Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Where do I start about our My Apartment experience?? G wasn't off work til 8 so any chances of catchin Jay-Z @ Much was out. We ended up headin downtown around 9:30 which is pretty late for the after work crowd/drink specials at My Apartment on Fridays. But the cheap drinks were allegedly til 11 so all we cared about was buyin 5 drinks at a time each and gettin our money's worth before then. We got there a bit after 10 and the cheap drink thing was bullshit! G bought 2 pineapple Malibus and a Sex on the Beach and it came out to 20 somethin bucks :P I think it was probably just on beer. Figures. Tho even I was pondering gettin a Marca Bavaria or any kind of honey beer if they had it, just cuz it was cheap! It's a nice place but it's kinda small. It's pretty much like...somebody's apartment with a danceflor and patio :P Me and G drank and chatted. We were standin at those tall bar tables talkin about her coworker's wedding when some random comes up (wasted of astounds me how guys can get so drunk but you'd never know it til they started to talk) and asks what we're talkin about cuz we look so serious. I'm like, weddings are serious business, haha. We chatted for a bit, none of it really bein important or sensical at all but he was an interesting guy and not bad to look at. Me and G walked around to see what the rest of the bar looked like and we pretty much covered it in 30 seconds, haha. Good crowd tho, cuz it's the 'mature clientel' so everybody's older (girls at least 21, guys's actually a rule) but not too old that you'd worry about ppl your dad's age hittin on you. Anyway, I wanted to go look for that guy that interrupted us cuz he seemed like a fun person :P At first I thought he was there by himself and that's kinda weird cuz who does that? But we did end up spottin him with a friend so. So we were makin our way around the dancefloor when a guy stops me and says somethin to the effect of, "My friend thinks your friend is hot, he likes her jacket." I'm like, ummm...OK? Would you like me to tell her that? You wanna hook it up?

The weird thing is the guy that was into G wasn't even lookin our way even tho we were pretty much in front of him. He was talkin to another girl next to him (who we find out later is the gf of one of their other buddies). So obviously I thought the guy talkin to me was just screwin around like in grade school when you'd be like, my friend over there likes you, teeheehee! Either that or he was just find an excuse to pick me up too.

He eventually admitted gettin to talk to me was just a bonus of gettin his friend and G together. So his name was Charles and G's guy was...Ernie. If that's not the sexiest name I've heard, I don't know what is! Haha. At first glance, I just thought he looked like a Swedish hockey player cuz he was blond and tall and manly. Turns out the whole group of them besides Charles were from Newfoundland, with the slight accent and everythin. Aaaaand, they were hockey players! They all play in a league together. Apparently they had seen us since we had got in the bar. I'm like, were you like watchin us all night or somethin?? Haha. Cuz that'd be kinda creepy. Well me and G never did make it back to the dance floor cuz we spent the rest of the night talkin to the boys. Every time I looked over at Ernie and G they were in a constant, intense conversation and me and Charles are like, WHAT are they talkin about for long? Haha. Later on, G told me that every time she looked over at me and Charles we were "gettin close", haha. We were still there when the bar was closin and the lights came up :P

Ernie was nice, the other guys were nice, the gf was nice. Charles kept touchin me and let's just say he did everythin short of mackin but cuz I'm tryin not to be That Girl (apparently I have a rep of makin out with randoms all the time). So as easy as it would've been, I didn't kiss him at all...just to show that I can do it, haha. Oh and of course I can't forget to add that he had a lot to drink :P He kept askin to go out with him over the weekend or at least to come watch them at their hockey game. I can't even put our whole conversation thru the night in just a description. It was...some night. Anyways, they left as we did so they wanted to walk us to our car. It was kinda far so we had an interesting walk as we paired off. Hand-holdin, side-steppin horse poop, Charles callin my cell and leavin me a msg when I was right NEXT TO HIM, hangin around the car for about half an hr more, sprinklers on the lawn in the parkin lot goin off and washin the front end of G's car, some chick walkin by with her friends shoutin for us to get a room when we weren't even doin anythin.

Yeah, we got home around 4. I dunno if you can understand the significance of the night if you don't know G, haha. The whole concept of her bein with a guy like Ernie blows all our minds.

OK I'm really lazy to keep writin but I just had to be about the details of Fri night, the rest of the weekend will be in points.

  • Got sick as I got home Fri night, woke up at 6:30 am and threw up...FOAM?? Yeah, I dunno either
  • Was feelin so trashed that I slept in Sat afternoon and missed the Caribana parade downtown
  • Went to Philthy McNasty's on Sat night with Al and L, invited Charles along
  • Had the whole intense talk with him about me and "relationships", etc.
  • Texting, voicemails, and phone convos here and there
  • Went to L's work bbq on Sun with G, Sarah, and Al...ate the free food, played poker with some dude we met named Michael, "I think the veggie burger is bleeding (on the grill)". "That can't be good." "'s a veggie burger!" Hahaha.
  • Me, L, Al, and G drove to Buffalo on Mon for some cross-border shoppin at the Walden Galleria mall and the outlet stores ALL DAY...leavin the house at 9:30 am and gettin home at 11 pm...almost had an inspection scare if the girls hadn't hidden their new purchases so well in the trunk :P
  • Lastly, the Coldplay concert last night...amazing experience, all of yesterday's events later on...

Charles (I have to ask about a nickname cuz I need a way to shorten it, I keep callin him Charlie for some reason) added me to his MSN so there's no escaping except for the occasional block, haha. He just texted me about tonight's game. I was talkin to G at the concert and she said she wouldn't go unless Ernie called her about it himself cuz they hadn't talked over the weekend cuz he was at the cottage, so we'll see.

This was some 5 days of my life :P


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