Tuesday, August 09, 2005

  • Me, L, and G had an awesome and hilarious conversation about G gettin some, haha
  • Came up with an idea of gettin a stripper for Darien on his bday - he's comin back tonight!
  • Al got us tickets to a Rogers Cup tennis match next week
  • Got my pix back...most of the Coldplay ones are too dark so you can't see much, boo
  • The video clips I took with my camera are basically darkness with our horrible horrible singin, haha...we sound so drunk
  • Got to burn a CD of G's pix from the bbq, camping, and bowling
  • Just got back from downtown cuz L had a job interview and she wanted company...this meant I was wandering around for over 2 hrs til she was done. I confused the hell outta myself when I walked outside and couldn't tell the office buildings apart or what street I ended up on :P That area of PATH is so disorienting! I felt like a rat in the world's biggest and most complicated maze
  • Movie tonight, dunno what we're gonna see


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