Friday, December 10, 2004

Holy crap, this has been a day. SO! I went to sleep at 7 this morning :P My sister had gotten up for work and she's like, what're you doin up so early?

"I'm goin to bed."
"I was doin my hw."

OMG I was doin my essay all night til like 6 am. It was takin longer than I thought cuz it wasn't as long as it was supposed to be and I couldn't come up with good material to pad it up. But I wasn't goin to bed til I was done it cuz I didn't wanna get up still and be finishin it the next morning. I was gonna have it all ready to go and take it to school sometime in the afternoon. I suprisingly wasn't even tired...and I actually wouldn't have done it any other way. Everybody has their methods :P But geez, the footnotes were killin me...that took a damn long time! So I slept til about 11 cuz of the fuckin noise. Oh, I found out what the bangin fuss was. They were fixin the roof! Man, I have no sense of where noise comes from :P And I only found out cuz I saw ladders outside and a crapload of the old shingles in the yard. Nobody tells me anythin. So the roofing guys were at it again this morning and woke me up. I can't take more of this shit, I get heart attacks cuz I hear sudden booms like they were bodyslammin eachother up there so I think somebody fell or somethin. Honestly, I was scared one of them was gonna come crashin down. I'm like, I swear I hear the ceiling crumblin. There's so much bangin and shakin. And they're comin back tomorrow, eesh.

Anyway, I was goin to bed as everyone was goin to work, haha. I got to school around 4, handed my paper in, and dropped off the video. See, the work I did in the past couple days...that's how I justify bein on break for the resta the month now :) I earned it, haha.

I get home and there's nothing to eat and pretty much nothing to make anythin with so I call L and tell her to take me out for dinner, haha. She's like, OK we'll call Vick too. So we ate at Boston Pizza and P called the both of us but we didn't hear our cells. Apparently after our convo last night, P decided we were gonna do somethin tonight cuz we couldn't go out the night before cuz I was doin my essay :P So we picked her up too and went to Q's to see Ian...of course. Then Jay called! Oh my lord, I tell him I can't chill with him cuz I'm doin hw and I'm like, but I'm free after the 9th. He calls me the NIGHT OF. So he's like, what're you doin etc etc and I said he could swing by Q's cuz that's where we'd be. So we all played and whatnot. Tom was there too (guy who flicked my ass a few weeks ago...his name's Tom haha, that's what it is). I think Jay got ever so slightly jealous I was talkin to Tom in the way I was :P Meh! OMG I didn't think I was gonna go right out after I got home from school so I looked like hell anyway. Hello dark circles and bags under my eyes.

We walked over to Timmy's to give P and Ian some time. We were chillin there when these 2 girls came in and nobody was comin to serve them. It's not that unusual for the Timmy's ppl to be in the back late at night but...then they up and went behind the counter and startin gettin their own coffee. We were watchin them and we're like, OK? I'm like, wow that's some balls, haha. They saw us lookin at them and they're like, we both used to work here, it's OK. That was funny. They were takin food and punchin in their order into the register and puttin their money in the drawer from the other side and takin their change, haha. We're like, hey can you bring us a couple donuts too? :) The baker guy came out and they're like, tell your night guy he's doin a crappy job (cuz apparently they all knew eachother), haha.

So that was the adventures of me. I'm done!! I'm gettin wasted this weekend, like you don't even know. I'm clearly not gonna get decent sleep tonight either since I'll be abruptly awakened tomorrow so that's why I'm not botherin to go to bed at a respectable time. Makes sense to me. I'm not even tired! WOOOOOOOO!!!


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