Sunday, November 14, 2004

I'm hiccupping like a mofo right now. I can't believe I spent so much money in 1 night. Cat is a wonder-freak...she drinks like a man!! She had like 3 pints of beer and the glass is so big you hafta use 2 hands to hold it. I'm talkin like in So I Married an Axe Murderer with Mike Myers where he's like, I believe I ordered a LARGE...and the coffee cup's as big as a soup bowl. OMG tonight was pure jokes, so much fun. We brought L and Chief along too. Food, basketball, pool, foosball, dudes with a camera, alcohol...I dunno know WHAT we were doin, haha.

"Oh I'll focaccia your panini!"
"You got some 'tortilla' on your lip."
"There's a lime in it, BIATCH!"
"Hotstuff, do the tiger."

"I'm Rain Man...Woman."

Chief: "Do you guys know what a titmouse is?"
Cat: "What the hell? Titmouse?"
Me: "I dunno...a mouse with titties?"
Chief: "Google it. Put in titmouse then go to Images. Catherine, do it when you get home."
Cat: "Nooooo! I don't want to!"



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