Thursday, December 16, 2004

Just another night at Q's. Ever since P hooked up with Ian, there's no gettin away from that place, haha. I think eventually we'll become those ppl who are so regular there that they can go behind the bar and serve themselves and do whatever the hell they want. Which I wouldn't mind of course. P was already there so I met up with her later. Chilled with the boys, Shane and Andy. I was kinda glad when I found out that Shane really doesn't have a gf :P But I'm not so into that him that I'd be all over I don't have a crush or anythin, just that if anythin were to happen, I wouldn't be against it!

I got P to see that we could work out a way so she can come to NYC with us. It was a money thing esp cuz of when she gets paid. So I'm pretty sure she's goin now. Yay! We thought she would've in the first place but then it looked like she wasn't comin. She has to come, she's my partner in crime and New Yr's in New York won't be the same without her. And she's our link cuz she lived there for a few months last yr. Kim's an undecided too cuz she's got class on the Mon comin back and Fri-Mon was when we were gonna be there...and that's the dates of the package thingy whatever G worked out. I dunno but this thing better happen!


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