Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I'm lackin on the updates. Here we are...

Me and P are always the nonchalant concert-goers, strollin in at whatever time no matter when the show starts :P I knew Avril wasn't gonna be on til past 8 and I don't really have that much of an opinion on Not By Choice, esp since I've already seen them before so I wasn't really in a rush to get to the ACC. They're just the openers but when you've got floor tickets, you should get your ass there earlier to get as close to the stage as you can. Well we got a ride from my mom since she works downtown so that saved a lot of time. Too bad we left at 6 :P And we still had to pick up the tickets from Sunrise Records. I couldn't swing by STC to get them that day but there's a Sunrise downtown right by the Eaton Centre so good for that. Picked up the tickets but I didn't want to make my mom late so we walked from Sunrise to the ACC. That's right, from Dundas to Union on foot. It was muggy that day and we walked for about 20 mins but it felt like forever in that damn hot air. So yes, just walkin made us sweat. This would be the ongoin theme for the night cuz I was just sweaty sweaty til the time I got home. Gettin front row was obviously out cuz we were just tryin to make it for 7. Oh well, I wasn't too excited about bein pushed up against by hysterical teenagers in the pit. I was feelin gross enough as it was. But at least the floor ticket entrance was super short and we got in fast. There suprisingly wasn't that big of a crowd on the floor yet. We could leave and come back and wouldn't really lose a spot. Still, we somehow ended up next to a buncha parents and their kids. Again, DON'T BRING YOUR SMALL CHILDREN TO A CONCERT WHEN YOU HAVE FLOOR TICKETS!!! They are 3 feet tall!! They can't SEE ANYTHING!! You will have to carry them. Not only will this be tiring to you but also I doubt you'll be holdin them for the entire duration of the show so they won't see half of it anyway, AND you block ppl behind you and I'm sure they didn't pay the same amount of money as you did just to see your kid's behind. Geez. I really don't see the sense in it. Fine, I can deal with tall ppl cuz as much as I dislike them gettin their heads in my line of sight, they can't help their height (tho I will always be behind the notion of 'tall ppl in the back, short ppl near the front' :P). But really, why bring 4 yr olds to a concert anyway? You must be pretty financially comfortable to buy your kindergarteners $60 tickets each for a show they won't remember they saw and music they don't even know what the lyrics really mean, and they can't even see the performer cuz 95% of the audience is twice their size. Get seats in the stands! I don't get it. OK I've bitched. I guess the families could've been worse. It was a buncha parents and a group of their kids together. The parents weren't exactly old, and they seemed nice enough, not intimidating ones like the kind who'd cuss out the teacher at parent meetings at school when the kid did somethin bad. But the dad beside me kept havin to hoist his daughter on his shoulders or passin her off to his wife and the kid's foot kept hittin me, or they would be semi-dancin and I'd get shoes and legs. Not exactly the hype section where we were but me and P had fun anyway.

The show was wicked. I can say that Avril's 'grown up'. Her hair's always wavy now and she was wearin a long skirt. She sang so good, she even changed up the arrangements on some songs and they sounded amazing. She did "Fall To Pieces" this time so I was happy :) Me and P almost lost our voices. Oh and her engagement ring is fuckin huge! I wasn't far from the stage at all (about 12 rows back) but still, I could blatantly see the big ass chunky diamond. She was pretty laid back but still bouncin around the stage. You could tell she was happy, like she was glowing and always smilin. I still can't believe she's engaged, she's only 20!

I dunno what's goin on with Matt's (drummer) hair but Craig (guitarist) was lookin pretty good. They switched up for a cover of Blur's "Song 2" so Av got behind the kit and Craig sang. They did Green Day's "American Idiot" too.

The show ended earlier than we thought so we were out before 10. Fish had called me earlier in the day about bein downtown for dinner that night so we could meet up. I called her thinkin she was done but she and her PR friend from school Leslie decided to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and it just started so they'd be out around 11:30 or somethin. Me and P didn't know what we'd do so we said we'd call back and leave a msg about what was goin on for later. We decided to walk to the Paramount theatre to meet her there. SO MUCH walkin cuz it was kinda far! But we had a lot of time to kill. We got some drinks, then P decided that she'd go visit Mario back uptown but she couldn't leave me alone til I hooked up with Fish.

