Sunday, November 21, 2004

It was a Q's weekend. Yes, we were there Fri and Sat. I don't even know what to say, it was 1 of those weird, bizarre, interesting, and funny kinda nights...I mean Fri was anyway. Outta control. It was probably P's new updo. She got her boss to do her hair at work so she was rockin this runway model-mohawk-pouf, like the drummer from Lillix. I'm tellin you it was the hurr, haha. I dunno why but it was the busiest I've ever seen, there was like 50 ppl there. It's a small place with like 9 pool tables so it was pretty crowded. I think it was heaven cuz they were a lotta hot boys, haha. P's like, there's so many guys in here, I can't take it! LOL Ian and Al were there so we played and talked and whatnot. Then we saw Craig. Then Tyler, Miguel's little brother. Then Travis walked in! Haha. Then we saw Kris, Man, and Spear! Me and P were like, what is this?? It's hs reunion time. Haha...crazy. We went over and talked to Craig. He's like, the last time I saw you was at your bday dinner at Kelsey's (read last yr's post :P) Turns out his bday's the day after mine so we might just be at eachother's parties next month. I cannot believe Kris and Spear were there. They're crazy bastards :P And drunk like whoa. Yet they all still remembered my name, haha. Oh and we met a friend of theirs named Socrates, amazing! He apparently went to hs with us too but neither of us recognized him at all. We woulda remembered a dude named Socrates!

We stayed there a while and they were closin up. The manager guy or whoever was shuttin the blinds and lockin the doors and slowly ppl were leavin. They're supposed to close at a certain time but they don't really til everybody jets when they jet. Then some ppl show up outta nowhere and I'm like, what's goin on? Ian's like, sometimes they have poker games after hrs. It was felt so underground, haha. It's like 3 am and we're still hangin around and talkin with Kris and them. Then Ian's like, are you comin back tomorrow? So we're like, yeah we'll try. He said he'd be there for sure and P already said we were gonna so...we went Sat :P

So yesterday was pretty much the same thing as Fri except with a new group of random guys, haha. I met a couple that I've seen around and a couple that knew the ppl we were chillin with. Mike and Andrew, I think? And the others I don't remember...or I didn't even catch, haha. Ian was tellin them I was good and how I beat a couple of the guys already so this other dude wanted to play me. Ian, the rumour spreader, haha.

Some gems: the beer shirt, the guy who couldn't find his shoes cuz they were on his feet, "Shut up, bitch!", and "Don't arouse your stick." LOL Friggin Andrew flicked my ass with both hands, what the hell? It stung too. I tried to knee him in the crotch but he grabbed my leg and almost took me down :P I think I tried to knee all the guys that night...or kick them in the ass, fuckin givin me attitude haha. We left at 3 again. Good habits.

Tonight's the Grey Cup game...GOOOOO ARGOS!!


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