Thursday, September 21, 2006

I've been pretty much just crawlin thru the work days this week. How unexciting.

I'm sure somethin's happened since Mon but I can't think of it so it can't really be all that interesting anyway.

I don't work with Evan much anymore. I think they purposely separate us so we can actually do work, haha. Not that there's much to do. This month's been pretty dead. I'm half glad that it is cuz that means minimal customer contact and therefore even less odds that of dealin with aggravating ones, AND less opportunity to lower my PSP percentage. Cuz if sell more products without the Service Plan attached then it goes down and in the eyes of management that equals death almost :P

Well I got to see Ev today cuz he started when I finished and L dropped by too.

Eesh, I have to be up at 7:30 tomorrow. At least I don't have to be at work at 8 like last week. The gen. manager's got some of his marbles back and bumped it down to 8:30. That's still crazy and kinda dumb but I won't argue about an extra half an hr in the morning.

I'm goin out for damn sure cuz I've got Sat off!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Chris and J are married!!

There aren't really words to encompass this. They've been together since hs and I've known them both since we were all 8 yrs old. Now they're husband and wife. Crazy. Then again, we all knew it was was more like, finally!

It's been a Chris & J weekend. A bunch of us went over to their condo on Fri night to chill cuz they figured there wouldn't get a chance or much time to chat on Sat since that was their wedding day and all. Some peeps from Austin came up for the wedding and they were over. Mickey came up from Chicago too. I've seen that guy, like, once since hs cuz he moved for school and work.

OMG me, J, Chris, Meen, and Mickey...since the 3rd grade. I can't believe it. J and Mickey were inseparable like me and Meen were back in the day. And we had our respective grade-school crushes on them, haha.

So Sat was the big day. I didn't have a dress or shoes or ANYTHIN ready cuz I'm an idiot. I got my hair dyed, cut, and done at noon. Then I went over to Meen's house to borrow a dress, went to Shopper's to pick up a card (which was a big task since for some reason the parkin lot was PACKED and I had to drive around for a spot and finally got one all the way at the other end), and then looked for shoes in the closest at home. I made myself sweat, haha.

Me, Mickey, Fish, Meen, and Pris all went in one car and off we went to Hart House. The place is really pretty for a wedding, cuz they reserved the quad courtyard so the ceremony was outside.

It was storybook, everyone looked really good. A few of us were teary-eyed cuz J and Chris wrote their own vows, and Chris was cryin in the middle of hers.

You honestly can't find a more perfect match than the two of them. None of us can even imagine one without the other, it's just unnatural.

Reception bar! Haha. Dinner, speeches, games, pictures, catchin up with Shan, Jay, Sanji, and Shaun A, and lots of dancin. And each table had sparklers to send off the bride and groom :)

Such an amazing time, good times all the way thru. The old hs crew hung around after everybody left and then most of us decided to go do somethin else since it was Sat night and we were downtown :D

Me, Fish, Al, and Mickey hooked up with the Austin ppl and hit Panorama for drinks. I think it's safe to say most of us got tipsy by the time the reception was over, haha. But still classy enough that we were weren't obnoxiously loaded. It was open bar :P

So that night, it just so happened that the couple in the Austin group had a dating anniversary and the next day (since it was technically past midnight) was another of the guys' bday! Drinks all around.

The Austin peeps were cool, the guys were a funny bunch. It was fun hangin out with them and spendin time with Mickey. He's so Americanized!

Old friends brought back together, a power couple got hitched, laughs and memories, and a late night run to Timmy's. Best wedding ever.

Holy, it felt good to sleep in today! Wicked weekend!