Saturday, December 18, 2004

That was hellish. It's funny how you take for granted what normal feels like when you're just hurtin. I have no idea what that was about. Organs takin their revenge on me.

I was all set to go to the bar or whatever tonight...I'm waitin til L and G get out of their movie around midnight, and I'm havin these pains in my stomach like cramps. But I KNOW it's not cuz it's the time of the month cuz I just got it 2 weeks ago so I'm like wtf. I'm ovulating or some shit? :P I dunno, but it hurt and it was ruinin my drinks for me! Had no choice but to just to go Timmy's. Blah.

Now I'm eatin some tomato soup. At least it doesn't hurt anymore.

Tomorrow night better make up for it. In the afternoon we're gonna go to the travel agency and book our tickets for New Yr's. Please please please let things work out. I still have no idea what's goin on with P and Kim and Cat comin.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Agh, I feel so wretched. It's been a while since I last threw up so I guess I've been due :P I dunno what did me in, the drinks at Milestone or the smokey smokey. I still had that horrible nauseous feeling in the middle of my chest after I puked. That's because there was a Round 2. I was like, no way...after all THAT?

Fuck. No more of that.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Just another night at Q's. Ever since P hooked up with Ian, there's no gettin away from that place, haha. I think eventually we'll become those ppl who are so regular there that they can go behind the bar and serve themselves and do whatever the hell they want. Which I wouldn't mind of course. P was already there so I met up with her later. Chilled with the boys, Shane and Andy. I was kinda glad when I found out that Shane really doesn't have a gf :P But I'm not so into that him that I'd be all over I don't have a crush or anythin, just that if anythin were to happen, I wouldn't be against it!

I got P to see that we could work out a way so she can come to NYC with us. It was a money thing esp cuz of when she gets paid. So I'm pretty sure she's goin now. Yay! We thought she would've in the first place but then it looked like she wasn't comin. She has to come, she's my partner in crime and New Yr's in New York won't be the same without her. And she's our link cuz she lived there for a few months last yr. Kim's an undecided too cuz she's got class on the Mon comin back and Fri-Mon was when we were gonna be there...and that's the dates of the package thingy whatever G worked out. I dunno but this thing better happen!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

I finished that book...I've been enlightened. I worked out, washed some clothes. Me, L, and Al went to Futureshop for a bit. Picked up P and chilled at Timmy's. That was a good laugh. Guess I needed it cuz I was in a weird mood yesterday. Absolutely nothing was wrong and I wasn't complain-y but I dunno, things just didn't feel right. Like somethin was off but I had no idea what it I wasn't impressed with stuff. Dunno.

OMG this is so ridiculous. Talk about gettin outta hand. The person who wrote up this article is pretty funny tho. It's one thing to be upset about hearin a swear word, whatever...but to sue and call for an outright ban, that's a bit much. 'This has upset me, I think I need to cleansweep an entire chain of stores of this appalling material and be financially compensated too.' If you're a parent and you think you can shelter your kids from ever hearin the word fuck, then you're in for a surprise. Ppl, it's just a word! It's not poison, it won't kill anyone. You make it a bigger deal than it is by drawin all this attention to how horrible this word is. You know what happens when you tell a kid that somethin is bad and you shouldn't do/say it :P Hello, rebellion. If you don't want your child from learnin this word, fine...protect them from...moral decline, whatever, but really, they're gonna hear it somewhere regardless. Even the Amish would know that word...they're not THAT removed from society.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Today consisted of tryin to install the new cable modem that finally got delivered (key word bein tryin, since even my brother couldn't figure out why it wasn't workin...apparently the upstairs computer doesn't even have a USB port to stick the plug in...whatever that's for), gettin woken up by the roofing guys again, hittin the mall, goin with P to shop for my own late bday present, meetin up with Al and goin to Q's, then stoppin by Timmy's.

My god, I think I've run out of things to do. Unacceptable.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Hmmm...I think I've done all that I needed to do. That's such a weird feeling :P Figures since now I don't have class or any hw to do so I think I'm kinda aimless, haha. And there isn't really anyone to hang out with cuz everybody's got school still or work. I think I have at least one week til they can all party.

Meen went to LA on Wed. She's back now cuz I remember her tellin me she was startin her new job at IBM on Mon. I wanna ask her how it was...both the trip and the first day of work.

