Saturday, October 30, 2004

So I forgot it was an Independents class yesterday so I had to stay longer than I thought, havin a guest filmmaker and all. It was Guy Maddin this week and he was a cool, funny dude. I woulda liked to have stayed for his film at the end but hey, I wanted to get home earlier and go out :P At the least I had to stay til the attendance sheet got around to me, haha. Well the prof got those essay proposals marked quick and was givin them back already. 22/25, baby! Yeah, I don't get A's too often, haha. Pretty wicked deal seein that I started the thing the day before it was due and finished the day of. Felt I had to celebrate (OK not really, but I'd use any excuse for goin to the bar) so me and L went to JackAss.

Today me and L watched Saw. That was some freakyass messed up movie, but it was good. "WHY is he cryin like a pussy??" LOL Um, interesting to watch. I thought this was the one...the one scary movie that actually scared me, but no...that movie has yet to come.

Tonight the idea was to link up with G and her coworker friends at some bar but somethin happened and plans got cancelled. Not that it mattered anyway cuz me and L were gonna ditch that :P I was feelin all blah and crampy and such so I wasn't in the mood. So we decided to just keep it chill. We borrowed Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind from Pris. I heard it was good so I guess I had high expectations of it but it was alright. Kinda bizarre and confusing but not bad. Then again, we had gone to the liquor store and picked up some stuff and we weren't payin 100% attention to the movie :P Dude, I got my usual 4-pack of WKD for under $6 :) The girl at the cash was even like, hmmm that's it? Must be on sale or somethin. It didn't have a price thing on it or near the stack so I was like, sweet. I had felt like somethin was tellin me to go in and buy it...rock on, haha.

I finally found out who's openin for Avril next week cuz dumb just now puts it up. It's Not By Choice...they could do worse but I don't care one way or another if I see them or not. Meh, openers for Canadian shows always suck. I guess the Yellowcard show's sold out or somethin now too cuz I'm not gettin anythin when I search for tix. I woulda like to have seen them live but then again, I'm really scared of gettin mashed up in the crowd, haha...which I think is pretty much a definite.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

I just got up from sleepin on the floor, haha. Don't ask me why I didn't use the bed. I had alcohol with dinner :P Me and L needed some time to sober up before we went home, haha. I was just a piggo today...I was really hungry so I had a philly cheesesteak, fries, drink, and shared nachos. Wow, finished it ALL. Now I'm so full, I feel like unghhhh. So I lay down on the floor and fell asleep for a bit. what other mundane details of my day do you wanna hear about? I did laundry and vacuumed, weeeee! Then me and L went lookin for Halloween costumes again. We can't come up with anythin for the life of us. I picked up some stuff from Walmart. Went to Blockbuster where we were thankful that nobody who worked there saw us bein drunken weirdos.

It's good to have money again. Montreal New Yr's eve is so on!

Oh and yesterday...watched Resident Evil 2 with Jay, then went to Timmy's. I'd share more details about that but I really don't think I should, ha. Or I don't have the energy right now. Yawny yawny! Crap, I don't wanna go to class tomorrow. Maybe I'll skip half.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Al can't stop lookin at her puppy calendar, haha. I think she likes it ;) She really digs the stuff I got her. I rock. Me and her and G went to dinner at Pho's and opened presents. Then we solicited and harassed L at Futureshop, hee. "Can you scan this?...And this?... And these?" LOL

I'm so excited about Halloween! It's like Christmas to me. Well Christmas is good too but I don't think there's anythin holy about Halloween :P Candy AND parties?? Oh yes. Kim is mad stressed from midterms so she emailed us about her comin back for the weekend and wildin out like you don't understand. Should be good. Hello liquor, we meet again :)

Monday, October 25, 2004

Wow, Sat was jokes. We actually didn't end up meetin up with Al and she was with Mike. But we called up Shy for her bday since she didn't call me back. She was gonna do nuthin for her bday too...til we asked if she could be ready to come out in 5 mins, haha. So she came with and it was good times. She had brought her camera for pix, not her regular one but some professional SLR camera cuz she's into photography. This looked kinda weird in the middle of a bar so we're like OK we're models and Shy's from a magazine, hahaha. And we somehow got into a political a bar. Bought a couple bday beers...Shy plus alcohol equals laughs. Sam & Pete's has free pool so me like :) We played a buncha games and they got progressively funnier as Shy got drunker. And went to the bathroom FIVE times. I dunno what was goin on but it was like dangerous pool cue night. I accidentally stabbed L under her boob with my cue cuz I was tryin to catch it as it fell, hahaha. That left a nice mark from the chalk on her top. She acted like she had gotten shot LOL I was protestin that it was an accident and I was sorry and all that and she wasn't hearin it. Til she accidentally poked G in the eye with her cue! It didn't get her in the eyeball but on her eyelid so she was OK. Thought ya needed some blue eye shadow! LOL

Today me and G saw Shark Tale, 2 thumbs up. Then we hit Timmy's with L. Jay called me so he's back. I told L that he'd call me the day he got back, watch and see. Not only did he do that, he called me like the minute he got home! I asked him when he got back and he's Holy.

But this week won't change unless I say so, haha. Too bad clubs aren't open on Mondays cuz then me and G woulda gone tomorrow :P And finally Al is comin out so I can give her her damn presents.