Thursday, July 29, 2004

So I think me and Aaron are goin out tonight after he gets off work.  And the brain stress begins! Haha.  Nah, I usually just go with it cuz I'm not the overanalyzin type.  I'm such a Sagittarius!   My horoscope the other day went somethin like: "You want a straight-forward life but you can't take the boredom."  I was like, true :P

It's Caribana weekend...hope there's no trouble this yr.  We're goin to a bar tomorrow and to Nat's bday thing on Sat.  Caribana weekend, ppl!  Oooohweeee, haha.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

I know I said many posts ago that I'd give the down low on the Aaron situation, cuz it's a lotta stuff and I've just been lazy about it but here it is.

Let's just say he's got a history...baggage, I you DON'T EVEN KNOW!  That in itself is about an hr's conversation right there. Then there's my own thing--I just don't do bf's.  I'm not a relationship person.  I honestly don't think I can be with one person. I like goin out and such but I think it's cuz I'm not too fond of the connotations of exclusivity.  I like bein single.  Is that wrong?  Maybe I'm a commitophobe, I dunno.  I've experienced matters of the heart and I've seen what trouble gettin in too deep can bring.  And you know what?  It really is a lot easier just not to go there.  One of the things I hate the most is seein someone get hurt.  They have pain, I have pain, it's too much drama.  And I'd rather not put Aaron thru that.  I like spendin time with him and it's mutual but I purposefully haven't crossed 'that' line with him yet cuz once you do, you can't change it and it's a bitch if you wanna go back to just bein friends.  I like him but there's a buncha things in the way.  Well, I got over most of those (some I just didn't care about, the past is the past and I don't judge) but they're the type of things that stay in the back of your mind.  And they should cuz it affects my future.  But then I'm not thinkin that far ahead (should it not even work out anyway) but then again, you can say that I should cuz why go forward with it knowin what you're gettin into and then changin your mind about it later on?  Ugh, so complicated!!  And I'm not sayin all that I wanna say but that's pretty much the deal.

Just as I was thinkin to myself, well hmmm...I wonder when Aaron's gonna be back...he said 2 and a half weeks he'd be gone and he hasn't called yet, that's weird of him.  Now where is that bastard? Haha...then I get a voice mail from him today.  But I got it just now and I figure it's late so I'll call him tomorrow.  And I have to get back to Alan too...cuz I tend to avoid phone calls, haha. 

Monday, July 26, 2004

We were supposed to go watch tennis yesterday cuz it was free (family cotton candy too! AHH!!) but no one could find Fish.  That ass, haha.  But it's OK cuz it was too early to get up for anyway :P
I wanted to see Anchorman or The Bourne Supremacy last night but THAT didn't go down as planned :P  So me and P went to Q's.  Then we went to get her a 'special' cigar, haha but we couldn't find somewhere to smoke it (damn smokin law and places that play bad music, haha). 
Ouch...I have a bruise in the middle of my back and I have no idea how I got it.  L's like, Lana did it, haha.  I'm like, yeah she probably kicked me LOL  

Sunday, July 25, 2004

To elaborate on that...LOL...we went to the Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner and the Bier Markt (beer market) for drinks.  

I met Lana's friends and they're like, so how do you know Lana?  I'm like, I don't...I'm friends with that blonde chick and she knows her from school, haha.  And 1 of them goes to the same school as me and doin another yr too ;)  We bonded as the lonely ones goin for a smoke. 

The Bier Markt--L wanted to go there but we're not beer drinkers at all.  Fish was supposed to take us, as the only non-virgin to the market, but oh well.  So it was all beer haha, but it's a bar so they have other stuff too so it was alright.  It's chill--there's music and a live band too, totally packed. 

So when in and L had Sleeman Honey Brown somethin and it was actually decent.  I never drink beer cuz I don't like it so I was suprised it didn't taste like piss.  And then we all got hammered, haha.  You know how they say there's the side of you everyone sees and then there's the side that comes out after a few drinks?  Lana went INSANE LOL  I think that night was the funniest thing I've ever experienced.  Movin onto the floor, we were in front of the stage, we danced, she got her ass bday smacked by the singer, got hit on by a few middle aged men, haha. Her other friend who came late to dinner was a very FRIENDLY chick, haha. She was sittin there out of it and lookin like she was gonna spew but still havin fun anyway :P  We had to jet and she was like, awww you're leavin?  Then latched onto my arm and hands and goin, don't leave don't leave! Hahaha.

Those peeps were the coolest, it was like we hung out all the time instead of havin just met a few hrs ago. 
*Nerd voice* Yay, new friends! LOL  We gotta do this again. 

Tonight was fuckin wicked!  I drank beer!  Lana's crazy!  I dunno why I'm yellin! "WHAAAT????" LOL