Thursday, June 15, 2006

Nuthin goin on but work. They have the World Cup games on the TVs and the England vs Trinidad & Tobago match was this afternoon so me and Evan were watchin and freakin each time they scored. I hafta give work this much: the environment is cool. We can yell and woop it up while on a shift just cuz traffic is kinda slow, and it's OK. We got a couple looks from customers cuz we got a bit loud tho, haha.

Here's a little story. I was sleepy yesterday so I took a nap. I wasn't expecting to be down for as long as I was. I woke up and looked at my clock. 9:18 was the time. I panicked and thought, shit! I'm gonna be late for work! It was dark in my room but it didn't occur to me that it wasn't winter anymore and therefore it wouldn't be almost pitch black at this hr. It literally took me a few seconds to realize that it was 9 at night. Oh man. So out of it! I sleep for a couple hrs and think it's the next day :P

Well it's Thurs night, I'm itchin to get out, and I don't have work tomorrow. Bye bye.


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