Thursday, September 15, 2005

Yellowcard was so good. It was my first real rock show (poppy punk, whatever). As in, live band/all guitars/small venue/no seats. I've been to Avril and Evanescence but they were arena concerts and more mainstream I guess. It was at the Phoenix, which was pretty cool cuz the concert room is like those indie dive clubs. There was a lot of ppl but it's a way smaller place and it's all floor so everybody was standin and I'm like, weird :P Interesting vibe.

I was supposed to meet up with Jay at Finch station but I was totally late and we got to the club half an hr after the doors but the openers still hadn't gone on yet so it was all good.

The band Rufio played first, then Moneen. I haven't heard any of their music before but Rufio's set was better. We went to the licenced area for a drink so we were up in the mezzanine for Moneen. Very cool set-up. Then we went back down before Yellowcard came on.

It was so amazing. It was loud as hell and we were like 20 rows back. I love the closeness of club shows, you can actually see the band. They played almost all of Ocean's Avenue, some old songs, and some of their new stuff that's comin out. I don't remember the exact set list or the order but they did:

Way Away
Life of a Salesman
Holly's Rough Landing
Empty Apartment
Only One
Inside Out
Miles Apart
Lights and Sounds
Finish Line
View from Heaven

And they played "Cigarette" and "Ocean Avenue" for the encore. They said they were playin "the rarest Yellowcard song", somethin that hardly anybody has heard, for their last song and I'm like, no way, they can't not play "Ocean Avenue" for the closer but I guess this special lil song would hafta do. Then they busted out with the first chords and everybody lost it. Fuckin good times.

Yeah, so I don't think I could've gone to this show with anyone else but Jay. And BTW, I don't think he's got that gf anymore, haha. Me and Jay have this unique relationship that I dunno if I can put a label on. We're friends but we're not friends friends cuz we don't hang out on a regular basis or even talk to eachother all that much but we're certainly not together or fuck-buddies or anythin like that. See, I never called him out about the gf thing cuz whatever, it's his business and if he doesn't say somethin about it, I don't really care. There were a few touches here and there but I chalked that up to him just protectin me from the hardcore slam-dancers in front of us. (How is that fun, I dunno...crazy mofos, haha...this one guy came runnin from behind me to join the bunch in the middle and sent me flyin, that fucker). Anyway, then thru the night Jay was holdin my hand (again, me thinkin he was just leadin me thru the crowd so he wouldn't lose me). Then it turned into holdin my hand just to hold my hand and his arms around me from behind. Date-like stuff. Haha, and I even told Darien that me goin with Jay wasn't gonna be a date cuz we're not like that. Not that I minded any of it :P Walkin to the subway station after the show, he friggin picked me up and flipped me backwards so that I was hangin in the air. This guy, I tell you. And then he gave me one of his bone-crushin hugs when we were takin diff buses home.

Anyway, that was the concert. I'm so glad I went. Too bad that meant missin Chris and J's thing last night. It was the last time they'd be able to do somethin before headin back to Texas tomorrow. But I guess I'll see them around Christmas time.

Well, it's packin today and Montreal tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Went with my mom to the optometrist. Had to drive cuz she got her pupils dilated. That appointment was over 2 hrs. Went grocery shoppin. It was gross and hot my house anyway. I was sleepy and heat-cranky. Picked up the Yellowcard tix at the mall. Future Shop still hasn't called.

Thaaaaaat's about it.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

You know what? I didn't realize it was Sept 11 on Sun. I only got reminded cuz I was readin the paper. It's only been 4 yrs and there were a buncha features on the newcasts and a few non front-page articles in the paper but it wasn't really such a major thing. I guess when time passes, it's not so brutal. Of course it's sad whenever the anniversary comes around tho. But I'm thinkin the whole Katrina thing is resonating still so the current situation is obviously takin priority. I hardly write about the world issues goin on cuz I don't write EVERYTHIN that goes on in my head. Plus I don't wanna get into the strong opinion aspect of these kind of events. I don't want to make my blog a socio-political commentary, as trivial and superficial as it is.

Anyway, back to light-hearted fluff. Sun night, me, L, and G went to Timothy's for a talk that should be one of the classics. That conversation led to today...

