Thursday, August 25, 2005

I'm so tired. I think it's not helpin that Darien is gettin me up before noon daily and traipsing around town with him, haha. OMG I've been out with him every day since Fri. I'm gettin sick of seein his mug! Haha, jokes. If it was anyone else, I think I'd lose it...but he's new to me and we actually talk a lot so it's not boring.

But today's my day off from him :P Nah, I'm actually not too in the mood to do anythin with anybody. This girl's gettin old.

Anyhoo, my week of Darien went like this: Tues he came over cuz he was bored out of his mind by himself at home and insists on doin somethin during the day. I showed him my photo albums of all the good times had before he came along and we played some Mario Kart on the GameCube. Then we had dinner while we tried to think of things to do before Al got off work.

L was bein a total ass and not packin for her trip to Jersey/Atlantic City with Debbie. All week and all that day she kept sayin "I need to pack!" but didn't do a damn thing. Dar scolded her to do it cuz she was leavin the next day and to get finished asap so we could go out. We called her later on and she didn't even start! This was hrs ago. So plans with her were out cuz she was now leavin early in the morning. I'm like, FINE I didn't wanna see you before you left anyway! Haha. That bitch.

So were thinkin of goin to see a flick cuz it was cheap movie night but Al didn't get off work early enough and was stuck in...10 o'clock traffic?? so we missed all the late shows. We went to Flavours instead. Good talks, lots of laughs.

Oh I also got a call from Future Shop that day to come in for a 2nd interview. I'm like, Wed at 11? Suuuuure. Fuck, I knew gettin up was gonna be a struggle but obviously you don't let them know that, haha. And Dar and Al were goin to Nathan Philips Square the next day for some R&B/jazz lunch hr outdoor concert thing and wanted me to come with.

I got up at 10 on Wed, took a shower, got dressed in my interview best, and jetted. I was scared I was gonna be late and that wouldn't look good at all but I actually got there a couple mins early. And then the manager who was gonna be interviewin me was runnin late. The girl told me he'd be like 15 mins and said I could go get a coffee or somethin so I went to Timothy's. Ugh, rushed for nuthin :P

I'm kinda surprised they called me back cuz they said if I was chosen, I'd hear from them in 48 hrs from the 1st interview. They called me 5 days later. Yeaaaah. Oh well. He said the 2nd one would be a longer, in-depth one so put aside 45 mins to an hr. I'm like, I know it's gonna be a behavioural kind of interview, like how you'd handle customers and if you wouldn't steal and stuff like that but geez, 45 mins?? In a 2nd interview? For a retail job?

Well I think I did OK. Natually it could've gone better in my mind but it's not like you can really prepare yourself for this kinda thing. I didn't have my references' contact numbers with me so he said I could email them to him. I anticipated it would go til noon and that's what I told Dar and Al. They said they'd wait for me but I was like, if it runs longer than that, it's not my fault! Figures the manager was late. But it actually wasn't more than 45 mins and I got out a bit past 12. Al started work at 3 so I had to speed it home, change, and meet them outside so we could head downtown.

They were doin some free outdoor live music thing for the professionals on their lunch hr downtown and there were a buncha food vendors in the square. It's really nice, if I'm sittin in the shade :) Then Al had to bounce and me and Dar went to wander around.

We went to the Eaton Centre, up and down Dundas, around Union past the Hockey Hall of Fame, ACC, Rogers Centre, CN Tower (where we played air hockey in the ground level, haha), chilled in Dundas Square. He wanted to do the Hippo Tour really bad but he left his camera in Al's car. We walked SO MUCH. It was a good day out tho. Then we went to Casey's for dinner.

Stellas and margaritas helped along our conversation, haha. We got to talkin about relationships and life and all that. It was interesting to tell all these details cuz I guess me and Dar are still gettin to know eachother. And it's great cuz it's finally a guy who's not into dating me! So I can tell him shit, and look like crap, and have him over at my house, and not even care cuz we're just hangin out.

Then we TTC'ed it home. Takin the subway home after drinks is always a time. Holy crap, I was out ALL DAY from 11 am to midnight. So I couldn't email my references and we were thinkin all the way home about how I can get my three. Anyway, long thing about that. I couldn't email the manager just yet...was kinda concerned if it's really that bad if I took 2 days to send it :S

I don't check my email for one day and I get 7 msgs :P And I got a buncha snail mail too. I love gettin mail - convocation photo stuff, Rogers Video coupons (free movies, sweet), and some club invite. I'm such a dork.

So today, I just went shoppin with my mom and bro for random stuff. He was gettin back to school things and the moms was all about the household items. I technically got all my goodies for free cuz it was on Mom :) She had some Visa points rewards gift certificate or whatever so our 130 somethin dollar total came out to $8, haha. Nice. Then I had a dentist appointment. Pointless really, when my teeth are so awesome. But my mom made me go cuz it's the last time I'm covered for it cuz I'm done school.

I'm not startin up school this Sept. That's kinda weird to me. I've always had to get geared up for a new semester every yr for all my life and this yr, I don't gotta be nowhere. Well...extended summer break!


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