Monday, November 15, 2004

Wakin up at 10 is a bit too early to go shoppin. For me. Me and L went to Square One and Yorkdale and I came back with nuthin. Well, P's gift certificates but that's it. I didn't even get my bus tickets :P I saw a lottery kiosk and I was decidin whether to get my tickets there. L was walkin away, sayin to get them when there isn't a line but I was already standin there :P There was just 2 ppl there and somebody just left. But then I was like, yeah OK I'll come back later. Then L said, no we're already here, just get in line. I was waitin behind some woman and she was buyin lotto ticket after lotto ticket and there was another employee so I went to the other side. Apparently she very busy doin somethin else so she sent me back to that side. I went back over and the same lady was still there buyin PACKS of lotto tickets now, then when I thought she was done, she got some more. It really was takin a while. Another woman lined up behind me and I guess she was so exasperated with waitin cuz she exhaled/sighed/huffed really deeply that it blew my hair, haha. When I finally got to the counter, the woman workin there said they were out of adult TTC tickets today. That's great!! L saw me come back with nothing and she's like, are you fuckin kiddin me? Haha. And I still didn't buy a thing from 2 of the bigger malls in the province. It was a nice day out today tho :P

Last night Jay wanted to hit Q's and I was like, I dunno we'll see. I had to call L back and told him I'd talk to him later. When I came back, he was offline so I was gonna msg him on his cell just to let him know I was just gonna chill at home but he came back and was like so? I'm like, yeaaaah I think I'm gonna stayin in tonight. He's like, lol why do you wanna do that? Haha, why not? He's like, cuz I wanna go out with you. I'm like, the awards are on tonight (and the Argos final and Summerland, come on, haha) :P Geez, if I'm gonna tell you the truth and say that I don't feel like goin out and doin somethin, it's what it is. I don't really like havin another person to answer to, like I'm obligated to let him know what I'm doin and gettin back to him, etc. I don't feel like dealin with it sometimes. I tend to get that 'attached' vibe from him. Boy needs to back it up a bit :P


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