Tuesday, November 30, 2004

I was intent on comin home with purchases this time and that I did. We hit 2 malls and were out for 5 hrs. I got those specific black pants I wanted from Jacob and an Old Navy fleece pullover.

Oh and I saw Mike from Q's at the mall. It's just weird to see ppl from there outside of Q's...it's like they're not in their element...Q's ppl stay in Q's, haha.

Today is Fish's official day of birth so happy bday!! I got her DVDs...a double-pack of Never Been Kissed and Down with Love, along with Love, Actually...cuz she likes those romantic comedy chick flicks. The surprise got kinda spoiled tho. She was goin out to dinner with her parents and Lyn so she said she'd call me when she was back cuz I wanted to give her the presents. She said she'd come by and get them so when she got home, she calls me.

"Hey, hold on......k me and Lyn are just tryin to burn a DVD but it's not workin."
"Which one?"
"Love, Actually...you know how I LOVE that movie!"
(Oooooh that was a close one!)
"Oh...well, don't worry about burnin it."
"Why, why not?"
"OH!! Is that what you got me????" LOL
"Yeah! But now you ruined it, haha...but I got you other movies too, so you better not have those either."

She was so happy, esp since she didn't hafta get all frustrated with copyin the burned one, haha. She'll be comin by to pick them up since she's gonna be out.

On an unrelated topic...this one falls under DUMB. For the past few days, the internet connection on the upstairs computer has been sketchy and I had no idea why (cuz I'm ignorant and know nothing about computer stuff...I chalked it up to damn Rogers Cable). Sometimes it'd work and other times it wouldn't. I'm like, what the hell, it's kinda fucked up that it's fine on some days. My MSN works and I can click on my email from there but I can't open any other pages on Explorer. I can get to websites on the downstairs computer so I don't get why it doesn't work upstairs. Very weird. So I go to reset the cable thingy and I know it doesn't help it cuz I've done it before and it didn't work...but, just for tryin's sake, I check all the plugs in the back (whatever they connect to and whatever purpose they serve :P) of the box and make sure they're all attached. The big black one was attached but it just wasn't plugged in ALL the way. I'm like, don't even tell me that's what it was. So I waited for it to come back on and it was workin! RETARDED!! That's so ridiculous that if it's plugged in, MSN but nothing else works, but if it's completely plugged in as far as it can go, then everythin's OK. I dunno if somebody's accidentally movin the box around so that the plug comes out a little or what. Geez.

And before my mom left, she said somebody will be droppin off a package (a new internet cable box) so to be home to receive it. Apparently they came today but I didn't even know it. L came over so we could go shoppin and I was gonna go unlock the door in advance but she was already there and I went to the door. She gave me some sticky mail note that somebody had been there but since no one was home to take it, we could pick it up at the mail centre. It said it was at 1:45. It was like 1:46...L had driven up the street and parked and walked to the door and hadn't seen anybody or any cars. I didn't hear no knockin or even the doorbell. What the? Really strange. We're like, the guy's LYIN! Haha. 'Rod' has some explainin to do.


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