin with us...punk. So we went to Havana cuz it's always a good time there and L knows Arthur the manager. They were doin somethin called the Kiss and Get Laid party, haha! But laid as in, lei'd. Girls get Hershey Kisses to give to the guys and guys have hawaiin leis to give to the girls and who gets the most gets a prize or whatever. I came home with a bunch, haha.

There were probably a wacka guys who thought I was checkin them but I was actually seein if they had leis on them, haha. There was this dude in a blue shirt that kept lookin my way and L's like, I bet you by the end of the night that guy's gonna come up to you LOL I'm like, yeah he just wants my Kisses....stop givin me the eye!

Oh and we saw a dude who looked like Marc Anthony and another who looked like Donny Osmond, no joke LOL Almost exactly like them.

This other guy came up to us for a kiss from all of us and we were all, not for nuthin better give us a lei for it. Dude was hell bent on gettin them cuz he kept comin back and askin but we weren't givin them up, haha. Then he left and came back with 3 leis LOL Where he got them from, I dunno. Maybe from his gf or collected them from his buddies LOL but he came thru so we traded.

We were on the 2nd floor dancin and were goin downstairs to see what was playin there when some guy said hey to me. I turned and he wasn't bad lookin so I said hey, I'm goin downstairs, you comin? Haha. He's like, hell yeah. But he got stopped at the stairs cuz he had a beer. The set-up's like a house with flights of stairs and you can't go with alcohol on the stairs. So I said see ya later. But nuthin was happenin downstairs so we went right back up. I saw him again (oh yeah, his name's Andrew) on the floor so we were like, hey! Danced with him a good while. He asked how old I was and I asked him and I KNEW the answer comin...21 LOL Remember my theory on how 2/3 the guys we ask, they're 21? True. Ah well, at least he's legal...cuz I macked him anyway! LOL I don't even really remember what he looks like tho cuz hey, $3 drinks! Woooooo! :P Good thing we took pix, haha. I had to WORK for that lei LOL

There a coupla guys who were raunchin it up hardcore with god knows what they were doin in the middle of the floor and against the wall. Pure orgy biz goin on there, haha. Turns out 1 of them was Andrew's friend and it was his bday. I met him and told him happy bday and seemed like a nice guy so :P Anyway, Andrew asked for my digits and of course I gave it out, haha. WHY I keep doin that, I dunno :P If they call or not, I'm cool either way anyhow. We had to jet and I saw a guy comin up the stairs with a lei. I just saw orange and it was just, gimme it, haha. I asked if I could have it and he gave it to me :)

We were walkin to the parkin garage and L was bein a loudmouth and yelled while she was singin. 2 guys in front of us turned around and hollered back. We had a Vday chat, haha.

Guy 1: "Happy Valentine's Day!"
Me: "Thanks, you too! How was yours?"
Guy 1: "Pretty good, even tho we don't have gfs. He's my date tonight."
Me: "That's OK, he's a cutie."
Guy 1: "Did ya hear that? You're a cutie."
Guy 2: "Ah that's what they all say."
L: "Well we're all drunk..."

Then the 1st guy asked where were goin and if we wanted to come to their alleged hotel room. I didn't hear all of it but he said, somethin somethin...2 rooms, 2 sounds. And I was thinkin, what? Is he tryin to be a club or somethin? I don't get it, haha. Then L told me later he was makin those 2 sounds that go with those rooms, which I didn't hear him do LOL I was like, ohhhh! Cuz I didn't hear him! I was like what the? LOL

So G slept over. Had fun with my Xmas lights, haha. Didn't get to sleep til 5 and I had to get up at noon to get the door for her and before anyone had to go anywhere cuz she had to park at the end of my driveway cuz of all my cars already there so she was blockin everybody's. Good thing it was Sun morning and I wouldn't hafta get up at 10 am or somethin.

I think Andrew called yesterday but of course I didn't get to pick it up. I have a # but I have no idea if it's his. I'm gonna make L call it LOL