Me, L, and Dar went downtown. Things To Do list: ring and murse (man purse) for Dar, Yellowcard tix for me, Greyhound tix for the both of us, and goin to the Condom Shack for me and L, haha.

We walked a bitch of a long way from the subway station to get to Rotate This for the concert tix, and it was SO BRUTALLY HOT out. Ticketmaster didn't have them available online anymore so I had to get them at that record store. They had them but too bad they were cash only for them, and I had nothing but my Mastercard. And L and Dar didn't have $55 on them combined :P So we trekked all that for nothing and I thought I had to do it all over again the next day when I came back. But I checked Ticketmaster again and I could get them no problem, what the hell. They were $66 cuz of their damn convenience charges tho...but I guess it was worth it cuz that meant I didn't hafta wrangle up cash or go downtown again. And guess who I got to go with me to the show? Jay, haha. As in, Army Boy from how long ago :P In conclusion...I'm gonna see Yellowcard!

Me and Dar bought coach tickets to Montreal so I'm goin for sure! We got a buddy deal at the bus terminal and we didn't get Greyhound but Coach Canada which I guess it's better cuz this one stops by the mall so that's a plus for us...esp since we're leavin early enough as it is :P

Made a visit to the Condom Shack. Interesting stuff. We were this close to gettin flavoured condoms for G, haha. We got her so scared about our mysterious trip there, she probably thought we were gonna buy her a dildo or somethin.

Hit the Eaton Centre. Dar didn't end up gettin a ring (he's so fuckin picky) or his murse cuz they were off season already or some crap like that.

Then we were all starving so we had dinner at Baton Rouge. We got so full, we were about to throw up. We saw a long ass line-up outside the theatre across the street. The Film Festival is bananas. I would've like to have gone for some movies but it's complicated and I don't have the money. I don't even volunteer anymore cuz they ask for references now and I had enough trouble with those tryin to land an actual job. But I was hopin to catch a random celebrity walkin around town. Too bad I missed David Boreanaz and Val Kilmer.

That was long. OK I'm endin it.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

I finally bought a new pair of sunglasses. Me, G, and Dar were lookin for some in TWO malls yesterday. They're dark aviators. I saw a nice pair that were the kind I wanted but I looked and they were J.Lo and $55. Eff that, I'm bound to lose/break them like I always do so a cheapie pair was the goal. I eventually found it at Walmart, haha. They're not totally shitty tho cuz they're like $20 still. Dar came out with no rings. He's picky picky picky. Woman, haha.

Well the Ernie thing changed up and it was decided that G would go it alone. And Charles was there, haha. He called my cell but I missed it. I figured he was drunk while at the party and I tried callin him back while I was drunk, haha. I tried a buncha times. His phone was always unavailable or whatever that automated lady said, and the last time it just kept ringin out cuz he doesn't have voicemail. Plus I was usin *67 cuz I was on L's cell so I guess he couldn't tell if I had called. Anyway, I had Pris, Dar, and L at my house and the vodka and the Pepsi One that L got me from Jersey were brought out. There was music, stories about hs, Gamecube, webcams, and all of Dar's bday pictures. Pure jokes.

But ew, Dar had tooth surgery or whatever this week and they had cut all along his gums so he's got stitches. Therefore he shouldn't be havin alcohol. He technically shouldn't even have been talkin really. So we're sittin there and after takin a sip of his own drink that he brought, we see him pick at somethin from his lips like when you've got a piece of fluff or hair on you. We're like, what's that? Whatcha got there?

It was a STITCH. He was pullin stitches from out of his mouth!!! GROSSSSSSSSS. They were fallin out from the alcohol or somethin I guess. I ran across the room with my hands over my mouth in disgust and horror. Ugh.

Good times despite that. I was laughin too much to stop Dar from piggy-backin me around and L slappin my ass while I was helpless didn't help. And then we had to try makin it thru the kitchen doorway without hittin my butt into the stove or the fridge, haha.

Then after everybody left, I figured I should needed somethin solid in my stomach. Later I wasn't feelin that great and I was lyin on the floor, watchin TV. Then the somethin solid (or not too solid) came back up after that :P Agh, no more drinkin! I know...sure sure.

Well, soup for lunch for me today!