So far it looks like the plan for New Yr's is NYC. L's so excited about it, she's gettin like tunnel-vision :P The cost for hotel and flight is around $300 tho so that's pretty good. I was just kinda put-off by the thought of New Yr's eve in NYC...sooooo many ppl. And it's so tourist-y feeling. Plus I'm not too hyped about the idea of flyin there. It's just an hr but still, I'd rather take the train or Greyhound or drive if we could.

OMG the upstairs computer is connected to some master switchboard thing that the monitors sits on top of. The switch for the monitor blew out and doesn't light up if it's on anymore. But most of all now it's busted so the monitor doesn't turn on with the rest of the modem, speakers, etc. when you flip the master switch. The monitor switch just kinda hangs there, it won't flip back to the on position. It got broke somehow cuz of the wiring or somethin I think and if you touch it every so slightly, it will pop and sparks will fly. It's scared me a couple times. It's even blackened around that area. So in order to turn it on, you'd hafta nudge the switch so the power can work. This of course means a loud scaryass pop and sparks flyin. The last time I wanted to use the computer I made my bro go touch the switch cuz I just couldn't. I'm so skittish, haha. He got a book and slowly nudged it...KAPOW!! This one had the most sparks so far. I thought somethin was gonna catch on fire. Yeah, he vowed he'd never do that for me again. I'm like, this is so ghetto...honestly, this is no way to live! And obviously, this is a freakin dangerous thing to do. I guess it'd just make sense to go get it fixed but that takes time and...meh. I wanted to use the computer so I'm tryin to gear myself up for touchin that friggin switch. I'm like, I'm not scared, this'll take like a second, I can do it. I got a marker and went to nudge it. OMG I was havin a heart attack...if not then, then the moment that switch popped. I really thought I might die from the fright, haha. I chickened out and gave up. So was I thinkin, isn't there a way that the computer can just be hooked up and work without the stupid base thing? I mean, other normal computers are like that! I dunno, my cousin set it up a long time ago so I dunno about these things. I just go to check how I can do this with the wires in the back. I took out the monitor plug from the base and just stuck it in a separate outlet. Fuckin genious. Works just the same, all I just hafta do is press the power switch on the monitor along with the master switch.

I think for the world's biggest lightweight lush, I drink a lot :P Not alcoholic a lot but more than most who don't take the juice well. Cranberry vodka is suprisingly not bad at all...and cola works with just about everythin. Loves it.

I need to make out with a boy very soon. And not Jay, haha. What's my problem? :P

Sunday, December 12, 2004

My abs still hurt from like 2 days ago, as if I was throwin up the entire night. Which I don't understand cuz I didn't even throw up at all. And I know it wasn't from doin crunches cuz I haven't done any this week, haha...and when I do them, my abs are never sore so I really don't know!

Last night was...I dunno, I don't wanna keep usin the word interesting or funny :P But it was typical of a day in the life of...

Dinner was good. We went to Pizza Rustica downtown where they're apparently famous for the...wait for But I chose to go for the ravioli :) It's really dark in there tho, we thought it was closed when we saw it from the outside. I assume it's for the intimate atmosphere but I feel for any old folks who'll have trouble readin the menus :P

L came over cuz G had studyin and hw to do...and she wanted some of my bday cake. She couldn't fool me, I was onto her plan, haha. We watched MadTV and SNL ("Where is it taped? California?...New York?...'live from New York', ahhhhh OK" [this was all L talkin as I was givin her a look of 'wow you're dumb'] LOL. And we watched Gremlins! Gizmo is hands-down the cutest thing in movies!! How old is that flick...I remember bein scared of the Gremlins when I was younger, esp the pod and gooey, haha...ick. It looked pretty good for an '80s movie, props to the special effects crew back then.

Then I had to drive L home and it was pretty cold out. I have one thing to say...Driving Miss Daisy LOL Winter weather + my car = doors that won't open. Plus I had to back outta my driveway horizontally (don't ask) so that took a few tries!

I wanted to go to the Nas concert. Boo.

I'm readin this book Tash got me for my bday called "Watch Your F*cking Language-How to swear effectively, explained in explicit detail and enhanced by numerous examples taken from everyday life". That's right, why read an actual novel of literature when you can read somethin you'll use? Haha. "How am I gonna need this in life?" But Shy got me this bigass book of Poe so hey, I can balance trivial with educational.