Friday, November 26, 2004

And here I thought I'd head to bed earlier. Yup, P happened. With L, haha. So today I was doin some essay work and brushin up my resume in type...I have no intentions of goin out. Just when I showered and washed my hair, L calls me and wants to go play pool or go for coffee. I'm like, well OK I's not like I have an early morning the next day. And while I still hafta dry my hair, get ready, and change outta my jammies, she can come over and help me some more with my resume formatting and I had some questions and stuff. P calls and she wants to do somethin too, even tho she's got work in the morning. Of course by somethin, she means go to Q's. So we all went and surprisingly Ian wasn't there so she called him. We played pool and foosball til he got there. Some guys came over to our foosball table and wanted to play...even tho there was another one on the other side. Stupid men. And they somehow ended up takin it over til P kicked them off, haha. This dude we were still playin with was hardcore pro. We didn't even see that he scored til we heard the ball 'ka-chunk' into the goal. Violent, thundering scoring. I felt it in my bones, haha. Anyway, he was interested in P...I could tell by the first second he got his eyes on her, haha. He was all like, what's up with your friend? Is that guy her bf? (Ian). I'm like, uh...I really don't know, it's complicated. I just didn't want to tell him anythin and good thing cuz P was like, NO INFORMATION! :P I don't think anythin was gonna tear her away from Ian anyway. He looked really good with his new haircut FYI, hee.

So in true P-styles, it somehow dragged on til 2. I was just tellin L how she manages a way to get you home later and later, as strong as your intentions may be, haha.

So I still hafta print out my resume and study up on some possible interview questions. Blah. And get Fish's present...if she wants it tomorrow or on Tues. And somethin for Lionel too. Wow, when Dec 8 comes around, I'll have nuthin else to worry about.


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