Monday, November 29, 2004

Holy crap,'s just problems today. I woke up and the power was out. I wondered if it was just my house. So it was gonna be trouble cuz that meant no electricty=no boilin water=no tea :( Haha. That also meant I couldn't fix anythin hot to eat...I was already envisioning a sandwich with untoasted bread for lunch :P So I was like, OK first gotta see if the phones work (cuz all but 1 of them are cordless and have bases that need power)...then I'd hafta find the old landline phones and put them in...then I'll call L or somebody to see if their power was out too...then I'll find out what that weird annoying high-pitched sound is. I thought it was comin from outside cuz it was kinda faint but loud enough that I could hear it wherever I was in the house. Maybe it was some power company truck's noise or somethin. Turns out it was the smoke detector, haha. I was standin under it and was like, oh it's THIS! I had no idea it used the power in the house, thought it ran on batteries. Yeah, if there really was a fire, we'd die...I don't even know if it still works properly :P I tried to unscrew the cover but it was only goin as far as it went. And it was still makin that noise like it was dyin then comin back to life then dyin again. The VCR recorded AMC but not GH so it musta happened after 2 :P P called me and while I was talkin with her, the power came back on. That disconnected the call. I called her back on the cordless cuz I thought all was good. Then the power went out disconnected. Called her back on the landline phone...power came back on again, got disconnected. WTF!!! Then it finally came back on again and it's been OK so far. But I haven't called P back just we'd probably just get hung up on again :P So I nuked some mini pizza thingys just cuz it only takes 2 and a half mins to make so it was the quickest thing to cook in case the power went out again, haha. I thought today was gonna be a repeat of the Blackout and I was like, oh no what am I gonna doooo? That meant I'd have no choice but to do hw all day cuz it was the only thing to do that didn't require electricity :P But then again, it was still daytime but kinda dark out and no lights wasn't helpin the situation. Can't read and write if you can't see what you're doin!

I saw a cop car outside and I looked out the window and there was some accident I think cuz there were a few of them blockin off the road. It was almost in front of my house, on the right like 20 steps away. I figured maybe a hydro pole got knocked over or somethin so that's why the power was out.

But it's all straight now. Reset all the clocks in the house. Gonna work on my essay and think about what to get for Fish's present and when I can get it. I was thinkin to drop by tomorrow after she's home from class...but when would I have time to get it? And I should probably hit the library at school to get some more done on my paper.


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