We made it to Richmond St. and there's a Le Biftheque (steak restaurant) there with these big bulls out in front behind a fence or whatever cuz it's supposed to look like cattle on a farm. I dared P to get on one of them. She climbed up on one with no hesitation and went all cowgirl on it. So this is a busy street that everyone goin to the clubs is drivin on, there's ppl around, it's a restaurant, and she's goin "WOOOOOO!!!" while I'm takin a picture of it, haha. DRUNK. And we got a lot of randoms with the compliments as we walked down the club district...and a lot of free passes ;)

Anyway, we made it to the movie theatre, used a pay phone to call Fish cuz P's cell's mins and battery were low, left a voicemail AND a text about how I was waitin for her by the escalators and NOT TO LEAVE ME, haha. I didn't have any cash on me, none to take out from the ATM, not even change to take the subway home, plus I didn't even have my cell on me :P So if P hadn't given me $20 from the ticket money she owed me and Fish had gone without me, I would've been stuck downtown, haha. Unless I took a $50 cab ride and paid by credit card :P

She couldn't wait for me the whole time cuz it takes her like an hr to get to Mario's so she wanted to jet to get there before it was crazy late. P made sure I had Fish's number written down cuz it was stored in her phone and some quarters just in case, haha. I asked how long Charlie was and the guy said 2 hrs so I had about half an hr til Fish got out. I walked P to the Queen subway station (more walkin!), walked back, dropped into Chapters, then waited in the theatre. There wasn't really anywhere to sit. I'd hafta buy a drink or somethin in the bar area and there were no other chairs or anythin. So I went back down and sat on the stairs. I didn't wanna move anywhere in the small chance that Fish would miss me if I wasn't where I said I'd be but I was entertained by the hostiles that caused a ruckus with the manager and security. Who gets drunk at the movies and starts a fight?? Guys are idiots sometimes. It was 2 couples and they all looked about mid 20s. They were bitchin about payin for a movie they didn't see and wanted their money back. The one guy caused shit with some other guy for apparently knockin his chips out onto the floor. The same guy was threatenin the manager and flexin his bicep, sayin he couldn't take this or whatever. Honestly. How old are you? His gf was pregnant. Nice, daddy.

Finally Fish and Leslie came down and we walked to where Fish was parked far far away to get Leslie's stuff from the car, and then we walked towards The Keg that they knew somewhere. Leslie's from Mississauga so she had to take a Go train back so we walked to Union station and waited with her. OMG my feet, my legs. HOURS of walkin plus hrs of standin at the concert. Yeah like I said, the mugginess would not leave me and I was feelin sweaty alllll night. Leslie got on her train and we walked back to Fish's car. I think I got home around 2. I didn't mind the walkin at first cuz hey it's good for you but my calves are sore and my right hip actually started to hurt cuz my joint was clickin in and out. Haha, I totally sound like an old person.

I had to get up to go to Kim's house to help out for her parents' 25th anniversary surprise party. She said 12 but I was slow in gettin up and had to walk there in the bloody heat so I was there at 1. Cat and Fish were already there (apparently havin mopped and Swiffered the floors, haha), hangin icicle lights in the backyard around the fence. But the lights only had an outlet on one end so we couldn't figure out how to attach them all together and string them in one long length. Just standin out there for a couple mins was brutal. We hung up the banner, hung the lights along the nails on the fence separately, weaved more lights thru the deck, and hooked it all up to an extension cord wheel. Al showed up and me and her twisted streamers and put them on the hallway bannister, the basement, the steps, and all the doorways downstairs. Then we all went to McD's to eat and to pick up some of the food and the cake. Cat and Sheena went to get the cake and the rest of us to Food Basics to get fruit and cranberry juice for the liquor..."Do you like my melons and jugs?" Hahaha. Came back and set up more stuff. Kim's brother Jason and his friend were vaccuuming even. Me and Al did more streamers while the rest of them went to get the balloons. Yeah Kimmy went all out...fuckin #1 daughter, makin us all look bad, haha.

Me and Al went home to shower and change and came back at 5:30 so we'd make it there before Kim's parents came back from Niagara Falls. So many of Kim's relatives were there. Lemme tell you, that girl knows how to throw down a party, even if it's an anniversary party with family and 50 yr old ppl, haha. It was friggin rainin tho and that put a dump on the backyard thing, after we made it all pretty.

Holy crap, there was so many ppl crammed in that house. And so much liquor! Oh man, I couldn't decide what I wanted cuz I wanted to try it all but I couldn't mix my alcohol. Audrey, Chief, Patty, and Fish showed up. Kim's parents came later and they pretty much knew somethin was goin on cuz somebody had spilled to them about not bein invited to their party and there were a lot of cars outside the house plus a catering truck, and a million pairs of shoes on the front porch, haha. But they had no idea how big it was and how many ppl were gonna be there so they were still surprised :) Kim's mom saw their blown-up wedding photo and her reaction was hilarious cuz she did this embarassed freak-out.

The caterer brought dinner in and it was enough to feed an army. There was soooo much food. Pretty good too. We were chillin in the basement but it suddenly got too warm cuz of all the ppl and all the steamin food so we went upstairs. There was nowhere else to sit so we all ate on the staircase. I had gotten a splinter on my middle finger on the top before the nail starts, with no idea how I got it but it really hurt. But I wasn't gonna bother the hostess with "Hey Kim, can you get me a needle? And could you sterilize it too?" Plus I wasn't drunk enough to have my skin dug out with a needle yet :P

We moved all around the house during the night, to the garage, to the backyard when it stopped rainin just to appreciate the work we did. Then L came cuz we were supposed to hit some coworker's friend's house party later so she swang by. We didn't end up goin but it's all good cuz Kim's was the shit.

