Saturday, September 10, 2005

Yes I've actually been up since 10 am. The household went camping today and I didn't so, yay. House party at my place ;)

I'm supposed to go to to lunch with Darien and then we're gonna go shoppin for sunglasses and a ring for him cuz he keeps stealin mine. I don't feel like venturing out just yet tho. More coffee and a shower first.

Tonight is Ernie's bday thing. I dunno if Charles is gonna be there :P

There's been a lot of chats this week. Me and L were at Timmy's the other day for hrs and I didn't get home til 2:30. We were sittin in my car in the parkin lot, I had just turned on the engine and the radio, just about to leave when a woman shows up at my window. I saw her kind of as we were walkin to the car but I just thought she was goin to Timmy's or meetin up with someone cuz she went up to some car. Of course L is paranoid and freaked out about any strangers, even tho it's just a woman and she's decently dressed and looks nice and normal so I'm prettyyyy sure she's not some homeless crazy person, and we're in the BURBS. She was really nice about it, sayin "Excuse me, I'm really sorry to bother you..."

So she kinda surprised us cuz my car was makin its not so unusual rumblings and that's all L was sayin, "What's that noise? Is it supposed to sound like that?" I dunno, I think she was just bein overly concerned about my engine :P And I'm tryin to get the window down and turn down the radio while this person is at my window. (Later on I was like, fuck, I'm tryin to see what the lady wants and all you're just like, what is that? What is that? Haha) Plus I know in her head she was like, lock the doors! Cuz I'm sure of all the cars to jack, mine would be ideal :P And if the woman wanted to rob us, well...look at my car. Anyway, the woman said she needed to take the GO train to get to her mother but she didn't have enough money. Now that I think of it, it seems strange...maybe somethin happened, maybe it was a con, who knows. I only had like 31 cents in my pocket and gave her that so it's not like I care. I was like, sorry that's all the change I have and she's like, oh that's OK, every bit helps. So if she was makin the whole thing up, I don't think this woman by herself would be trolling for change from random ppl at 2 in the morning.

Yesterday was more of Darien. We played pool at Q's and went to Timmy's, after me and the girls went to the Rose & Firkin. He's goin to Montreal next weekend and I dunno if I'm goin with cuz of my whole work scheduling thing. If I go, then my Greyhound ticket is Companion Fare and I get 75% off and we'd be stayin at a friend of his so accommodation would be taken care of too.

Future Shop hadn't called me this week and since they took 5 days instead of 48 hrs to call me last time, I wasn't exactly concerned cuz they like to take their sweet time. Plus I didn't wanna be one of those ppl who called and they'd be like, we SAID we'd call YOU. "Why haven't you called me? What've you been doin? Is it someone else? Is it??" Hahaha.

But L and G nagged me to call them to make sure about it and I'm like, fiiine. I called them this morning and it was cuz they were changin operations and ppl were switchin locations so they're gonna fill in the new manager guy or whatever on Mon so they'll get to my business on Tues or Wed. Solved. Yeah, so I'm still not even gonna get to my paperwork til the middle of next week at the earliest. So I think I just might be goin to Montreal cuz I doubt I'll be workin by then.

The life of me up to this point. You've been updated. Have a nice day.


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