Tuesday, August 15, 2006

This weekend was amazing!

Sat night me and Al met up with Kim and Greg at Shmooze. Al had done the "best breakup ever" with Ryan and they were still friends so she invited him too. We didn't really expect him to show up but there he was with his buddies Scott and Neil.

There was a lot of ppl in the mix that night...Kim's coworkers, Ryan's friends, Debbie (from hs) came! The main reason why we were goin to Shmooze was cuz Kim said they had cheap drinks on Sat.

$2.50 drinks all night is TROUBLE. You can guess what went down :P

It was a hurricane of drinks, laughs, pairin off, dance-offs, and the bartender settin his hand on fire and settin a pyramid of shot glasses ablaze. Yeah! His HAND on FIRE! I didn't even see him put this gel stuff on and just dipped his hand into a candle and he went up in flames. Me and Al saw him do it for some other ppl on the lower level across the club and we were like, damn that's fuckin crazy! We gotta have that! So we ran down there and asked him for the same thing. I still don't know what was in those shots but they were on fire so that is SICK, haha.

So much fun. Met some really nice randoms. Oh and Fiona, L's friend from her college course that I've been out with a couple times, was there too. We both did a double-take and were like, hey! It was just strange cuz L wasn't there, haha.

At the end of the night, everybody had bounced and it was me, Al, Ryan, and Neil. They wanted to eat so we went for Chinese. I feel so sorry for the poor waiters who have to deal with drunken ppl orderin food at that time of night :P

Apparently "cold tea" means beer! What the eff?? I guess it's a down-low way of orderin it after hrs :P Anyway, nobody needed more alcohol at that point.

Neil took off and the rest of us took a cab back to our car and Ryan took it back home. The moral of the story is...I shouldn't have drank that much, haha.

I didn't get to bed til 5. I slept in like a superstar. Good thing I didn't have work the next day! Cuz I booked that shit off for MARIAH!!

Sun was the Mariah concert. That show was wicked. Me and L came down with G, and Al drove with Laura. Kim and Cat were also goin to the show but I didn't see them til I called them during the intermission and they waved down to me.

Sean Paul opened but I missed his first song cuz I had to give Meg and Jordan (London kids) their tickets. I was already inside and they still had to line up. I met Meg at the door and waited for them to come thru cuz everybody else was already sittin. I heard thumpin bass and screams and then SP's voice and I was like, aw shit. I texted them he was on already on and said I'd see them inside, haha.

Gotta say, was a little disappointed with SP's set. He didn't do too many songs that I liked and they were all remixed and sounded nothing like his original tracks, and not really in the good way. I dunno, the flow wasn't there. But still, entertaining...at least I saw him live.

Mariah's set was worthy of the ticket price. Maybe it was just me but it felt short, like she could've done more songs cuz she has such a lot of albums, all with a bunch of singles. Ah well. Costume changes, nice lighting, big stage...and a smaller stage in the middle of the venue :) Originally we thought she'd have a catwalk leadin up to it but there wasn't one, it was just the divider between the floor seats.

She did all the big songs. I was losin it when she did "Honey", "Dream Lover", and "Fantasy". Her DJ was ridiculous. He spun and mixed tracks while Mariah did her costume changes and it was like up in the clubs. Me and L were so into it, bouncin and singin/yellin the words. "Bass drop! All the uly ppl be quiet! All the ugly ppl be quiet!" Hahaha.

They said that cameras weren't allowed. I know they always say that on the tickets and the general policy or whatever of the promotors/venue is like that too but I dunno why cuz everybody always ends up bringin them and we all see a million flashes go off during a show and nobody cares. But they actually made a big announcement and were checkin for real. How the fuck can you go to a concert and not take pictures?? That ain't right. I think I heard someone say that Mariah doesn't like her picture taken or some shit like that. Nonetheless, I snuck mine in by just takin G's jacket and hangin it over my arm with it in the sleeve :P I didn't bring a purse with me so I didn't get searched and patted down. Cake. I had to be careful tho cuz there was a security guy standin guard right at the end of our row next to Al. I was bein selective of the shots I took so I didn't have any of Sean Paul in case I got caught early and couldn't get any of Mariah later on. L said the security guy told somebody to go check their camera outside when he caught them usin it, eesh. So most of the Mariah pix are kinda blurry cuz I had to use super zoom with no flash. Then a bunch at the end were fine where I went bonanazas and snapped away, haha.

Good times. Al had work early in the morning tho and she was our ride home so no partyin after :( Tho I probably shouldn't have been havin any more liquor for that weekend...besides the Smirnoff Ice at the show :P Fuck, I'm just a big alcoholic.

I had yesterday off too. I made my availability for 4 in the afternoon but they decided not to give me an evening shift and just made that my day off.

Today just made me hate my job but that's just expected sooner or later. I made good money, esp since I had an 8 hr shift, but they've always got me watchin my PSP numbers and that makes me worry...and kinda mad at myself...or rather, the customers who don't get PSP, ha. Anyway, I'm in the green so far! That's a big deal! That's right, GREEN. Aaaand that makes sense to nobody but those who work with me so carryin on.

I'm feelin kinda sleepy so I'm gonna peace out.