Most of the ppl had left or were leavin and we all chilled in the garage cuz it was just too humid. Kim's Uncle Tom is so damn cool! Drinkin and smokin and talkin sex and shit this and fuck that in front of him, it was great. He even offered to take us all karaoke-ing that night cuz Chief was in the mood to sing :P We brought the cooler of liquor and the stereo out cuz we were out there for hrs. Chief gave Kim a lapdance and then Kim got a bit X-rated and we just had to take video of it :) Cat came by later cuz she had Jason's sister's wedding to go to earlier and she was drunk enough that Jason came in and was like, OK I dropped her off, I'm givin her to you guys, her parents can't be comin to me if somethin happens, haha. I laughed so much that night. 2 words: Yellow Gelert!

So after comin out mosquito bite-free from camping and Sat night where they were everywhere cuz we were sittin out in the open at night in the garage, I got one while I was sleepin the next morning IN MY ROOM. WTF. The stupidest place, like the bottom of my left shoulder blade near the armpit (what's with that area? re: paintballing) under my tattoo. So I dunno how the damn mosquito bit me there cuz it was covered, unless it crawled under my shirt which irks me out cuz I don't like the thought of a bug violating me under my clothes :P Sun I had just cleaned up my room cuz there were clothes everywhere and books on the floor, when my dad decides that would be the day that we switch all the beds cuz we had an extra Queen bed. My brother would move back upstairs next to my room, he'd get my bed, and I'd get the Queen. I've always slept in my twin-size, haha. I don't move around much when I sleep so I don't need a lot of room anyway. So everythin was moved around and the beds were moved in and out. So my room just got messed up again anyway and I had to put everythin back...the stereo, the clothes, the desk, the CD tower, a couple stuffed animals, knick knacks that fell over or were flung somewhere.

Was more of this cleanin up business. I had to take out the wires from the stereo and redo them cuz they were all tangled and I took them out of the extension cord and used that to hook up my cordless phone base so that meant I had to redo the other one with my plugs from my desk lamp and clock radio. It was a lot of crawling under the desk and around the bed against the wall and behind the stereo against the bed and wall. Geez. And I still had a string of the big bulb Christmas lights hangin from my drapes bar so I set that up across the window but I accidentally dropped the end of the lights when I was standin on the chair and it fell and hit my dresser and one of the lights broke so I had to pick up the pieces of glass. I thought it was fine til I plugged the lights into the extension cord and the broken light popped and sparked and scared the fuck outta me :P So I had to unscrew the busted part with no bulb to hold onto cuz the glass was all gone. Moved more clothes cuz I had no more bed frame to hang them over. Cleaned the bathroom mirror and sink. Very domestic.

Me and L were gonna go to the beach at noon but I woke up half an hr late but L said the weather was supposed to be on and off cloudy so that was out. Then she was drinkin in the afternoon like a freak so she wasn't in a state to drive so I took my car. Except my dad must've just filled up on gas cuz it smelled to high heaven of it. My brother wanted to use the car too but I was takin it so I had to drop him and his friend off at Pacific before me and L went to the mall (cuz goin to the mall sobers you up, you see haha). I needed to buy a new bathin suit. I dunno what my dad did but I think he spilled it all over or somethin cuz it was just fumes fumes fumes even tho we were inside the car. We had inadvertently become huffers, haha.

Well I found a bathin suit I liked but wanted to get board shorts too but the mall was closin and I figured to get it all the next day before we left for the beach.

We went back to my house to eat somethin then hung at G's. Downloaded some music and burned CDs, and edited friggin Justin's essay cuz Heather made G do it and G made us help her. Then Justin and Heather came home so we played poker for the rest of the night.

Aaaaand today, we didn't end up goin to the beach again cuz my mom abruptly decided we had to go do car registration stuff with plates and stickers and ownership papers and all this. So much confusion. Talked on the phone with Meen about her engagement announcement/get-together picnic thing at Centre Island on Sat. Made some calls to G and P. Had to drive the bro to his lesson in the Buick Park Avenue that I have never driven before. For one thing, I don't like big cars. Ridin in them is fine, not drivin and certainly not parkin. A second thing, it was one of those cars where the gear-shift thing (I don't even know what it's called) is at the side of the steering wheel instead of next to you in the console. I hate them, it's never a smooth transiton from reverse to drive or park to drive or whatever. I feel like I'm drivin a ridiculous automatic.

I think we're gonna go to Justin's for his poker night or somethin but L wants to do somethin now so bye!