Monday, December 06, 2004

Yesterday was all about the recovery. I had too much cake, haha. I think it was apple/maple somethin from Shoeless and chocolate mouse/tuffle stuff that I had at home. I didn't even have time for it on Sat with the family. Not that they cared all that much, they knew I was goin out and they understand, haha. We all chatted in the kitchen while we had the cake. I found out so much stuff I never knew about my parents. My dad's awesome :) Very weird mood last night...felt surreal...I think I might be thinkin about grad school again.

I almost forgot Em's bday...but I didn't! Happy bday to that fool...1 day younger than me :)

It REALLY snowed today. Blah. I'll only like it when it's Christmas.

Now I hafta crack down and do some hw this week. 3 days, 12 pages...that's do-able.


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