Friday, September 02, 2005

Wow it's Sept.

So what have I been doin? More 12-hr days with Dar, haha. Well I can see why ppl would think we're together...but GOD NO. He is/was into Al anyway :P I don't remember if I mentioned that before. Technically nobody's supposed to know. Oops. Don't tell anyone.

Played pool at Spectrum, heaven forbid that Q's is closed for good cuz it wasn't open on Sun. My Honda Accord is sometimes the only car I get and it STILL reeks of gas so I don't like drivin it. This is made worse by my dad tellin me that there's somethin up with the exhaust and it's really really loud. I find out for myself when I go to pick up Dar and it sounds like a freakin Fast & Furious racer, except it's not! You'd hafta see the car for yourself to understand the hilarious irony. It sounds badass but lookin at it, bein inside it, it's just bad, haha. So we're drivin back home and a car pulls up next to us at a red. There's a few guys in there all talkin at the same time, askin us for so-and-so street or whatever and the 2 guys in the front ask me if I wanna race, hahaha. I guess they heard it but they had no idea that my shitbox was in no condition to drag. Or they were just mockin my fine piece of work vehicle. But I guess it doesn't look crappy at all at night cuz it's charcoal and it bein dark and all.

Mon was a big clean-up day in the house. My mom decided to move all the boxes and shit that have been sittin in the livin room to the study room and switch all the stuff in the study room (my brother's old room) to his new room upstairs. Friggin heavy liftin. At night, me, Al, Dar chilled at Pris' condo. I think she's about to move in anytime now.

Tues me and Dar worked as extras on Default's new music video! We were there from 2 to 8:30 and it felt so much longer cuz it was mostly standin around waitin and pretendin to rock out over and over in a big, dusty warehouse and it was SO DAMN HOT in there. All for free. Cool experience tho, I had fun. I got a pic with the band. I love Dallas :) And the bassist with the braids now has this awesome mohawk, he's actually kinda hot. We heard their single "Count On Me" over so many takes that I think I know most of the words by now. It's pretty good tho. They're editing the stuff now and the director said the video would be out in about 2 weeks so if I see myself in it, I'll be sure to let everyone know ;) If they use the shots that I think they're usin, you'll def see the back of my head and my ass, haha.

We hadn't eaten all day and the breaks we got only gave us 15 mins to walk to the Eaton Centre to use a proper washroom instead of a Porta-Potty or to go buy a Red Bull from the corner store. There was pizza after the shoot so that took care of dinner...we took a couple slices as we were still workin on our first ones and ran, haha. They loved havin us there tho so it wasn't really work.

Then we watched Batman Begins on IMAX. I know it's kinda old by now but everyone had watched it and we both wanted to see it so there you have it. I liked it...Christian Bale :) Tho the screen kinda made me dizzy cuz it's so huge and my eyes didn't know where to look.

Such a long day. Then all of a sudden Darien is all hyper and smiley comin outta the movie cuz he was on painkillers. He esp enjoyed the fact that it was rainin outside...he had just mentioned that day that he loved walkin in the rain. Why would you wanna get your clothes wet, crazy man. So we had no choice but to go out in it cuz it was midnight by this point. We had to walk to the subway station and the rain got bad enough that we just gave up tryin to run. I might as well have showered outside cuz my hair was that drenched. It was funny tho. And we rode the TTC home like that.

Wed I took it easy cuz I was just so tired from the day before. So much walkin! And standin!

Yesterday was the CNE. I went with my mom, aunt, and Darien, haha. I only went cuz Dar's never been and I guess I haven't been there for a few yrs. We used to go every yr when I was a kid. My mom and aunt were goin to walk around and watch shows and shop :P OMG I had to get up at 8:30. Everybody knows this hurts me.

We browsed the vendors in the International Centre and the Arts & Hobbies building, separating and meetin up with my mom and aunt a few times. Me and Dar saw some stuff that we were close to buyin like collector's bobbleheads from '80s cartoons, some jewelery, new sunglasses for me to replace my busted ones that were replacin my lost ones at Wonderland, and these cool retro metal signs of Pepsi ads. Dar ended up gettin a Colorado Avalanche road sign cuz he's obsessed with them for some reason. I saw this retro diner Pepsi clock that I would've loved (and Dar actually was serious about buyin for me cuz he's rich and insane like that) but it was $100.

We got food, explored some more, saw the Human Cannonball guy, went around the Midway a buncha times and played a LOT of games. Dar was determined to win somethin so he spent a lot of money tryin, haha. He did get me a big Champ Bear Carbear, a pirate Patrick, and a lil Spongebob. He lost so bad at most of them, haha. Actually I won the Patrick cuz I'm the one who got the ball into the basket (the kind where they're convex so you gotta toss them a certain way so they'll stay in). Good times. Then we had to leave at 6 cuz Dar had arranged a lil get-together with everybody to solidify the bday plans for Sat at the coffee shop. So we left my mom and aunt so they could stay as long as possible to get their admission price's worth, haha. Me, Dar, and the girls were supposed to meet at 8 at Starbucks but we were runnin late and then the whole ride thing wasn't helpin.

Anyway, we got all of the party stuff sorted out. We were all in a weird mood and ppl thought we were drunk when we got out to the parkin lot. Man, I was tired from the day. I got home around 10:30 and my mom still hadn't gotten back. Tsk tsk, stayin out later than me, haha. Then I realized I hadn't even eaten dinner. My sleepin and eatin patterns were so messed up this week.

Oh well. Darien's bday tomorrow! I should go pack. Have a friggin good long weekend!