Sunday, July 24, 2005

"You know I'm not promising you an elegant night." Hahaha. Me, Kim, Cat, G, and Kim's friend Jen went to Guv on Fri. Anyone who knows Guv and their Fresh Fridays knows that it's a ghetto'ed-down clubbin time. It's a nice enough place, like it's a big space and the best lights and sound and all that but the crowd and the music is hip hop, reggae, and soca. Jen's from somewhere in Ottawa and she hadn't clubbed much in Toronto, let alone been to Guv, and her other friends were tellin her that it was a rough place. But she was all in it and it's actually not a bad spot cuz everybody gets ideas of thugs and stabbings and shit. Just don't piss anybody off, haha. Jen was like, "I can't believe I saw so many ppl just smokin weed right in the club" and "I've never been frisked like that before, she went thru everythin in my purse!" So cute...oh those small town girls.

It was fun, I drank an entire Coors Light by myself. That's right, a whole beer. Well no wonder ppl need so many beers to get hammered, the thing was like water. I didn't even feel the slightest thing after one and that's sayin somethin :P

We were chillin on the patio, drinkin and talkin cuz we got there kinda early. I'm leanin on this table thing when some guy comes next to me and start chattin it up. He was interesting to talk to and I couldn't tell at first cuz he's one of those ppl who aren't clearly drunk cuz they can still walk and talk but nothing else is really workin, but he was so bombed that he asked me what my name was about 5 times even tho he kept promising he'd remember it. Seemed like a nice guy but nothing I was really attracted to and typically, 21 of course (always!). Then came the point where you can't really up and leave cuz they'd ask for your number or to hook up later or whatever so you hafta come up with a way to get out easy. He's like, do you want to give me your number or do you want mine? So I said I'd take his number, obviously so I could not call him, but I didn't have my phone so I had to put it into Cat's. They wanted to go back inside so we left him. Then I deleted it, haha. Again, I think I might've kept him as a friend but they never want that anyway so pfft. His name was...get ready for it...Roly Poly. He honestly said that's what his name was. And he sold shooters out of his car in the parkin lot.

So Guv has this harcore machine thing that shoots this dense white fog at the floor with the crazy power of jet engines and I think it's to cool you down too cuz it was super cold air. We didn't see it comin so were like WHAT THE FUCK!?! It shoots for like a full 30 seconds so it's like the longest time of your life. You can't see two inches in front of your face, it's like you're in a wind tunnel, and it's really chilly. We're all grabbin for eachother cuz you feel like you're in a war movie and smoke bombs are goin off. We were like half-screamin, half laughin our asses off cuz it was so outta control ridiculous. Me and Kim accidentally grabbed some other chick...I knew that hand didn't feel familiar, haha. And you'd think we'd move from that spot and not get blasted 3 more times like that but there wasn't really anywhere else to go.

But good times. They played a lot more soca tho, I guess cuz Caribana's comin up on the weekend. Which I also plan to go to but not to the clubs after cuz it gets too packed and crazy.

Yesterday was fun too. Meen had her day at Centre Island with all of her usual crew. She just got engaged, I hadn't gotten to talk to her much and I hadn't been out with her in so long so it was good to spend all of Sat with her and Mo, Reema, Nadia, Christina, The Man, and all of them. I think there was like 15 of us.

Meen had told me to meet at her house at 1 so we can all go downtown together and meet up at Centre Island but we had to pick up her car at Futureshop cuz she got her sound system installed (she bought a car and it's the same one we got: '99 black Pontiac Grand Am SE...except hers doesn't have a spoiler :P), drive back to her house, pack the car, meet up with other ppl, pick up chicken which took probably about a freakin half an hr at that Popeye's, and picked up some more ppl in the other cars. We didn't get downtown til about 3:30, parked, walked, bought ferry tickets, lined up and waited. They take so many ppl over in one trip, so when you're waitin with them all behind these gates, it feels like you're either goin on an immigrant boat or you're cattle goin to the slaughterhouse, haha. Or Reema's favourite word of the day, on "exodus", haha.

