Thursday, November 25, 2004

Yeah I'm not goin to class today. So I'll work on my essay and get ready for my interview tomorrow. I think I just might start to lose my mind soon. I've got this final paper due in 2 weeks (3000 words but do-able), the interview, my mom's leavin for Asia soon, and tomorrow's also Fish's bday thing. She was bein a Priscilla and wasn't gonna do anythin either but her sister convinced her so it's dinner and 'Cosmic bowling with a DJ!' Fri night. I love how we've never done bowling as 16 yr olds and instead went clubbin and whatnot, but we do it at 24, haha. Her actual bday isn't til Tues tho. Then it's mine 4 days after that. I'm slightly freakin out. Not just about gettin older but cuz I have no idea what I'm doin that night and with this group, you hafta tell them asap cuz there's always other plans and work and exams and crap around that time.'s Lionel's 24th today! Happy bday!! :) I haven't talked to that one since L's bday. Well, that's another call to make!


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