Saturday, July 02, 2005

Just when I was gettin over the muscle pains and that mother of a bruise, I got friggin sunburned yesterday!! Ugh, I'm so upset. Mostly cuz it HURTS but also cuz this tends to happen every yr even tho I'm cautious about it 90% of the time and don't go outside/put on sunblock. I was in the sun for like 10 mins. Fuck! It's all over my arms and my face. The worst of it is on my right shoulder. I was wearin a sleeveless T (well, with lil cap sleeves) and when the redness fades, it'll leave a bad tan line that you can see when I wear a tank top. And there's a stupid lil triangle in the middle of my chest cuz of the V-slit in the neck of the shirt. I'm really lookin forward when it all starts to peel, mmmm.

Besides that bitchass part, Thurs and Fri were fun times. Thurs we hit Tonic and it was outta control ridiculous. For all the pushy ppl, the nasty guys, and the sweat-ers, I still laughed my ass off. A guy named Jon insisted on buyin me a drink. Of course I took it, he was gonna scold me for not havin a good time...or whatever he said. He said he was from England (another one!) and just wanted to make new friends and have fun. That's cool. He even said let's be acquaintances before we become friends. I'm thinkin, wow that's refreshing. Ha, bullshit! He turned on all that :P You can tell when they say one thing and mean another down the road and I was gettin those vibes. Cuz you don't talk about goin out "sometime", just the two of you "maybe to dinner" if you just wanna hang out or shit. He wrote his number on a napkin but I chucked it at the end of the night. I'm sorry, I'd call him if he actually meant the friends thing but I'm not about to go thru another one of those situations (Larry, Jay).

But we made nice small talk and danced tho...then he was monopolyzing me and we just couldn't have that, haha. You're not my bf or my date so I should feel free to dance with other ppl without askin for permission or tellin you when I'd be back. Us girls went to the bathroom and came back to the floor on the other side. We had to lose him a couple times, haha.

We came across a bunch of characters. It was ji-larious. I guess it's the unpleasant experiences that make you laugh the most!

But this guy, OMG this fucker...I'm dancin and mindin my business when I feel fingers from both hands grab/jiggle my butt in the most pervy, molesting way. I turn and I see 2 guys walkin past. I had no idea which one of them did it and I didn't wanna punch the wrong one so I yelled, "WTF, bitch!!" He's walkin away and gives me the finger. He gives me the finger! What?? So I just put up both MY middle fingers and I think he so geniously did the same back but I already started to turn away cuz I didn't wanna waste any more of my time lookin at his ugly mug. Touchin my ass...what is this, a candy store? Unbelievable.

Anyway, I still had fun. I esp enjoyed the fact that the night cost a total of a dollar for me, haha. No cover, no payin for drinks, no coatcheck, just $5 parking divided by the 3 of us :) Well, except for the 3 am McD's we had.

Then the next day for the bbq, I was up for noon to get over to G's house with L to help out. I'd do somethin like cook but bbqs scare me. Like the actual bbq...the fire and the smoke and propane...I always think I'll get burned or it'll explode. Then Fish, Shaun, Al, Clothes (her and John had a fight so he wasn't there), Justin, Cher, and Sarah's friends came over. We ate SO much. And G, in class annual bbq fashion, burned food again, haha. We had to perform some surgery on the blackened chicken. We drank, had laughs, stayed out on the patio talkin (WHY didn't I go inside??). Then we chilled in the house and burned picture CDs. Al napped upstairs and we had our first try at settin up a tent in the backyard :P We got help from former Boy Scout Justin and camping-experienced Cher so we did pretty good but we'll see how that goes when we're on our own next week!

Everybody left full and tired ('itis!). I was gonna go to Mario's house party with P after but I was all burned and blah and smellin like bbq smoke so that was out.

Not too sure how I'm gonna go out tonight with this pain on my skin and my red nose and shoulders, but I will! Happy bday to you, Canada! :)


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