Friday, August 11, 2006

The rents are back. And of course makin a typical arrival, haha. I was pretty tired today so I took a nap a couple hrs ago. I get woken up by the doorbell and I make my way downstairs cuz I know it's them. I don't like to be interrupted :P Just as I'm about to answer the door, I hears keys turnin the lock and my mom swings it open. I'm like, why would you ring the doorbell if you have keys?? Then I said hi, told her I was sleepin when she asked me what I was doin, then went back upstairs to bed, haha.

Glad to the house is clean! And the garbage ppl actually picked up all the stuff I put outside, yay. I didn't end up findin a Blue Box so I just took everythin out in the beer case, haha. I figured it was cardboard so they'd take the whole thing :P

So I'm lame and on the computer on a Fri night cuz I'm still tired and I have work in the morning.

Yeah I was at work from 9 to, not 5, but 6 today. Ew. And I only made about $50. More to make up next shift! But at least Kane started with me so I wasn't alone and then Evan came in at 1, and that just makes my day better :) It's always jokes when we're scheduled together. Damn, 8 hrs just goes by a lot less slow when it goes well. A bunch of store peeps ordered Chinese for lunch and I got some yummy chicken balls and rice. Good stuff.

Oh and I saw...oh man I don't even remember her name, it's on the tip of my tongue...some girl from hs at work. We went to grade school together too. She was a yr younger but we were on the basketball team together. It was just kinda weird cuz I was comin up to her to see if she wanted help and said hi. She said hi back in that way that you're not really lookin at the person and then she looked up and was like, hey! I took a sec to recognize her cuz she had glasses on but I guess we still pretty much looked the same. And I saw Kevin McKay from hs too! But I've seen him like 3 times at work now but it's still nice to see him.

That was a lot about a no-event day. I'll wrap this up now. Maybe I'll actually get 8 hrs of sleep for tomorrow. Guess what? Another 9-5er, blar. But L will be workin the same hrs and Godwin will be bringin pix of the party, hee.

I can't believe it's almost bedtime. Cry.


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