We ate, played frisbee, walked around, read, laid out and whatnot. We did the maze that's made out of hedges. The fools split up and got lost but we just followed Christina and she got us out pretty quick :P Some of them rented the tandem or quad bikes. We were gonna rent pedal boats and kayaks but we got there just as they closed for the last boats to go out at 7. Hit the beach and the pier. Lots of walkin, walkin, walkin.

Got back to our spot on the grass by the water, played some catch and a serious game of soccer. Me and Meen were wearin sandals so that wasn't really helpful. I couldn't kick for shit and I'd keep losin one flip flop. Poor Meen's lil sister, she got booted with a straight shot to the chest cuz she accidentally got in the way of our goalie guy's shot (I dunno his name), haha. She's like, I couldn't breathe for a second there. Well it's not funny if she collapsed but you know. Had to be there, it made the loudest POOM! noise cuz he kicked it so hard, haha. But whatever, she also stomped on my toes and kicked me in the shin :P

We played til it got dark and then we bounced before the mosquitoes came out to eat us. We were kinda tired and sweaty but we still wanted to do somethin. We were gonna go to the Jazz Fest but then that was another trek. Clubbin was out cuz we weren't dressed for it plus we were all gross from the day. Got back on the ferry, half of us got separated cuz there were too many ppl on the boat and we didn't know they were left behind so we had to wait 20 mins, walked to the parkin lot, dropped off our stuff in the cars, walked to Front St. and popped into Casey's for food and drinks.

I got to see Meen's engagement ring up close. I think I want to get engaged just for the ring, haha. Sooo pretty and sparkly.

So 2 bits of sociological business that night. Nadia had picked up a children's backpack at Centre Island that someone left behind. She was meanin to do the right thing and keep it cuz the place was gonna close and she wanted the owner to get it back alright and turnin it into the lost and found would probably get it lost in the mix. Turns out the stuff in the bag were all these personal things like a health card, a citizenship card, lots of important stuff that someone would be freakin out over. We were wonderin why they'd keep all that stuff in a kid's packpack and take it to Centre Island with them. There were a buncha phone numbers and The Man helped Nadia call around to try to get in touch with the person. They finally got a hold of the woman's best friend. Apparently, the woman was in a shelter and couldn't get in contact. We assumed that there was trouble with the husband cuz he was at their house but since she was in a shelter with her kid and had all those personal documents. Then there was the whole thing about droppin the bag off or havin someone pick it up or bringin the woman with them to prove they are who they say they are, and Mo was sayin that that was a sketchy situation too cuz you never know who'd come to pick it up cuz apparently you could sell stuff like citizenships and shit and those other things would be next to impossible to replace. The Man called back the ppl and said he'd drop the bag off at a police station. Nadia was all flustered cuz it was pretty much her problem cuz she was the one who picked up the bag. All she wanted was to be a good citizen :P But at least the woman was kinda from her area so her friend or whoever wouldn't hafta drive all the way back downtown and be searchin Centre Island for everythin.

When we were in the parkin lot, there was a homeless guy goin thru the garbage directly in front of where our car was. Seein homeless ppl downtown is nothing new at all but you can't ignore the guy that's right there, knowing you've got extra food in the back. We had so much friend chicken left and it didn't make sense to waste it if we could give it to the homeless guy. The Man asked if he wanted some food and the homeless guy was like, yeah I'm kinda hungry, thanks. He asked for a drink too but we didn't have any more. At least he scored for at least one day cuz there were boxes and boxes of it. He packed it up on his cart of belongings and then went back to diggin thru the trash bag. *Shrug*

Anyway, it was a very chill day. It wasn't hot at all that day esp since we got there sunburn, no mugginess, and no mosquito bites, loves it.

I got home around 2 and I wasn't happy that my sister kept callin the house around 11 or 12. Nobody was home and my brother was still sleepin and doesn't have a phone in his room anyway so I finally rolled out and picked it up. She forgot her work badge with her security pass on it so she made me drive to the Goodlife gym where she was and drop it off to her.

I really shouldn't be goin out tonight but I think it's gonna happen.


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