Friday, August 05, 2005

I like this bullets thing. I'm just that lazy. SO, all about Tues...Coldplay, the Air France plane, G stuck at the airport, the thunderstorm! It was just so weird that the one time G was gonna be at to the airport that day, the big crash/fire happened.

  • It wasn't good weather but nowhere near as bad as what L was sayin (apparently it was mad rainin where she was, cuz she lives in what we call Boonieland - about 10 mins drive from me, but not over here)
  • It started rainin so bad that I thought it was hail pelting my window
  • L made it over to my house and was freakin out about the roads bein flooded and if the Coldplay concert was gonna be cancelled...concerts are not called off if a lot of water keeps you from bein there, geez. Anyhow, I wasn't buyin $200 worth of tickets to NOT go
  • G was at the airport seein off Heather and Sarah and tellin us that the traffic was heinous and she was still on the highway
  • G then scares us about how she heard on the radio that there was a plane on fire at the airport
  • Me and L get a ride downtown from my mom as she's goin to work and we hear about the crashed and everythin's in chaos. I was like, OMG tell me nobody died
  • They were sayin that as far as they knew, there were no fatalities...apparently it skidded off the runway and hit a ditch (in the newspapers the day after, it looked so much worse)
  • Flights were delayed, traffic was insane, there's all these ppl goin to concerts downtown - it was a crazy day for Toronto
  • G tells us that obviously she might not make it down for the show and to go without her if she wasn't there in time
  • The rain had stopped and me and L were downtown around 5:55, had to pick up the tickets from the closest Ticketmaster centre: the box office at Rogers Centre, which closed at 6...otherwise we'd have to walk alllll the way to Yonge & Dundas and walk all the way back to the ACC which is right beside Rogers Centre
  • We ran up this monster flight of steps and across the way (well, I ran since I was "the one who can sprint" :P). The Rogers Centre is really big and it's circular and I didn't wanna run the distance around the whole thing just to find the box office was closer to the side I started from so I stopped a man in what looked like the uniform (actually he didn't even stop when I asked him). "Excuse me, do you work here at Skydome (what it used to be called, I can't bring myself to call it Rogers Centre, it's awkward and kinda lame)?" "No, I work at the Rogers Centre." He thought he was bein soooo clever. Clearly I'm in a hurry and I don't give a shit what it's really called, the guy didn't even stop walkin. I said, "Sorry, Rogers Centre," with a fake smile but on the inside I was rollin my eyes cuz I don't have time for this, ass! Ran down another monster flight of steps and around the corner to gate 7 (geez it's a lot of runnin for the distance of a STADIUM), got there with a min to spare with 2 ppl in front of me in line
  • Got the tickets, took a break to catch our breaths and stop sweatin, haha (it was humid out) since we had 2 hrs til the concert
  • Saw a lion dog (it really looked like a lion with the colour and the mane and the way it walked, but was a dog :P), got freaked out by a friggin pigeon that got too close for comfort, got food, went lookin for a battery for an automatic camera ($15, fuck! But it takes better long distance shots than the digital), saw the screamin teenyboppers outside for Canadian Idol, popped in the Jays Store
  • Went thru the Skywalk, G called and said she was on her way...Justin dropped her off at the subway station so G went straight from work to the airport to downtown
  • Met up with her, headed into the ACC and watched the openers Black Mountain...they were boring
  • Our seats were in the 300s which we wanted cuz we didn't wanna pay 80 somethin bucks for price level 1 tickets, but they were like on diagonal from the side, just startin to go towards the back. We were closer that the ppl at the other end of the venue but we were lookin down on the stage and couldn't see any of the stuff on the screens for Coldplay or get the full effect of the light show as the ppl seein them from the front
  • They played only a bit from the Parachutes album, the singles from A Rush of Blood to the Head (they also did "Warning Sign" which is one of my favs but not "Green Eyes" or "Amsterdam" but I guess they're not really arena material and probably would've lulled the audience), and most of the good songs from X & Y but not "A Message", booo
  • At first the crowd was so Canadian in how subdued they were cuz I only saw a bunch of ppl boppin and jumpin around but then they got into it later on. When "Yellow" started, they had these big yellow balloons the size of ginormous beach balls bouncin around in the audience
  • For "The Scientist", "Clocks", "In My Place", and "Fix You", everybody lost it and the whollllllle place sang...if you've never experienced it before, you need to. I dunno how to describe how it feels when more than 15,000 ppl are clapping in unison faster and faster while one of your favourite bands are right there, the atmosphere is crazy
  • Chris Martin made a lot of small talk in between songs, they really love Toronto...he slipped in an improvised lyric about the plane crash during "Politik", said somethin about Celine Dion and then apologized for it, and apparently the beginning of "Fix You" was messed cuz he said they fucked up so they played it again :) He even ran behind the stage and up to the 200s where the empty seats were and sang from there for...I don't even remember what song, I was so entranced, haha

I took a lot of pix with the old school camera and my digital too. We were the first stop on their tour, it was so fuckin amazing. I heart Coldplay!!


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