Sunday, August 28, 2005


Fri night was outta control. That was some damn good times. Or as me, Dar, and Al say..."Fuckin fabulous!" It was Kim's last night out for Summer of Kim cuz she's got her CA stuff and work and whatnot so we all went out to party at Fez Batik. Dar was downtown during the day and wouldn't make it back up by 7, which is when Kim was leavin to go pre-drink at someone's place, I don't even know what she said...and everybody else was gonna be already downtown from work or whatever so me and Dar were gonna make it down together on our own. I haven't taken the subway downtown for a night out since like hs, back when we didn't have a car, haha.

They were all gonna be there earlier to chill on the patio and beat the cover but we didn't make it there til 11. I saw Fish on the patio and chatted for 2 secs over the fence thingy. Kim and them were inside so me and Dar headed in. It was mostly ppl from Kim's work plus Al, Fish, Sheena, and Audrey. There was a freakin lineup to go out to the patio cuz of capacity so we hung around the bar. The girl beside me turned out to be Kim and then the introducing of ppl and huggin began. Then Al came in from the patio. She ended up gettin off earlier from work too and beat us there...and totally could've given us a ride :P

OMG it was only 11 somethin and everybody was drunk already. It was hilarious...even Fish was down. Dar bought me drinks all night even tho I told him my lush situation. Terrible. We all danced, drank, got freaky...glowsticks were involved, I dunno where they came from, but they were bein put in cleavage and where "she likes it in the back!" They were handin out free sample tins of Hpnotiq mints. Since it was promo for the drink, I figured they'd taste like Hpnotiq. They were ordinary mints...disappointing, haha.

Al had to leave early cuz she was leavin for Stratford in the morning, Fish was leavin with her, and Kim had a mock exam at 8 am so we all cut out before 2. Me and Dar were gettin a ride home with Kim, along with Sheena and Audrey. We all realized later that Kim was probably not in the best shape to be drivin :P Don't get me wrong, we'd never drink and drive (she wasn't smashed at all) but it's just that if we had the choice, it just would've been better if someone else stone-cold dry was drivin. She was completely fine on the roads anyway. I can't say the same for the everyone else in the car!

I dunno how Audrey got so wasted. I only saw her with a drink once during the night so who knows where those drinks were comin from. She was lookin for Sheena during the night and when I told Sheena she was like, yeah I saw her on the stairs and I punched her in the arm and she just kept on walkin! She was probably like, wtf? in that dazed state of hers and went on her way, haha.

Out of the 5 of us, Audrey, Sheena, and me were the most that order. We were walkin to where the car was parked and Sheena wanted to stop in Burrito Boyz to get food. It was a long lineup and we waited outside cuz it's like an apartment stoop with steps and a bench. I dunno where Chief came from but she showed up and was tryin to take care of Audrey. Then they disappeared (I think Audrey went to go puke) and Kim went to go look for them. I was shoutin at Sheena to hurry up, crouched at the window. And I dunno where Dar was. I sat on the bench beside some guy, made small talk with some other dude, and watched the hijinx. The guy's friends came out with their food and one of them kicked over a garbage can upside down and sat on it...brilliant. The guy offered me his burrito, haha. Don't you love the bond of wasted ppl?

Kim told Dar to tell Sheena to get a bag for Audrey in case she threw up. I waved at Sheena thru the window repeatedly. She came out to yell there was a line and she was #15. Kim told me to go find Audrey in the parkin lot next door. I couldn't see them. Finally Sheena emerged with grub, and some chicks drivin an H2 Hummer were just comin out of the lot. We're just like, "That is a sick car! That is a SICK car!" in front of the cop who was directin traffic :P We spotted Audrey and Chief. I'm like, Chief! Where did you come from? She's smilin and is like, "...a lesbian club". I'm like, oh OK! Haha.

Audrey was a mess. She looked so confused and always like she was gonna hurl any second and and had trouble walkin. Kim decided it was take an hr to get to Roy Thompson Hall where she parked so we hailed a cab. Of course they were bein anal about how many ppl we could put in the cab but we got one who'd take 5. Apparently it's more money for the extra person. Cabbies aren't my favourite ppl. Chief left...I still dunno why or how she got there when she was gonna take off anyway.

So we took a $4 cab ride to the parkin garage and Audrey took her SLOWASS time walkin to the car. Literally, she was takin a step every 10 seconds. That taxi was a good idea. I had to coax her along cuz she was goin on about how she just had to make it home. And Sheena kept eatin her friggin burrito even tho she was sayin how spicy it was and was CRYIN cuz it was so hot, haha. I'm like, just throw it out! She's like, noooo! It's SO GOOD!

That car was fun times. We pulled over a few times cuz Audrey felt like she was gonna toss. Dar was such a good guy and held her hair back and gave her water and all that. He was sittin in the middle and I wasn't in a state to be helpin out another drunky. The 3 of us passed out on the way home. Audrey was sleepin on Dar's shoulder and she had just met the guy that night, haha.

We got to Audrey's house but her purse was somewhere else so she didn't have her keys. I think she got a lil lost goin up her driveway :P And then she took a day to make it up to her porch. Kim called the house so Audrey's dad could let her in. Ouch. She's like, we've dropped her off like this so many times. Then Sheena stepped outta the car and threw up on the curb :P Thank god I didn't hear or see it but Kim was like, ooooh! cuz she heard the splatter, haha. I'm like, what? Kim's like, she threw up. I looked over and saw the evidence all over the grass and the road. SHEEEENAAAAAA! She's like, hey, I never do it in ppl's car...I'm good like that. Yeah, Kim was just grateful nothing happened in her car.

Sheena got dropped off next, then Dar. I realized I had a bottle of water between my legs and I'm like, whose is this?? And where's the cap? Yeah I don't remember. Kim's like, wtf happened tonight?? LOL

That describes it exactly. Off the fuckin chain. Except when I got home. Again, I thought it was alright, I felt absolutely fine...I'm just like, I'm gonna have such a good sleep. Went to bed around 3. I woke up 6:30-7 with the heaves. FUCK. Went to go throw up. Wasn't so bad, went back to bed. Woke up again havin to barf. Should've figured. I think I did this about 2 or 3 more times. The last time I was like, this has to be it...I think that was all cuz the nauseousness I feel in the pit of my stomach is finally gone. This was noon. I had gone downstairs and tried nappin on the couch but I ended up havin to puke all those times and got no sleep so I just headed back up to my bed. I slept til 4:30 :S

Brutal. My tummy hurt all day and I was perfectly fine with stayin in on a Sat night. Then Dar called from bein downtown so we just went to Timmy's. I told him what happened that morning and NOW he believes me. I said I couldn't drink much if at all on his bday :P If I had known I'd get hammered this weekend, I would've stayed sober and switched it to get crazy next weekend.

OK that's enough drunk story time from me.


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