Wednesday, November 10, 2004

I decided not to do an audio blog cuz I'm just that lazy...which is dumb cuz I was too lazy to write this whole long post in the 1st place :P Now I don't feel like writin all of it anyway cuz it's ranting and convoluted so whatever.

Mon night was P's idea to go out cuz I was only there to help her out. This involved Marcus and a "best bday gift ever" if you can use your imagination. This was another one of her lil plans and she calls me for them cuz I'm the only one who goes along with them...and I'm the ride, haha. Am I the best friend you can ask for or what? So the plan was we'd go to Q's, play a while, she'd call him and they'd leave and then come back. Obviously this would leave me by myself for about an hr so that's why she was like, call Jay. I'm like, are you kiddin me? After what happened a few days ago? Then I told her about the cool/not cool situation with me and Jay. But he was online and I asked him if he wanted to hang with me and P, not just to ask but to get a feel for how he was about the last convo. Seems he didn't care much at all cuz he was like yeah sure, haha. So when me and P got to Q's, we parked in the lot and she had nervous energy and we still had to wait for Jay a while to get there so she's like, let's get some cigarettes! I'm like, what?? She doesn't smoke and if she ever does, it's only cigars. And I haven't smoked for a while (in my half-ass quittin state) so she's just worsening my habits, haha. She's like the bad influence the parents talk about...she really is a good girl, she's got morals and a job and she's really into spirituality, etc. But she's that friend who you're sittin with in a jail cell, haha. And not like I'm complainin cuz I'd probably be in there sayin how much fun that was :P

Anyway so we go find a gas station and I start her off easy with my Craven Menthols. We chill in the parkin lot, smokin haha. Jay rolls up and we go into Q's. Ian's there. We're playin pool and P borrows Ian's cell to call Marcus except he's not pickin up his phone all night and his mailbox is full. P's not pleased. She goes out to use the pay phone and picks up sushi on the way, haha. We play foosball and darts. P bent up a dart and I'm like, just leave it don't bend it back. Sure enough she snaps half of it off. She's like, dammit! This happened to me when I was in the States and I had to pay like $30! I KNEW I shouldn't have played! LOL But she insisted on goin to pay for it but the girl said it was OK. Then told us it was $4/hr to play darts, haha. It had always been free whenever we played before :P

Well P was chattin Ian up so me and Jay went out for a smoke. It was COLD that night and we were out there for like half an hr :P That's when the whole big convo happened. Don't wanna get into that, ha.

So there was no Marcus that night and P was mad, haha. He had called back Ian's cell to see who called him but it wasn't Ian or P that picked up so they didn't get in touch at all. It was interesting tho. I was only supposed to be there for support, haha. Shit, we got there at like 8:30 and left around 1:30. I honestly dunno what took up 5 hrs!

So last night I was thinkin me and L were gonna do somethin. I talk to her on the phone for a bit then she said she had to call me back. Jay comes online and asks what's goin on. I said I wasn't sure but what'd you have in mind? So this goes on and I never said I would do anythin with him cuz I had told him that I'd see what was happenin with plans with L. He kept askin and askin. See, if I was him (and I'd think anybody else would), I'd just say, OK well if you're not doin anythin, call me later and we can hang. Right? Startin to border on needy :P

Anyway, L wasn't up for anythin and P then calls and wants to go out, haha. Where do we end up again? Q's. 3 times in 4 days is gettin a bit much, haha. Sat in the parkin lot smokin again like we were high schoolers tokin up. P wasn't so sure about goin in cuz Ian would probably be there and he'd think she was comin by to see him, haha. And he was there. He's ALWAYS there. And there's a buncha ppl who I didn't know worked there but just play there a lot and I dunno if they're actually workin or not :P We had to get this guy with the key, who was just playin pool and darts with his buddies all night and payin too, to get the ball out the table and shit like 3 times. He said he had 'heard' about the dart incident.

"Did you guys play darts? Like you were here last night, right?"
"Yeah." *Pause* "It was her!"
"Yeah, those were mine." LOL
"Haha, it's OK."

We played like 15 games, no lie. It was gettin to 1 am and P's tired but she's like, we're playin til I win! I'm like, honey you know that's not gonna happen, haha...and you look like you wanna sleep, what's wrong with you. She's like, but I wanna winnnnn! It's over when I fall down! LOL What a psycho. Got home at 2...we finally left cuz it wasn't gonna happen :P Plus she had work the next day. Plus I had to get up to go to Vaughn Mills with L in the morning. Plus Q's closes at 2 ;) P's like, OK next time...bowling, haha.

Ugh, so we didn't get to go to the mall after all today cuz L's bro took her car to work for some reason. I wanted to see just how hype Vaughn Mills is. It's insane big and has all this crazy stuff goin on.

I'm sure I'll do an audio post about The Convo after this. It's always good to get the whole picture.


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