Friday, June 16, 2006

Good ol' reliable Boston Pizza. That's where we go when we wanna keep it local and there's only me and L, haha.

It was hot in my house, NBA finals were on, and we were hungry so there we went. Plus some shooters are always good to follow food :)

I think sometimes I blow a day's pay on just eatin out. We had big meal salads, Krispy Krunches, and one of their big slabs of Rolo cake. Do you like how I try to be somewhat healthy by havin a salad for dinner then eat a thing of chocolate and caramel ice cream with bits of candy in it?

"You live and then you die, OK!"
"Well I'd rather sooner than later."
"You go to the gym, shut up!"

I feel anti-social after a week's end cuz I don't get to see ppl much, besides at work. Somethin must be done about that.

I have a bunch of things to do but I wanna watch Nacho Libre tonight or somethin! When I first heard about this movie, I was like, what the hell is the plot for this? It doesn't look funny or interesting at ALL! Then after watchin the trailers recently, I think I NEED to see it! I dunno, I think it's somethin about Jack Black with a Mexican accent that makes it even funnier.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Nuthin goin on but work. They have the World Cup games on the TVs and the England vs Trinidad & Tobago match was this afternoon so me and Evan were watchin and freakin each time they scored. I hafta give work this much: the environment is cool. We can yell and woop it up while on a shift just cuz traffic is kinda slow, and it's OK. We got a couple looks from customers cuz we got a bit loud tho, haha.

Here's a little story. I was sleepy yesterday so I took a nap. I wasn't expecting to be down for as long as I was. I woke up and looked at my clock. 9:18 was the time. I panicked and thought, shit! I'm gonna be late for work! It was dark in my room but it didn't occur to me that it wasn't winter anymore and therefore it wouldn't be almost pitch black at this hr. It literally took me a few seconds to realize that it was 9 at night. Oh man. So out of it! I sleep for a couple hrs and think it's the next day :P

Well it's Thurs night, I'm itchin to get out, and I don't have work tomorrow. Bye bye.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Well. Another work week about to start. Not that it ever ends but you know.

And the events in between? Last Fri was a movie night out, watchin X-Men 3 with Al then to Timmy's til about 2:30 am. Sat we were just goin downtown to hit a club and I called up Meen to see what she was doin and turned out it was her sister's bday and the whole bunch of them were goin to Lot 332 so we were gonna meet up with them there. Too bad they had a ridiculous line and an absolutely fucked up way of operating. We bounced and basically split up into three groups and found other places to go :P

Me and Al ended up at Grace O'Malley's, a pub that's pretty much one of those super loud college frat bars. Oh Gracies! There was as a live band that played drinkin songs, most of which I didn't know. Normally I'd be like, wtf...I don't listen to this kind of music but there were a lot of late '80s/early '90s rock that I knew the words to so it was surprisingly fun. A DJ sporadically played top 40 club tracks too but still, the live music was the type that you'd definitely have good times singin on the top of your lungs cuz you're drunk :P

Met some interesting ppl...more specifically, friendly and totally wasted guys. Very nice and not gross and gropey at all. One in particular was pure smashed (I called him Eddie cuz nobody could hear a thing, plus he was slurring so bad or not even sayin his actual name but rambling about somethin or another, and the shirt he was wearin said Eddie Bauer on the front, haha). I remember bein picked up and spun around and managing to take pictures of abs and him this close to takin his pants off, hahaha.

L and G wanted to go to Buffalo on Sun so I had to get up too early for my liking the next morning. Slept at 5, up at 9. We went to 2 malls for some shopping. I still didn't find the shoes that I wanted or anythin else for that matter, except for some Hollister capris. Those were a good find since it's a lot cheaper there for the same pants over here, even with the exhange and tax included. I love NY tax! 4.75% compared to 15!

And let's just say G is terrible under pressure and dealin with authority :P Even when she's innocent of all things and tellin the truth, she's nervous and panicky. She turned and looked at L every time the border officer asked a question. Could you make yourself look more suspicious? When he asked what school we went to after we answered that we all went to hs together, G kinda paused and looked over to L like she was about to ask HER, as if she didn't even know where she went to school. What a dumbass, haha.

Anyway, we just had to get dinner at Olive Garden :) And then I pretty much slept most of the way back.

Mon I also had off, woo hoo! Slept in like you don't understand. Me and L went over to G's for a bit, plannin our trip to Miami and whatnot.

Tues and Wed, short shifts...word to that. More work Thurs and Fri.

Sat was a long one, 1-9. I haven't closed in so long. I figured that sucked cuz I most likely wouldn't be goin out and doin anythin. Butttt...Al had dropped by work and we settled on doin somethin that night. We went to Playdium and then Croc Rock in Mississauga, haha. We're so random. We headed out around 11, drove for half an hr, bought their "Unlimited Time Play" cards ($22 for for the 1 and a half hrs they had left), played video games and rode their roller coaster simulator til they closed, and then hit a bar that was in an office plaza that had cougars, young ppl, and chicks overdressed in clubwear, haha. We'd never been to the Sauga Croc Rock and lemme tell was just bizarre. Yet entertaining so it was some experience. We were in no way expecting to go to a bar that night, we just happened to be nearby and wanted to check it out. We would've stayed longer but it was way too packed to dance and we didn't even have cash to drink, haha. I like how we just strolled in with jeans, runners, and beach sandals tho :P

Again, thankful that I didn't have work today. That's pretty much it. Let the grind begin again. Night.