Tuesday, September 06, 2005

We watched a bootleg of The 40 Year-Old Virgin so now I don't hafta watch it in theatres :) I think Dar and them are glad we saw it cuz they might've been gettin sick of hearin me say "I hope you have a big trunk, cuz I'm puttin my bike in it...Ohhohoho! YEAH!!" Hahaha.

Note to self: don't ever chug a Mudslide :S

Anyway, the weekend...Darien's bday was good times. We all piled into Pris' car on Sat afternoon and went to the supermarket to load up on food. We were minus L for the day cuz she was havin woman problems. We headed downtown and the 5 of us went into the Royal York to check into the room. We separated cuz we're obviously over maximum ppl allowed in a room so I went with Dar cuz he's my husband, haha. We went up and unloaded all the bbq stuff and our bags and the Hawaiin gear for the beach. We all had colour-matchin leis for our necks, wrists, heads, and even clips for our hair. We were one stylin bunch. L wasn't there so the pink went to G, which worked out cuz she happened to have on a pink skirt. And Al happened to be wearin a canary yellow zip-up so the yellow leis matched exactly. But the feathery petals made her look like a sexy Big Bird, haha.

Then we had to round up booze. We're like, hey we're right across Union Station and there's an LCBO in there. Sweet. We bought all our alcohol at a liquor store in a subway station, haha. I can't believe I bought such a big thing of Absolut Vanilla. I dunno how I'm gonna finish it but it'll take a while. Al and G spotted a DQ in Union and tried to get an ice cream cake for Dar but he saw and knew what they were up to but nicely pretended to help along and was like, what're they doin over there? I'm like, oh Al's probably pilin up some ice cream or somethin. He's like, oh maybe we should meet them back at the room cuz we're gonna be runnin late for the beach. I'm thinkin, dammit...but it's not like I can make up anythin else or usher him away cuz he already saw them at DQ. Oh well.

I was lookin at sunglasses in Union still and Al and them ended up gettin to the hotel before we did so Dar saw Al with a big box waitin at the elevators, haha. That surprise was officially down the tubes. Al's like, well we might as well just give it to you now! The girl who did the frosting writing on the cake had never done it before and they're like, how bad could it be? Haha, kinda bad but it was OK cuz we laughed about how to interpret the Happy Birthday Darien. The cake was the smallest size they had but it was still huge and we didn't have plates so we all just ate at it with plastic forks. And we busted out the ice wine. None of us had eaten yet for the day so breakfast/lunch was ice cream and wine, haha. Yesssss. Pris was like, I'm freakin starving! And she mysteriously appeared later with fries from Harvey's :P

We got all geared up to hit Centre Island and we walked to the Harbourfront to get on the ferry. We got a lot of looks cuz we were all in leis and matchin. More smiles than looks of 'what the hell' tho. It's a theme party, ppl...and yes, we're from here! We walked to the beach and had our bbq. All the colour-matchin cups and umbrella straws were out...and the coconut bra and the inflatable palm tree, haha. Lots of fun was had with those. Our spot was the bomb cuz we were havin our own lil luau.

We went in the water, skipped stones, took retarded pictures. Al and Dar had a showdown with the coconut bra and the palm tree as weapons, haha. They were circling eachother about to fight, it was like Gladiator. So funny. Then Dar took her down wrestler-style and slammed her on the sand while she tried to fight him off. You do not understand the scandal of the pictures we took. I'm talkin tabloid material, haha. Then fuckin Darien decides to take me out too and makes me fall flat on my back on the sand. OK, Al had already splashed me on the back of my white shorts in the water (I had my bikini bottom on under) so I had a wet ass. Wet ass on sand equals...a sandy wet ass! Bastards. And then they took pix of that too.

We left Centre Island at night and went back to the hotel. L was feelin better and met us in the lobby. We all ran up to her romance-scene style and hugged her. We chilled in the room, drank, caught L up on the day, showered. I can't emphasize on how metro Darien is. He has so many man-products, like more things than any of us.

The initial plan was to go to C Lounge but that changed and then Dar didn't know where to go. He wanted to hit the bar downstairs but it was closed for some reason, I think it was cuz of the Bhangledesh Festival happenin that night :P The other bar/lounges in the hotel were dry and dead or not for partyin (aka classy).

Then we headed out to the street cuz Dar wanted to celebrate at 12 am at a bar cuz his bday was technically Sun. We went to Casey's and had drinks and tequila shots at midnight. He got his shot free and a piece of cake too. After Casey's, we went back to the room. I don't remember the order of the events of Pris leavin and givin us a ride back from the parkin garage to wherever it was we were goin or me and Dar walkin L to her car and givin us a ride back to the hotel either.

Back at the room, we chilled for the rest of the night and watched some Margaret Cho comedy special on TV..."Is that an ice block? Hi-YAA!!" LOL Dar was originally gonna sleep on the floor cuz he's annoyingly gentlemanly like that. But it was his bday and he should at least get a bed so he ended up sleepin with me. OK, next to me. It was funny how Al was like, here I'll go sleep with G. Cuz...things...would probably happen if it was her and Dar :P

We woke up at 8 somethin for some reason and Al couldn't go back to sleep so she was bouncin around tryin to get the rest of us up. She was pillow fightin with Dar cuz she was apparently the pillow fight queen after takin down L the night before. I'm like, you idiots! Stop throwin pillows! I was scratchin the bottom of my eyelid when Al accidentally power-slammed a pillow that landed on my face. She was like, ooh sorry. I'm like, I was scratchin my eye, you made me poke my eye!! She jumped over onto me and was like, I'm SOOOO sorry! She did this about 3 times cuz I kept moanin about it. I gotta admit tho, it was kinda funny even tho I had a pink spot on my eyeball.

Dar had made it over to Al and G's bed so they were fightin it out and jumpin up and down on the bed so G came to my bed and was like, I'm goin where the crazy ppl aren't, haha. Things calmed down and we went back to sleep with new partners ;)

OMG it was jokes that day. All the hilarious shit is out of context of course...

"We need cheese!"
"Whenever Darien's goin down, I'm leavin."
"He's my uncle! WRONG WRONG WRONG!!"
"Right. Yes...I'll do that."
"Don't do my camera!"
"You kept touchin my ass!"..."Whatever, you came into my bed and you rolled onto MY hand!"

Check-out was at noon so we did our morning business and cleaned and packed up all our shit and booked. We went to Richtree (marche) for lunch and sat in some square outside near the Harbourfront. Then we walked around Queen's Quay and in the lil shops. Al and Dar were doin their own thing later on with some Shakespeare in the Park thing so we all took the streetcar to Union, rode it to Bloor, then me and G went home. I think it was around 3 or 4 pm. I didn't really get any sleep but I wasn't tired til the evening. Then I passed out on the couch for a couple hrs, haha. So that was Sat and Sun.

I got a voicemail from Future Shop on Fri about gettin the job but I couldn't get to callin them til Sun. They were just callin to say they'd call on Tues/Wed about settin up a day to do the paperwork anyway. So sales is commission, I've never done that before. And L says Communications is gonna be cell phones and cameras. I'm nowhere near an expert on those but if that's all they've got for me, whatever. And Evan her gay bf works in Communications, haha. I have a feeling actually startin this job will take a while.


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