Saturday, August 20, 2005

Fri was just chaos. For the uninformed, Toronto was under tornado warning yesterday. I didn't know we could even get those :P Anyway, that meant a thunderstorm. Mad amounts of rain and HAIL. It was insane.

First was my bro who just had to swing by his friend's house to pick up CDs or whatever nerdy thing he needed to get. He wanted to take the car but my mom wouldn't let him go if I didn't go with him. She doesn't trust his driving...which is justifiable cuz he's 17 and only has his G2 so far. Fine, I go along for the ride.

I can never ever be a drivin instructor cuz I just don't know how they do it. The fear and anxiety of young and new drivers behind the wheel! Well I had a few small but still unnecessary heart attacks. He's not the WORST driver but I don't like the feeling of not bein in control...esp of a movin vehicle.

Whatever, it wasn't that bad but then it started rainin and you couldn't see much. Thank goodness we made it home before it got really bad cuz I would've straight up pissed myself. I wouldn't even want to drive in that.

So we're on the way home and L calls to see if I want to come out with her and Darien. I'm like, sure. It's rainin harder now but it's still just water. She picks me up and as soon as we pull away from my house, it starts gettin baaaaad. By the time we reach Timmy's not even a min away, it was ridiculous. You couldn't see in front of you. We pulled into the parkin lot and decided not to get out of the car yet but wait til it died down a bit before we dashed to Timmy's. Well we waited a while but it only got worse. Big chunks of hail came down and battered L's car. It made so much noise like rocks pelting metal, on top of all the rain and we were just sittin there screamin, "FAAAAAAAAK!!!" Hahaha. Dar took pictures. Pure jokes. It was too funny...but a bit scary too cuz it felt like we were under attack and it was so loud. L got all paranoid when she heard it was a tornado warning on the radio and she's like, we're better off inside than in the car. I was all for sittin it out in the car but as it turns out, we would've been stuck in there for hrs cuz the rain just wouldn't stop.

L's stupid 2-door car, we had to get out individually. I opened the door to let Darien out before I could go and L had to wait til I was out so she could lock the car. Dar had the only umbrella so me and L were just gonna sprint. Dar got out and was behind me cuz he had to be away from the door so I could open it and come out. I just saw him strugglin with the umbrella and sayin, "How do you open this??" But I just ran, hahaha. Didn't matter anyway, we all got drenched in that 6 second dash. The front of Timmy's was like a broken dam cuz it had dipped and all the water was gushin down and brought the mud with it...I totally stepped all in it. We tried dryin off with the hand dryer in the bathroom but that just wasn't workin and we sat in Timmy's for a good while all wet.

When we were about to leave, we were semi-dry but had to go back out in it so we got soaked all over again. I'm talkin all the way to the skin, soaked. Goin out at all was such a bad idea! Haha. The roads were flooded by this point. They dropped me off and there was a car I didn't recognize in the driveway and some woman in the garage. I just assumed it was someone my parents knew or somethin, but it was some stranger whose car had stalled and my dad was callin someone for her. And the whole rest of that day was ppl goin in and out and phone calls, phone calls, phone calls. Cuz that lady had to get home or get her car outta there and shit, and my mom tried goin to work but the roads were flooded or closed and came back and kept havin to call work and ppl she carpooled. Then she left again later.

I took a shower and changed and it felt GOOD. I wasn't goin out in that shit again last night :P What freaky ass weather.


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