Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Yesterday was poker at Justin's house, with pizza and a DVD of the Dave Chapelle Show. We only played with chips and not money so I went risky every round and thus, was the first to lose it all, haha. Whatever, shitty cards bein dealt to me.

Yellowcard's comin to do a show in Sept! :) And it's called the "Wish We Were Canadian" Tour, sweet is that? It's at the Phoenix so I don't hafta rush to buy tickets cuz it's all standing room anyway...unless it sells out. Now I just kinda scared myself. Ah well, always the gambler!

I finally got my GST cheque. Oh man, I was gettin scared I wasn't gonna get it this time around. I kept askin if G got hers yet so at least I wouldn't think it was just me cuz L had gotten hers weeks ago. S'all quarterly total went up 75 cents, biatch! Haha.

The grad photo company also finally mailed me a thingy so I could see my convocation proof. I emailed them back so they could send me mine and now I have the one, single picture of me on grad :P It's pretty decent. I'm kinda smilin while I'm shakin the Chancellor's hand but I look like I'm not really happy to be there still. Which was pretty much true, haha. Who knew when that camera was goin off!

I cleaned like a ho today. Seems my room is a neverending job. But there's the satisfaction that I got somethin done...and now I can say 'screw that' now cuz I don't have clean for a while. But movin my dresser was quite the workout so I'm gonna take a shower. Happy Hump Day. I never understood where the Hump Day thing came from until like this yr...I still think it's a dumb thing to call a Wed but anyway.


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