Sunday, December 05, 2004

So I'm 24 now. Not a big deal but...weird number.'s gonna get some gettin used to. I don't feel like it. I don't think I act it either :P And we all know I don't look it...seein how that woman carded me.

Fri was good times. We went to a sports bar called Hoops and apparently they have karaoke nights and tonight was Hoops Idol semifinals, woohoo. More bar, L, and G ordered diff drinks. I got a Tom Collins, L got an amaretto sour, and G got a kamikaze. When the waitress came back with them, they were all green. It depends on the place you go cuz the bartenders make some drinks differently with what they put in them so like, an amaretto sour can be green or brown, etc. What was weird was that the drinks were all the same exact bright-ass green colour. We thought maybe we had the wrong order. G thought she knew what she was gettin...shows what she knows, the ignorant jackass, haha. I tasted them all and got it sorted out. I dunno if it's the colouring that Hoops puts in their drinks or what.

We bounced from the bar and headed to my place. Drivin home, G got a call from Sarah about this, this, and this story about how they had to change their plans and long story short, her and her friends were crashin at my house too. So I had ppl whose names I didn't even know stayin over. There was a purse, the back of an earring, and a shirt left behind, haha. We slept on the couches and the floor in the living room and Sarah and co. were in the family room (or den as some call it). There was the 'hot room', a late night run to McD's, lots of you-had-to-be-there stuff...

"My brother does that too...he's 7."
"It's an mp3 player." "An iPod?" "An mp3 player."
"You should've taken off your pants."
"You're fondling me." "It's fuzzy!" "It's velour."
"Sarah, why do you hafta RUIN EVERYTHING??"

LOL G woke up like she was more wasted than any of us. Her hair was fucked up somethin good and when she sat up, she just fell right over, hahaha. The asses had errands and stuff to do so they got up at 9. I was not a happy camper esp since we went to sleep past 5. I got up to let them out and cleaned up all the shit around the house. Then I went back to bed and slept til 12. I was so out of it...I was talkin to L about some convo and I was like, wait was that this morning??

Sat was so much fun. We went to dinner at Shoeless Joe's and everybody was there except for Al and Mike cuz they got caught up with somethin. Boo at them. You know how you wanna talk to everyone but you can't? That's the only thing I don't like about big groups. And I'm not a fan of bein the centre of attention...esp when ppl who work at the restaurant come out with cake and sing to you! But that was OK, it was a lot tamer than what other places do :P I opened my presents but I couldn't read the cards cuz I was already drinkin and Kim and Cat got me shots so I didn't know what the words said, haha.

A buncha them had hw and studyin and work to deal with so they didn't come to the club. It was me, L, G, Shy, and P who went to Distrikt. It's a nice place but not too better-than-you chi chi like some clubs. We raced to get there before 11 so we didn't have to pay cover, haha. I got us on guest list so we were in in line and we got in free :) The music was pretty good too. What happened inside? Guys who can't take a FUCK OFF for an answer, $10 for Red Bull & vodka, and blonde Barbie lesbians. The interesting part wasn't that they were lesbians or they looked like Barbie (I'm not hatin, hey I wouldn't mind lookin like that either...that's how they really looked), it's that they looked identical to EACHOTHER. They were makin out with their mirror images, haha. Oh and the go go dancers...there was 1 at each end of the floor and they came out wearin not much more than tassels on their nips, haha. I dunno what was goin on, they looked like they were in Halloween wigs/Japanese kabuki makeup/drag queen business. We thought they were women...but then they were a bit beefy lookin cuz they just had like these big ribcages and arms...but then they had boobs! Real very womanly boobs! That was a mystery :P Oh the staring Shy did, haha!

It was all a blur. But this was a really good one. I don't think anythin will top last yr's bday but this was def in the top 3 of my life! ;) I can't believe it's come and gone already. I guess I wasn't ready for it or somethin this time around.


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