Thursday, August 18, 2005

Agh, this day has been stressful. Let's just not talk about it...except that ppl and technology can REALLY test me. And it's ALWAYS when it's that time of the month and makes it that much worse!

Job interview today. Guess it went alright. At least that's another thing crossed off the list, cuz I wasn't lookin forward to it at all. Then I picked up L and we went to the mall for a bit and I got in a better mood when she bought me ice cream :)

Yesterday was fun tho. Me, G, L, and Darien went down to Yorkville to shop. Well, window-shop cuz no one can really afford anythin from that area :P Actually, Darien did buy a pricey watch but that was from The Bay. We had some interesting sales woman who we had quite a convo with and joked around and thought we were drunk from a "liquid lunch". Dar doesn't get out much, let alone get to do the tourist-y things downtown so it was some day out for him. It was cool to go browse around Holt Renfrew and Aritzia and such stores knowin full well that I wouldn't be buyin a damn thing. At least we didn't get snubbed by the sales associates cuz we didn't look like potential customers! We were decently dressed, shades on, smoothies in hand, haha. We went lookin for dress shirts and stuff for Dar. I don't think I've ever gone shoppin with a guy, for the guy. Dar's so metrosexual, I love it :) And we were this close to gettin him to buy this very pink shirt.

We went back uptown and hit STC cuz someone needed somethin at the mall, I don't remember what. The mind is goin. Then we went for dinner at Milestone's. We taught Dar a lot more about North American culture and he taught us more British sayings and whatnot. Good times. He was feelin down the day before and we stayed up talkin on MSN for a while. But I'm not allowed to talk about that! Plus it's really long and complicated as always. Hence, the hr-somethin conversation I had with Al on the phone.

And speakin of problems with friends...yeah, that last thing was about P. I still haven't gotten to talk to her yet but L said that P told her that her cell was messed up so she wouldn't know if we tried to call or not this week anyway :P Shhhhh.

Now if only these damn cramps would leave me alone!


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