Sunday, July 03, 2005

My shoulder doesn't feel like it's on fire anymore but it still hurts if anythin brushes it. So it was wishful thinkin last night when I said, "Now if I just have nobody touchin me, I'm good!" I knew better than to expect that cuz it's inevitable I'd get rubbed when ppl want to get past me or get hit by a stupid Purse Chick who insists on bringin her chunky, pointy-edged purse to the club and dances while jabbing everyone around her with it.

Everybody was bein a Lamey McLame so just me and G went to Havana. We always had to sneak around the topic of goin there cuz L doesn't want to run into Arthur and so we have to go make plans to go there without her, thus choosin Havana for the night. Arthur's the general manager there (I'm sure I blogged about the time we accepted his invitation to come by and hooked us up with free drinks and I went too far with the Zombies, got wasted, and was sorry about it later that night). Anyway, he's not even there anymore apparently so it didn't even matter :P

I'm tellin you, last night was JOKES. It involved hidin G's jacket behind the couch beside a potted plant in the back of the club, requests to dance comin from all around us, a wind machine, a fabulous dancin gay busboy, but most of all, the party guys.

Me and G were dancin in the corner near the windows where the go-go girls were and there were some ppl standin against the wall. It was a really tall guy with a chick we assumed was his gf, and a couple of his buddies. One of them is somewhat drunkenly gettin into it and dancin into our space. I open it up to him cuz he's not sloppy fallin all over the place and he seemed like he was havin fun doin this dorky lil 2-step so I wanted to see what he could do, haha. Then somehow that just turned into him dancin with me.

Since it was just the 2 of us, it's unspoken that I can't leave G alone. Just like if I happened to get in a scrap, she would normally do virutally nothing to get my back but she'd have to in this case due to sheer numbers :P If it was anybody else, they'd be able to take care of themselves and just find someone to dance with too but not her cuz she's anti-social like that, haha. So I'm havin a time with the guy (we don't know any names, we forgot to ask :P) while tryin to still include G. There was the guy's friend there you'd think the logical thing would be to just take him but G wasn't too hot about that idea. I dunno what her problem was cuz he was adorable. I didn't get a really really good look at him esp since he had a cap on, he seemed a bit young but I deduced he was probably the same age as the one dancin with me. G's guy will now be addressed as The Kid, for reasons I will explain :)

So The Kid took it upon himself to do the logical thing and started dancin with G. Apparently they were havin like whole conversations, as she was tellin me later on. "Less dancin, more talkin!" Hahaha. The Kid said that they were from Oshawa and they all came in a limo, and they didn't know the chicks the other guys were dancin with (who we figured knew the tall guy's gf and were all friends too). As usual personal protocol, I asked my guy how old he was. The theory is I get 21 yr olds about 90% of the time and sure enough, he was 21. I knew it and thus, nothing was goin to happen cuz I always find myself in trouble with a young'n situation, haha. So just dancin it will be!

I looked over at The Kid and noticed how baby-faced he was so I grab the bill of his cap and I'm like, hey how old are you anyway? He says 19. I put my hand on his face and I'm like, aw you're just a baby! Haha, G can no longer say a damn thing about me and 19 yr olds! It was only the one time and technically I didn't even do anythin but anyway. You don't even understand how I enjoyed this new situation. But G found the humour in it too cuz she asked if it was The Kid's first time clubbin...he's like, no the 2nd, hahaha! I woulda laughed even more if it was his bday and he just turned legal that day.

So G wanted out of this particular situation cuz she was mouthin 'help' to me cuz apparently she can't do anythin about it herself so I tapped The Kid and said, "She did tell you she has a bf, right?" He gets a surprised/mouth open look on his face and backed up. I turn to G and wag my finger and shake my head at her, hahaha. The music's really loud so nobody can really hear what you're sayin so I had to put it in gestures :P It's just funny cuz I made G out to be a skanky cheater when she couldn't be more opposite. She was also scared by another friend of theirs who came by and was pure wasted but I couldn't do much about that, haha.

I really tried to get away from my guy a few times cuz I'm tryin to be a good friend and not an abadoner but that was just not workin so well. But the guy did want to mack me a few times and I didn't let him, I have self-restraint! Haha. It's so much harder to leave if you give them that much :P He did half open-mouth kiss, half lick me on my face and neck so I left with his cologne and alcohol-y saliva on me. I always come home smellin like a man, haha.

The whole time we were goin home I kept goin on about how she made the baby frown, haha. And how you couldn't get cuter at 19 than that and that at least he was gentleman-ly enough to back off instead of bein like, I don't care if you have a bf. Oh, only if we were 19!!

I just didn't appreciate the guy unknowingly rubbin my shoulder more than a few times. I couldn't tell him not to touch me there cuz I'm sunburned cuz it's just too loud to to hear anythin so my skin got kinda irritated. Had to suffer in silence. Well not really cuz I yelled "Ow!" and "Buddy, don't touch the shoulder!" which nobody could hear anyway. I just hope it gets better before we leave on Wed. I don't need the pain and peeling while we're away from civilization.


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