Sunday, December 12, 2004

My abs still hurt from like 2 days ago, as if I was throwin up the entire night. Which I don't understand cuz I didn't even throw up at all. And I know it wasn't from doin crunches cuz I haven't done any this week, haha...and when I do them, my abs are never sore so I really don't know!

Last night was...I dunno, I don't wanna keep usin the word interesting or funny :P But it was typical of a day in the life of...

Dinner was good. We went to Pizza Rustica downtown where they're apparently famous for the...wait for But I chose to go for the ravioli :) It's really dark in there tho, we thought it was closed when we saw it from the outside. I assume it's for the intimate atmosphere but I feel for any old folks who'll have trouble readin the menus :P

L came over cuz G had studyin and hw to do...and she wanted some of my bday cake. She couldn't fool me, I was onto her plan, haha. We watched MadTV and SNL ("Where is it taped? California?...New York?...'live from New York', ahhhhh OK" [this was all L talkin as I was givin her a look of 'wow you're dumb'] LOL. And we watched Gremlins! Gizmo is hands-down the cutest thing in movies!! How old is that flick...I remember bein scared of the Gremlins when I was younger, esp the pod and gooey, haha...ick. It looked pretty good for an '80s movie, props to the special effects crew back then.

Then I had to drive L home and it was pretty cold out. I have one thing to say...Driving Miss Daisy LOL Winter weather + my car = doors that won't open. Plus I had to back outta my driveway horizontally (don't ask) so that took a few tries!

I wanted to go to the Nas concert. Boo.

I'm readin this book Tash got me for my bday called "Watch Your F*cking Language-How to swear effectively, explained in explicit detail and enhanced by numerous examples taken from everyday life". That's right, why read an actual novel of literature when you can read somethin you'll use? Haha. "How am I gonna need this in life?" But Shy got me this bigass book of Poe so hey, I can balance trivial with educational.


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