Thursday, September 21, 2006

I've been pretty much just crawlin thru the work days this week. How unexciting.

I'm sure somethin's happened since Mon but I can't think of it so it can't really be all that interesting anyway.

I don't work with Evan much anymore. I think they purposely separate us so we can actually do work, haha. Not that there's much to do. This month's been pretty dead. I'm half glad that it is cuz that means minimal customer contact and therefore even less odds that of dealin with aggravating ones, AND less opportunity to lower my PSP percentage. Cuz if sell more products without the Service Plan attached then it goes down and in the eyes of management that equals death almost :P

Well I got to see Ev today cuz he started when I finished and L dropped by too.

Eesh, I have to be up at 7:30 tomorrow. At least I don't have to be at work at 8 like last week. The gen. manager's got some of his marbles back and bumped it down to 8:30. That's still crazy and kinda dumb but I won't argue about an extra half an hr in the morning.

I'm goin out for damn sure cuz I've got Sat off!


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