Wednesday, December 08, 2004

OK 10:30 am is not the best time to be doin construction work. I woke up to loud bangin noises and I'm like, what is goin ON?? I thought somebody was just bein retarded and movin things around or posibbly power-choppin some rack of meat but it sounded like someone hammerin. The walls were rumblin, that I know for sure. I tried to go back to sleep but who was I kiddin, it was like the Incredible Hulk was tryin to get to my room by bustin thru the walls. I thought it was the bathroom next to my room but I went out to go see but saw no one. But I figured out that it was goin on in the master bedroom. My, how sound travels. Then there was a separate bangin in the room on the other side of my room! I'm like, wtf they're multiplyin. So it was comin at all sides. The light in my ceiling was gettin shook and sounded like it was gonna fall soon. Balls, ppl! I'm not supposed to be cranky the day I'm supposed to get all this work done! I still don't even know who's doin it or whatever is actually bein doin.


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