Sunday, September 11, 2005

I finally bought a new pair of sunglasses. Me, G, and Dar were lookin for some in TWO malls yesterday. They're dark aviators. I saw a nice pair that were the kind I wanted but I looked and they were J.Lo and $55. Eff that, I'm bound to lose/break them like I always do so a cheapie pair was the goal. I eventually found it at Walmart, haha. They're not totally shitty tho cuz they're like $20 still. Dar came out with no rings. He's picky picky picky. Woman, haha.

Well the Ernie thing changed up and it was decided that G would go it alone. And Charles was there, haha. He called my cell but I missed it. I figured he was drunk while at the party and I tried callin him back while I was drunk, haha. I tried a buncha times. His phone was always unavailable or whatever that automated lady said, and the last time it just kept ringin out cuz he doesn't have voicemail. Plus I was usin *67 cuz I was on L's cell so I guess he couldn't tell if I had called. Anyway, I had Pris, Dar, and L at my house and the vodka and the Pepsi One that L got me from Jersey were brought out. There was music, stories about hs, Gamecube, webcams, and all of Dar's bday pictures. Pure jokes.

But ew, Dar had tooth surgery or whatever this week and they had cut all along his gums so he's got stitches. Therefore he shouldn't be havin alcohol. He technically shouldn't even have been talkin really. So we're sittin there and after takin a sip of his own drink that he brought, we see him pick at somethin from his lips like when you've got a piece of fluff or hair on you. We're like, what's that? Whatcha got there?

It was a STITCH. He was pullin stitches from out of his mouth!!! GROSSSSSSSSS. They were fallin out from the alcohol or somethin I guess. I ran across the room with my hands over my mouth in disgust and horror. Ugh.

Good times despite that. I was laughin too much to stop Dar from piggy-backin me around and L slappin my ass while I was helpless didn't help. And then we had to try makin it thru the kitchen doorway without hittin my butt into the stove or the fridge, haha.

Then after everybody left, I figured I should needed somethin solid in my stomach. Later I wasn't feelin that great and I was lyin on the floor, watchin TV. Then the somethin solid (or not too solid) came back up after that :P Agh, no more drinkin! I know...sure sure.

Well, soup for lunch for me today!


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